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Seafood Buyers Agents & Fish Traders of Monkfish, Anglerfish or Stargazer
Scientific Names: Lophius piscatorius, Uranoscopidae

Processors of Monkfish  |  Exporters of Monkfish  |  Importers of Monkfish  |
Wholesale Suppliers of Monkfish  |  Seafood Agents for Monkfish

See Also:  Stargazer  |  Angler Fish


JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
- Shellfish buyers and exporters - Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station. LIVE SHELLFISH: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus), Blue Lobster (Homarus gammarus), Winkles (Littorina Littorea), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Scallops- dived (Pecten maximus), Razor clams (Ensis Siliqua), Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). FRESH FISH: Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Smoked Haddock, Cod (Gadus morhua), Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius), Hake (Merluccius merluccius), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), John Dory (Zeus faber), Turbot (Psetta maxima), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Genuine Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Lemon Sole (Microstomus kitt), Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)


Bell Global Ltd
- Exporting Premium New Zealand Seafood - Alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo dory, black oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting, rays bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory, mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish, monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai, salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea perch, snapper, ribaldo, ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow squid, squid, cