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Monkfish Producers & Fish Processors of Monkfish, Anglerfish or Stargazer
Scientific Names: Lophius piscatorius, Uranoscopidae

Processors of Monkfish  |  Exporters of Monkfish  |  Importers of Monkfish  |
Wholesale Suppliers of Monkfish  |  Seafood Agents for Monkfish

See Also:  Stargazer  |  Angler Fish


Ocean More Foods Co., Limited
- Producer and Exporter of frozen fish from China. We have good quality Pelagic fish and Processed high value-added fish. Our pelagic fish include Pacific Mackerel, Bonito, Oriental Bonito, Horse Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Pacific Saury, all kinds of Tuna, Mullet, Scad, Mahi Mahi, John dory, Oilfish, Sardine, Blue Shark etc. We can also process Alaska pollock, Hake, Tilapia, Vannamei shrimp, Surimi crab sticks, Cod, Salmon, Yellow Fin Sole, Haddock, Saithe, Red fish, Greenland halibut, Arrowtooth flounder, Squid tube/ring, Baby octopus, Scallop, Mixed seafood, Canned fish, Pre-cooked fish, Dry Salted fish, Roasted fish etc. It can be packed as Fillets, Loin, Portion, Steak as per your detailed request. We also process frozen vegetable and frozen fruit.


JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
- Shellfish buyers and exporters - Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station. LIVE SHELLFISH: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus), Blue Lobster (Homarus gammarus), Winkles (Littorina Littorea), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Scallops- dived (Pecten maximus), Razor clams (Ensis Siliqua), Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). FRESH FISH: Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Smoked Haddock, Cod (Gadus morhua), Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius), Hake (Merluccius merluccius), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), John Dory (Zeus faber), Turbot (Psetta maxima), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Genuine Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Lemon Sole (Microstomus kitt), Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)


Alinco AS
- Alinco AS supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus), Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot (Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, Black Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King fish, Stock fish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab, Octopus, Squid and many others.


DC Fishing (Pty) Ltd.
- Exporters, Importers & Wholesalers of fresh and frozen fish and seafood products. DC Fishing, your trusted and experienced fish trading company, dedicated to sourcing and supplying sustainably caught seafood products to both local and international markets. We supply Fresh & Frozen Hake (Merluccius Capensis & Paradoxus), Jacopever (Sebastes Capensis), Yellowtail (Seriola Lalandi), Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares), Longfin Tuna (Thunnus Alalunga), Gurnards (Chelidonichthys Cuculus), Kingklip (Genypterus Capensis), Monkfish (Lophius), Snoek (Thyrsites), Octopus (Octopoda) and a variety of other species.


Bell Global Ltd
- Exporting Premium New Zealand Seafood - Alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo dory, black oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting, rays bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory, mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish, monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai, salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea perch, snapper, ribaldo, ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow squid, squid, cockle, pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters, paua, abalone, scallop, paddle crab, lobster, scampi, sea urchin (kina).



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Companies who process Monkfish:

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Dolmøy House of seafood AS
- Supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such as Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Trout Frozen, Live King Crab Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab, and many others.

SEABEV International
- Brazilian company specialised in production, international marketing and exportation of frozen Fish and Seafood. White Croaker (Umbrina canosai), Yellow Croaker (Micropogonias Furnieri), Ribbonfish (Trichiurus Lepturus), Silver Pomfret (Peprilus Spp), White Drum (Plagioscion Squamossissimus), Ilisha (Ilisha Brasiliensis), Monkfish (Lophius Gastrophysus), Red Porgy (Pagrus Pagrus), Red Snapper (Lutjanus Purpureus), Yellow Tail Snapper (Ocyurus Chrysurus), B Liner (Rhomboplites Aurorubens), Lane Snapper (Lutjanus Synagris), Skate (Raja Spp), Atlantic Bumper (Chloroscombrus Chysurus), Menhaden (Brevoortia Aurea), King Weakfish (Macrodon Ancylodon), Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus), Seatrout (Cynoscion Spp), Moonfish (Selene Setapinnis), Yellow Weakfish (Cynoscion Acoupa), Strawberry Grouper (Cephalopholis Spiloparaea), Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Trachurus), Grouper (Epinephelus Marginatus), Hake (Merluccius Hubbsi), Mullet Roe (Mugil Cephalus)

Great Northern Products, Ltd.
- Bringing to market the wealth of quality seafood products harvested and processed by our family of affiliated producers. Fresh Atlantic Halibut, Frozen Snow Crab, King Crab, Jonah Crab, Lobsters, Whelk, Cold Water Shrimp, White Shrimp, Greenland Halibut, Atlantic Mackerel, Atlantic Herring, Scup Sea bream, Ocean Perch Redfish, Capelin, Pacific Wild Salmon (Chum, Pink, King, Coho) Farm Raised Atlantic Salmon, Notothenia, Pacific Hake, Arrowtooth Flounder, Rock Sole, Yellowfin Sole, Grey Sole, Pacific Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, California Loligo Squid, Yellow Croaker, Smelts, Skate, Monkfish, Sea Cucumbers (Cucumaria Frondosa) dried Whelk & dried Mussel Meat

- We are a French company specialised in the Frozen Ready Meal and Frozen Seafood to the attention of Supermarket and Catering. We import frozen seafood from all around the world. Frozen Mussel, Shrimp, Squid, Alaskan Pollock, Cod, Yellowfin Sole, Scallops Meat, Salmon, Hake, Cuttlefish, Prawn, Pangasius, Hoki, Frog, Tuna, Saithe, Catfish, Ling, Dab, Plaice, Halibut, Sea Bass, Sea Bream, Whiting, Pike Perch, Haddock, Skate, Dogfish, Octopus, Lobster, Crab, Whelk, Monk tail, Trout, Clams, Gurnard, Crawfish, Shark, John Dory and Pouting.

The Town Dock
- Suppliers of Blackback Flounder, Yellowtail Flounder, Fluke (Summer Flounder), Tautog, Monk tails, Black Sea Bass, Wild Striped Bass, Bluefish, Scup/Porgy, Skate Wings, Tilefish, Butterfish, Whiting, Ling, Mackerel, Cod, Weakfish, Haddock, John Dory, Conger Eel, Sea Scallops, Dabs, arrowtooth flounder, black cod, butterfish, capelin, croaker, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, menhaden, pollock, redfish, salmon, sardines, scup, shrimp, snow crab, squid, whelk

Kaysaint International Co. Ltd
- Provides a wide scope of seafood from China. Specially for mackerel, bonito, tuna, sardine, mullet, mahi, squid etc. For the global customers sourcing demand, we provide quality product, competitive price and on time delivery.

Scrabster Seafoods Ltd
- Fishermen, processors, exporters and wholesale suppliers of live brown crab, blue lobster, king scallop, razor clams. Fresh haddock, smoked haddock, cod, monkfish, hake, Greenland halibut, john dory, turbot, Pacific Oysters, lemon sole, megrim, plaice, black scabbard, blue ling, red fish. Frozen Greenland halibut and brown crab. Cooked Brown crab, monkfish tails & fillets, whiting butterfly fillets, smoked haddock and smoked cod.

Newquay Shellfish
- Exporters and wholesale suppliers of fresh European (blue) Lobster - Homarus gammarus, Brown Crab - Cancer pagurus, Craw Fish - Palinurus vulgaris, Spider Crab - Lithodes malja, Pollock - Pollachius pollachius, Turbot - Scophthalmus maximus, Monkfish (Anglerfish) - Lophius piscatorius, Dover Sole - Solea solea, Hake - Merluccius merluccius, Ray - Rajidae

Bestsource Foods Co. Ltd
- Seafood Processors, exporters & wholesale distributors. Our mainly export Cod(pacific and Atlantic), Haddock, Salmon, Monkfish, YSL, Squid

Rongcheng Nanguang Foodstuff Co. Ltd
- Producers, processors and exporters of pacific mackerel (scomber japanicus), Spanish mackerel, pollock, cod fish, monkfish, squid (Tordarodes Pacificus), yellow croaker, ribbon fish, herring, bonito, Mahi-mahi, anchovy, sandlance, dried seafoods and so on.

Kingmax Seafood Limited
- Exporters of Sea Bass, tilapia, Gadus cod, hake, mackerel, monkfish, illex squid, todarodes squid, Bartrami squid, loligo squid, red shrimp, white shrimp, catfish, pollock, eel, red fish, yellow fin sole, canned fish.

Sea Delights
- Seafood importers, producers and wholesale distributors of frozen and fresh seafoods - Seabass, sea bream, sole, cod, monk, snappers, prawns, crabs, scad, Indian mackerel, red snapper, croaker, ribbonfish, mullet, octopus, cuttlefish, squid, soft shell crabs, scallops.

Chinese SF Seafood Group
- Seafood manufacture and exporters of mahi mahi, seafood mix, blue mussel, calamari squid, loligo squid, APO, hake, redfish, blue whiting, surimi crab stick, black tilapia, seabass, red snapper, monkfish, tuna, mackerel, canned tuna, mackerel & sardine, dry salted fish.

Guangxi Beihai Jiaxi Frozen Food Co., Ltd
- We specialize in seafood processing and trading since 2005. We supply of frozen seafoods, such as mackerel, horse mackerel, Indian mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, conger eel, fatty barracuda, skate fish, red sea bream, monkfish, jerk filefish, rabbit fish, sardine, ribbon fish, squid, short necked clam, yellow croaker, etc.

Imperial Seafood and Shellfish Inc - A Sysco Company
- Seafood processor for Sysco food service. Pacific Wild Salmon, Pacific Oysters, Atlantic Oysters, Black Cod, Pacific Cod, Dover Sole, Halibut, Pacific Yellowtail, Red Rockfish, Bonito, Sand Dab, Pacific Flounder, Sole, Ling Cod, Corvina, Sea Bass, Pollock, Pacific Rockfish, Black Bass, Bluefish, Cod, Fluke, Scallops, Mackerel, Parrot Fish, Ocean Perch, Triggerfish, Albacore Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Bigeye Tuna, bluefin Tuna, Tripletail, Flounder, Hake, John Dory, Mahi Mahi, Striped Bass, Skate wing, Wolf Fish, Haddock, King Klip, Monkfish, Ocean Smelts, Lemon Sole, Anchovies, Red Mullet, Sardines, Barramundi, Butterfish, Hoki, Golden Snapper, Tarakihi, Blue Warehou, Orange Roughy, Snapper, Grouper, Yellowtail Kingfish, Swordfish, Blue Marlin, Chilean Sea Bass...

Seafood Express LLC
- Importers, processors & wholesalers of Shrimp, Swordfish, Littleneck Clam, Grouper, Freshwater Shrimp, Monkfish, Emperor, Catfish, Sturgeon, Orange Roughy, Halibut, Abalone, Porgy, Scad , Mahi mahi, Alligator, Croaker, Sole, Shark, Pompano, Squid or Calamari, Tilapia , Red Tilapia , Blue Tilapia, Pollock or Alaska Pollock ,Smelt, Pomfret, Bass, Snapper, Turbot, Mussel, Butterfish, Bass, Sea, Crawfish or Crayfish, Cod, Crab, King, Lobster, Shrimp or Pink Shrimp, Salmon, Coho, Chum or Keta, Octopus, Mullet, Lobsterette or Baby Lobster or Scampi or Deep Sea Lobster or Bay Prawn ,Whiting, Haddock, Barramundi, Yellowfin tuna, Perch.

Ocean Treasure World Foods Limited
- Seafood processors and exporters of Alaska pollock, tilapia, mahi mahi, yellowfin tuna, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, grass carp, Panga, yellowfin tuna, arrowtooth flounder, yellow fin rock sole, chum salmon, pink salmon, mackerel, bonito, sardine, monkfish, swordfish, hake, saithe, john dory, smooth dory, black dory, haddock, Pacific red fish, Atlantic red fish, blue shark, golden pomfret, squid - Todarodes, Illex, Bartrami, Dosidicus gigas, baby squid, baby octopus, cuttlefish, Vannamei shrimps, red shrimp, pink shrimp, mussels, clams, bay scallops, sea scallops, surimi sticks, crab claws, lobster prawn imitation, seafood mix, silver fish and crayfish

Jun Yue Aquatic Products Co. Ltd
- One of the most professional Pacific Mackerel processor from China. And we also offer other products like: Frozen Silver Pomfret, White Pomfret IQF, Frozen Spanish Mackerel - W/R, Fillet, Portion, Frozen Horse Mackerel - W/R, HGT, Frozen Striped Bonito - W/R, HGT, Frozen Bullet Mackerel - W/R, HGT, Frozen Mahi Mahi - W/R, Fillet, Grey Mullet - Gutted, W/R, Monkfish Tail, Moon Fish, Mackerel - Whole Round, Headed Gutted Tail off, Fillet, Flaps, Pre-cooked

Seven Star Ocean Fisheries Limited
- Mackerel, Pacific Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Bonito, Mahi-Mahi, Tilapia, Monkfish , Grey Mullet, Tuna, Alaska Pollock, Pangasius, John Dory, Yellow Fin Sole, Rock Sole, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, Red Fish, Salmon, Cephalopods, Squid, White shrimps Vannamei, Red shrimps and Pink shrimps, Fish fillets, Mackerel, Salmon, Cod, Monkfish, Yellow Fin Sole, Red Fish, Canned products, Surimi products, Crayfish, Silverfish, Baby Squid, etc

Ocean More Foods Co., Limited
- We are producer and exporter of frozen fish from China. Our Main products including Alaska Pollock, Tilapia, Vannamei shrimp, Hake, Cod, YFS, Salmon, Haddock, Saithe, Hoki, Red fish, Mackerel, Catfish, Monkfish, Squid, Surimi stick, Arrow Tooth Flounder, Pomfret, Mussel Meat, Scallop, Mixed seafood, Dried Seafood, Salted Fish and so on.

Dalain Seafood
- Producers, Exporters, Wholesalers. Catfish, Red Grouper, Amber Jack, Yellowfin Tuna Steaks, monkfish, sablefish, Sardine, Salmon, Butterfish, Calamari Squid, Atlantic Mackerel, Pacific Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Pilchards, Pollock, Prawn, Queen Scallop, Rainbow Trout, Razor Clam, Swordfish, Tilapia, Toothfish, Chilean Seabass, Whelk, Whitefish, Mahi Mahi, Mako Shark, king crab , Shrimp, sea cucumber

Marder Trawling Inc.
- Marder Trawling, Inc. Provides the freshest seafood taken right off the boats. Our products are cut, processed and packed in house to ensure the highest quality. Marder Trawling, inc. Offers custom packing of both fresh and frozen seafood products. Sustainable fish and seafood products - Wild Atlantic Sea Scallops, Wild Alaskan Codfish, Wild Atlantic Winter Skate Wings, Wild Atlantic Monkfish, Wild Atlantic Spiny Dogfish, Wild Atlantic Ocean Perch, Redfish, Mackerel, Haddock, Pollock, Flathead, Yellowtail, Flounder, Yellowfin, Sea Dabs, Grey Sole, Live Lobsters, Japanese Scallops, Chinese Bay Scallops, Peruvian Scallops, Canadian Scallops

Kingmarine Seafood Co.,Ltd
- Processing and exporting red, pink, farmed vannamei shrimp, todarodes, illex & gigas squid, john dory, apo, salmon, monkfish, blue mussel meat, frozen cocktail seafood mix.

Hongbest Foods Co. Ltd
- Processors and exporters of Tilapia, Pollock, Saithe, AP Cod, Chum & Pink Salmon, Redfish, Haddock, Hake, Yellowfin Sole, Monkfish, Vannamei & Red Shrimp, Squid, Scampi, Sea Bass, Mackerel.

Ningbo Nanlian Frozen Foods Co., Ltd
- Exporters and producers of frozen pacific mackerel whole round, skipjack whole round, yellow fin whole round, bonito whole round, pacific saury, red shrimp, monkfish tails, squid tube and rings, horse mackerel, oil fish, precooked fillet and loins, pacific mackerel precooked fillet, bonito, skipjack, yellow fin precooked loin and all kinds of frozen fishes from china.

- A leading exporter fresh and frozen seafood to the European union, Asia, united states of America, north and south America, Africa and other key markets from Norway. We are a leading processing plant and major distributors of fresh, frozen and processed seafood to many parts of the globe. Our main products include: Atlantic salmon, cod (torsk), flounder (skrubbe), haddock (hyse/kolje), mackerel (makrell), halibut (kveite), wolffish (steinbit), sea trout (sjøørret), coalfish, saithe (sei), tusk (brosme), hake (lysing), plaice (rødspette), lange, breiflabb, taskekrabbe, king crab, saithe, trout, fish maw, eel, pollock, oilfish and many more...

Blue Ocean Seafood Co Ltd
- Supplier and exporter of mackerel, Spanish mackerel, squid, shrimp, mullet, horse mackerel, bonito, silver pomfret, sardine, monkfish, croaker, seaweed, wakame, mixed seafood etc.

De Seafood Limited
- Seafood processors and exporters of Cod, APO, Redfish, Hake, Saithe, Salmon, Monkfish, Yellowfin Sole, Mackerel, Tilapia, Shrimp, Surimi and Squid.

Mousehole Fish
- We catch and sell directly to trade and public. Mackerel, Brown Crab, Skate, Spider Crab, Hake, Herring, Lobster, Cod, Ling, Pouting, Sea Bass, Red Mullet, Grey Mullet, Turbot, Monkfish, Haddock, Brill, Whiting, Pollock, Plaice, Dab, Ray, Gurnard, Lemon Sole, Dover Sole.

L&B Taspac
- Suppliers of Fresh Greenshell Mussel (Perna Canaliculus), New Zealand Rock Lobster (Jasus Edwardsii), Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea Gigas), Eel (Anguilla Dieffenbachii/Australis), Frozen Arrow Squid (Nototodorus Sloanii), Barracouta (Thyrsites Atun), Blue Mackerel (Scomber Australasicus), Hake (Merluccius Australis), Hoki (Macruronus Novaezelandiae), Jack Mackerel (Trachurus Declivis/Murphyi), Ling (Genypterus Blacodes), Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus Atlanticus), Red Cod (Pseudophycis Bachus), Silver Warehou (Seriolella Punctata), Southern Blue Whiting (Micromesistius Australis), Brill (Colistium Guntheri), King Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha), Monkfish (Kathetostoma Giganteum), Pilchard (Sardinops Neopilcharadus), Smooth Oreo Dory (Pseudocyttus Maculatus), Snapper (Pagrus Auratus), Trevally (Pseudocaranx Dentex), Turbot (Colistium Nudipinnis)

Transvic Seafoods Ltd
- A leading exporter in seafood products and deal with many International companies. HACCP & EU Accredited. Products include: Soft shell crab, blue crab, live mud crab, live Alaskan crabs, Live Dungeness crab, crab meat, Nile perch - H&G, Portions, Loins, Fillets, Nile perch fish maws, Salmon products, Rock lobster, slipper lobster, Vietnam lobster, lobster tail, Boston lobster, west coast lobsters, Black Tiger shrimp, vannamei shrimp, scampi, octopus, squid, cuttlefish, big eye tuna, yellowfin tuna, white fish, haddock, hake, jacopever, john dory, kingklip, monkfish, sailfish, marlin, swordfish, dorado, mahi mahi, Spanish mackerel, yellowtail, Maasbanker, horse mackerel, pilchards, sardines, barracouta, snoek, tilapia, Cape gurnard, red mullet, ribbon fish, mussels, cod roe, cod fish products, cod liver, European oysters, Pacific oysters, red snapper

Jagalchi Korea Corp
- Export, import and international trade, seafood inspection agency for all kinds of seafood. Frozen Seafood, Kingfish, Lobster, Lobster Tail, Mackerel, Mahi mahi, Marlin, Milkfish, Monkfish, Mullet, Mussel, Mussels - blue and green shell, Nile Perch, Ocean perch, Octopus, Oilfish, Oyster, Pangasius (Basa), Parrot Fish, Perch, Pollock, Saithe, Pomfret, Porgy, Prawn, Rainbow Trout, Redfish, Ribbonfish, Rock Lobster, Salmon...

Sarl Point Bleu
- We are processing and exporting marine products from West Africa - sole, goat fish, grouper, octopus, cuttlefish, sea bream, yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore, murex, abalone, shrimp, spiny cheek grouper, dusky grouper, monk fish, langoustine, drum, frog fish, gilt head, john dory, red snapper, yellow mouth grouper, large head hair tail

Kesheng Foodstuff Co., Ltd
- Our main business are seafood processing and exporting, including Fish, mackerel, monkfish, silver fish, cod, anchovy, Cephalopod, Shellfish, Crab and Shrimp, etc. The featured products, Squid, Octopus, Baby clam, Pollock and Cod fillets, have a stable high sale volume every year.

Pesca Senegal
- Producers, processors, exporters and wholesalers of fresh and Frozen fish Bream (Sparus pagrus), Red Banded Sea Bream (Pagrus Auriga), White Sea Bream (Diplodus Sargus), Common Pandora (Pagellus Erythrinus), Pink Dentex (Dentex Gibbosus), Red Mullet (Mullus Surmeletus), Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus Aurata), John Dory (Zeus Faber), Monk Fish (Lophius piscatorius), European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax), Loligo vulgaris calamari Squid, Common Sole (Solea vulgaris, solea solea), Turbot (Psetta maxima)

Highland Bay Seafoods
- Highland Bay Seafoods are worldwide speciality seafood suppliers to Wholesalers, Retail shops, Hotels & Restaurants & UK Online delivery to Home shoppers. Lobster, Langoustine, king scallops, shrimp, prawns, brown crab, razor clam, mussels, monkfish, hake, haddock, cod, smoked fish, Scottish salmon, Smoked Salmon, Atlantic Halibut, squid, cuttlefish and Octopus.

Wenling Xingdi Aquatic Products Co. Ltd.
- A professional company that process and exports frozen seafood - John dory (Zeus faber), Monkfish (Lophius Litulon), Red gurnard (Chelidonichthys kumu), Mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Scampi (Metanephrops thompsoni), Slipper lobster (Ibacus novemdentatus), Squid (Todarodus paificus), Baby squid (Loligo japonica), Squid Loligo chinensis, Red shrimp (Solenocera melantho), Pink shrimp (Solenocera spp), Octopus, Spiny lobster

Alinco AS
- Alinco AS supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus), Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot (Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, Black Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King fish, Stock fish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab, Octopus, Squid and many others.

Selected Foods Group Limited
- Selected Foods Group Limited was founded in 2000, specialized in produce frozen fish fillets and export quality froze seafood to world wild, we are capable to export more than 1 billion tons to US, EU, Russia, Ukraine, Middle East and African countries, our mean products are: Alaska Pollock, Hake, Tilapia, Hoki, Blue Whiting, Red fish (ocean perch), Arrowtooth Flounder, Yellowfin Sole, Salmon, Cod, Panga, Squid tube and rings, Bay and Sea Scallops, Mussels meat, Chinese Clams, breaded products.

Setraco NV
- We are both producer and importer of frozen seafood. Import of shrimps, fish fillets, molluscs and crustaceans. Prepared Foods: all value added food - ready and semi-ready meals. Industrial Applications: semi-finished products - cooked, marinated salmon, fish rolls, cooked fish in bags. Our own brands are Ocean Pride, Laguna, Amphora, Orient Pride and of course we also offer private labels.

The Fishermans Deli
- Importers, processors and wholesalers of Norwegian Salmon, Sardines, Rock Cod, Soles, Kingklip, Blue Nose, Butterfish, Cape Salmon, Cardinal, Dorado, Kabeljou, Red Snapper, Salmon, Tuna, stumpnose, emperor, barracuda, gurnard, oysters, Yellowtail, Salmon Trout, Shark, Skate Wings, Bream, Monk, Tuna Loin, Angelfish, Hake, Snoek, Calamari, Octopus, Crab, Langoustine, Lobsters, LM Prawn, Black Tiger Prawn, Shrimps, Oysters, Mussels, Molluscs, Smoked Salmon Products, Smoked Fish, Marinated Fish Products, Herrings

Acme Seafood Co. Ltd.
- Processors and exporters of squid tube, squid ring, pollock, sole, cod fillet, salted fish fillet, PUD shrimp, monkfish etc.

Zhoushan Huiye Tiancheng Aquatic Products Co. Ltd.
- Importers, processors, exporters, wholesalers and agents of Squid Tubes, Squid Rings, Squid slice, Pomfret, Mackerel, Monkfish, Anglerfish, John Dory, Mahi Mahi, Ribbon Fish, Yellow Croaker, red and pink shrimp, swimming crab and cutting crab etc

Scandinavia House Pte Ltd
- Scandinavia House is wholly owned by a Norwegian and has the combined experience of over 20 years in the Norwegian fishing industry. We are a registered company which specializes in seafood exports with offices in Singapore, Norway and Timor Leste. All our products are exported from Norway and we are a registered exporter with Norway seafood council. Atlantic Salmon, Haddock, Wolf fish, Catfish, Monkfish, Smoked Salmon, Hot Smoked Salmon, Cured Salmon, Norwegian Fish Cakes, Fish Loaf, Fish Patty/Burger, Arctic Ocean Fish Burger, Fish Balls, Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe (Pollachius virens), Norwegian Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Shrimp (Pandalus borealis), Norwegian Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), Norwegian Brown Crab (Cancer Pagurus) - Whole Crab, Crab Claws, Buffet Crab Shells, Crab Meat.

Hainan Yage Foodstuff Co. Ltd
- Aquatic producers, suppliers and exporters specialized in the seafoods such as frozen tilapia fillet, frozen fillet, Vannamei shrimp, squid tubes, monkfish, barramundi, mahi mahi, golden pomfret, pink red shrimps.

Island Fishery Co. Ltd
- Manufacturers and exporters of frozen seafoods such as Tilapia, squid, surimi, cod fillet, catfish, mackerel, mahi mahi, monkfish, seafood mix, barramundi, golden pompano, vannamei shrimp, mussel, brama, red shrimp, pink shrimp, Alaskan pollock, moonfish.

Zhejiang Taizhou Tianjiu Aquatic Product Co. Ltd
- Producers, processors and exporters of Frozen Mackerel, Frozen Monkfish, Frozen saba-fugu, ,Frozen Horse Mackerel, Frozen Spanish Mackerel, Frozen Bonito, Frozen yellow Croaker, Frozen hailtail, Frozen Squid, Frozen Swimming crab, Red Shrimp Peeled, Frozen Tilapia and Tilapia fillet, Frozen lobster and so on.

Zhejiang Xingwang Aquatic Co. Ltd
- Seafood factory processing frozen mahi mahi (Dorado, Dolphin fish) fillet/steak /portion, baby squid, seafood mix, mussel meat, tilapia fillet, pollock fillet, vannamei shrimp, canned tuna / canned mackerel / canned sardine, clean squid tube / ring / T&T/ tentacle, monkfish, yellow fin sole fillet, brama fillet

Oceanus Seafood Trading Co.
- Traders and exporters of Spanish mackerel, angler fish, monkfish, small pomfret, bonito, oceanic skipjack, oceanic bonito, striped tuna, hairtail, japanese chub mackerel, pacific mackerel, spotted mackerel, southern mackerel, brown-striped mackerel scad, blue scad, surimi. Importers of skipjack tuna, ribbon fish, mackerel, cuttle fish, octopus, croaker, Spanish mackerel.

China Tongyu Seafood
- Producers, processors, exporters, agents. Our main products are mussel, pacific mackerel, oyster, octopus, monkfish, scallop, squid etc

A.B.C. Specialty Foods Ltd
- ABC Specialty Foods in Britain is associated to East China Seas in China, products are Vannamei white shrimps, PUD Red shrimps, Fish fillets and processed Squid

Yantai Ankang Foods Co., Ltd
- We have been specialized in producing and exported frozen seafood for more than 10 years - Frozen squid products, tube, ring, carved flower, pineapple cut squid, breaded squid ring, T+T, Grade A abalone IQF, Frozen mackerel, Spanish mackerel, monkfish.

Five Star Foodstuff Co., Ltd
- Seafood processors and exporters of Todarodes Pacificus Squid, Illex Argentinus Squid, Arrow Squid, Bartrami Squid, Pacific and Atlantic Cod Fillet , Red Fish Fillet, Chum Salmon Fillet, Pacific Mackerel Fillet, Saithe Fillet, Alaskan Pollock Fillet, Yellowfin Sole Fillet, Chinese Bay Scallop, Monkfish Tail.

Mercuin S.A. de C.V.
- A seafood importer and distributor company of Chilean Sea Bass, eel, Haddock, Austral Hake, Halibut, Mahi mahi, monkfish, sable fish, dover sole, albacore tuna, bluefin tuna, turbot, king crab, cuttlefish and calamari.

Macfont S.A. (Iberland Group)
- Producers, Processors, Importers, Exporters of Salmon, Hake, Hoki, Cod, Tuna, Redfish, Alaska Pollock, Saithe, Blue Whiting, Anchovy, Notothenia, Catfish, Haddock, Yellowfine Sole, Monkfish, Shrimps, Brown Crab, Swimming Crab, Red Crab, Crayfish, Mussels, Scallops, Squid, Giant Squid, Surimi, etc.

7 Seas Fisheries
- Processors, Exporters, Wholesalers of seafood such as monkfish, APO, Acod, hoki, squid (loligo chinensis, todarodes pacificus).

Taizhou Haihua Aquatic Products Co. Ltd
- Processor and exporters of whole round squid loligo chinensis, whole cleaned squid, baby loligo squid, monkfish tails, john dory fillets, leather jacket, red gurnard, silver fish, scampi, slipper lobster, Octopus

SF Seafood Group Ltd
- Producers and processors of pacific mackerel, bonito, sardine, horse mackerel, Spanish mackerel (king fish), brama fillet,  mullet, yellow croaker, loligo squid, frozen octopus, frozen cuttle fish, Indian mackerel, ribbon fish, hard tail, mahi mahi, imitation crab stick, breaded fish and canned seafood

Asia Blue Ocean
- Producers, Processors, Exporters, Importers, Wholesalers of Cod, redfish, tilapia, monkfish, Yellow Fin Sole, Halibut, Hake, panga, Basa, Chinese Shrimps - vannamei, red shrimps, pink shrimps, Cephalopods, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, silverfish, baby squid

EUROPACIFICO Alimentos del Mar S.L. 
- Supplying Frozen Salmon Steaks, frozen Shark Steaks skin-on and skin-less, Shark H&G, Sea-frozen Hoki H&G, Frozen Hoki Fillets, Dosidicus Gigas Squids ( Tentacles & Fillets ), Frozen Austral hake "Merluccius Australis" ( H&G, Steaks, centers, loins, portions, fillets, Roe ), Frozen Cod Ling "Salitota Australis", Frozen Whole scampi and tails, Frozen Ling "Genypterus Blacodes", Frozen Cod "Gadus Morhua" ( Fillets, centers, portions ), Frozen Scallops meat & Half shell, Frozen Cleaned Cuttlefish, Frozen Octopus packed in trays, Frozen Cooked Tentacles vacuum packed, Frozen Cuttlefish Skewers, Frozen Monkfish Tails skinless, Frozen Australis pomfret "Brama Australis", Frozen Sardine, Frozen Mackerel, Sea-frozen Octopus, Hake Minced, Hake Fish Block, Gayi Hake

Euro Transport Services Ltd
- Seafood Handling & Distribution Company of the finest seafood products fished from the clear waters of Scotland Live, Fresh or frozen Atlantic Salmon, Monkfish, European Hake, Brown Crab, Green Crab, Velvet Crab, European Lobster, Norway Lobster, Buckie, Whelk, Pacific Oysters.

Fuzhou Woos International Co. Ltd.
CHINA - We produce, process, import, export & wholesale Yellow Croaker, squid tube, squid rings, tilapia WR, tilapia fillet, imitation crab stick, APO fillet, hake fillet, frozen kingclip fillet, Pacific mackerel, horse mackerel, ribbon fish, clam meat, scallop meat, mussel, monk fish fillet, moon fish, flounder fillet, red fish fillet..

Yantai Water-Star Foodstuff Co. Ltd.
CHINA - We are processor and exporter of various seafoods in China. Our company is EU certified and Haccp approved. We are the Top 25 among Chinese seafood processors.

Orimax Seafood
- a reliable seafoods packer & supplier from China, we serve worldwide

South Bay Seafood
- Established in 1971. processor, producer and distributor to broadline distributors, multi-unit restaurants and supermarkets.

Taizhou Huatong Aquatic Co., Ltd
- A professional manufacturer and exporter in frozen seafood mackerel, Spanish mackerel, squid, shrimp, mullet, horse mackerel, bonito, silver pomfret, sardine, monkfish, croaker - Spanish mackerel fillets, mackerel HGT, mackerel butterfly cut with head, Spanish mackerel section, squid tube, red shrimp PUD, Spanish mackerel section.

Shandong Rongsense Aquatic Group
- We are one of the biggest processors in Northern China specialized in processing Haddock, Pacific cod, Atlantic cod fillets, Monkfish tails, Red Fish products, octopus products and Sushi products.

E-Fish International
- Exporter of Shrimp, surimi, bivalves, Tilapia H&S and fillets, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, Alaska Pollock, Chum Salmon, Rock sole, Yellow Fin Sole, Arrow tooth Flounder, Alaska Plaice, Hake, Haddock, Saithe, Monkfish tails & fillets, John Dory, Tilapia, etc;

Channel Fish Processing Company Inc.
- Fresh North East groundfish and Scallops.  Whole, H+G, Fillets and portions.  We freeze Haddock, Atlantic Pollock, Redfish and Scallops. We value add, raw breaded and glazed/marinades also in Boston facility. We import products from Canada, Asia and South America.

Richmond Oysters
- Richmond Oysters is one of Melbourne’s major wholesalers and distributors of fresh and frozen seafood together with a large variety of general fresh and frozen foods. Barramundi, snapper, eel, grenadier, bream, butterfish, coral trout, flathead, gemfish, gummy shark, harpuka, dory, whiting, snapper, kingfish, marron, marlin, trout, mullet, mackerel, swordfish....

Porto Br Com Import Export Ltda
- Lane snapper, Bigeye tuna, Yellowfin tuna, Black grouper, Parrotfish, White shrimp, Pink shrimp, Horse mackerel, Red snapper, White croaker, Mutton snapper, Mahi-mahi, Swordfish, Red grouper, Yellowtail snapper, Jack mackerel, Spiny lobster, Brazilian flounder, Thick lucine, Hake, Silk snapper, Oyster, Red porgy, Yellow croaker, Common Snook, Salmon, Red mullet, Atlantic Sardine, Dana swimming crab, Mussel, Black pacú, Monkfish, Tilapia, Shark, Peacock Bass, Crevalle Jack, etc.

Topsail Import & Export (China) Co. Ltd.
- We Import: California squid, Illex squid, Arrow squid, Ribbonfish, Sillago, Katti fish, Hilsa, Shad, Spanish Mackerel, sole, eel. We Export: Baby squid whole, Illex squid tube, Surimi crab sticks, whiting fish fillets, mackeral HGT, mackerel, tilapia, tilapia fillets, Monkfish tail meat and fillets.

CTLE Seafood Inc.
- We are a frozen seafood company supplying various processed products out of China to EU, US, Middle East, Eastern EU and other markets.  All products are processed under HACCP compliance and EU approved plants with competitive price, good service and excellent quality.

Smart Fishery Co. Ltd
- Smart Fishery is a professional company dedicated to importing and exporting frozen seafood worldwide, specializing mainly in frozen whole fish and fillets, surimi, shrimp, squid, and scallop.

YQLeading Im-Export Co., Ltd.
- Importer, processor and exporter of marlin, swordfish, shark, alaska pollock, oilfish, squid, octopus, crayfish, surimi, fish skewers

Qingdao Donggang Foodstuffs Group Co., Ltd
- Our main aquatic products include mackerel, cod, APO, anago, salmon, squid, monkfish, Spanish mackerel, horse mackerel, saury, red shrimp etc, We have advanced processing machineries which can process steamed, boiled, roasted and cool air dried series of products.

South Atlantic Fisheries Ltd
- We are seafood processors and packers in Brasil since the year of 1971 offering mullet roe, octopus, monkfish tails, wild pink shrimp.

MGW Seafoods Ltd
- supplying Restaurants, Fish and Chip Shops, Hotels as well as supplying to the industry, Scottish Salmon, haddock, lemon sole, monk fish, cod, lobsters, crab, prawns, mussels, kippers, halibut, cray fish,

Binyin Food International Ltd
- Seafood importer, processor and exporter of Alaska pollock fillet, salmon fillet, clam & clam meat, squid tube & ring, monkfish tail.

Rongcheng Tongfa Aquatic Foodstuff Co., Ltd
- Producers, processors and exporters of squid tube, rings, flowers, TT, RT, monkfish meat, mackerel, scallop, yellow croaker, ribbonfish and breaded products.

ABC Fresh Fish
- Processors, exporters and wholesalers of seafood and aquatic products like Bass, Black Bream, White bream , Common pandora, goliath grouper, Cutlass fish Atlantic, Cuttlefish Common dew Sepia, Norway lobster, Common lobster, Marbre, Meagre Courbin, Octopus, Rascasse, Scorpion Fish, Seabream, Sea Robin, Red Mullet, Sea Robin, Sardine, Shrimp, Silver scabbard fish, Shark, Squid, St. Peters, Turbot..

Baichuan Industrial Ltd
- A professional processor and exporter specialized in processing frozen fish fillets, salted cod, pollock, blue whiting migas, fillets, frozen Cod, Haddock, Halibut, John Dory, Monkfish, Pollock, Saithe, Salmon, Tilapia, Yellow Fin Sole, Todarodes Pacificus Squid, Illex Squid, etc.

Hailu Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd
- Aquaculture, Exporters, Importers, Processors, Producers and Wholesalers. We Import and Export Squid Products, tilapia, ribbonfish, cuttlefish, salmon, shrimp, reef cod, pollock, cod, mackerel, monkfish, mussel, clam, halibut, pomfret, leather jacket, red snapper, sillago, eel etc.

Agger Fish Corp
- Producers, processors, exporters and wholesalers of Lophius americanus monkfish, mustelus canis smooth dogfish, squalus acanthias dogfish, raya raya skate.

- Export, Import, Processors, Producers, Wholesalers of Capelin, Herring, Mackerel, trout, salmon, blue whiting, Sardine, Sprat, Snow Crab, King Crab, crab, Crab Spider, Northern Shrimp, Lobster, Coquille St. Jacques, Squid, Octopus, Whelks, Mussels, Alaska pollock, Colin place, Hake, Rockfish, Cod, Skate, Dogfish, Haddock, Halibut, Monkfish, Sole, Ling, Wolf, Tusk, Pangasius, Eggs lumpfish of Cabillau, Eggs of saithe, Salmon, Capelin roe, Saithe salted, Dried salted cod, Dried Squid, Dried fish heads

Providence Bay Fish Company
- Processor, wholesaler, exporter and importer since 1991. Products include lobster, scallops, sea cucumbers, dogfish, California squid, mackerel, pacific whiting, mussels, black cod, sablefish, monkfish, snow crab, tilapia, shrimp, capensis.

JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
- Shellfish export- Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station.

Anda Seafoods Co., Ltd
- Seafoods processor and exporter of Loligo squids, Monkfish tails, John dory fillets, Red gurnard fillets, silver fish, farmed eels, Tilapia fillets, Catfish fillets, Precooked skipjack tuna loin.

High Seafood Co., Ltd.
- Our main line of products are Tilapia, shrimps, catfish, mackerel, horse mackerel etc. We are also engaged in the trading of Alaska Pollock, Cod, Salmon, Yellow fin Sole, Surimi crab sticks, freshwater shrimp etc.

Ocean (Tianjin) Corporation Ltd
- We are a specialized HACCP food processing company and covers frozen, fresh and precooked aquaculture products and vegetable including squid, octopus, monkfish, mackerel, atka mackerel, horse mackerel, Spanish mackerel.

Ocean Land Food Co., Ltd
- Aquaculture, Producers, Processors, Exporters, Agents of cod, monkfish, APO, Light salted Cod, Surimi, Redfish, Chum Salmon.


Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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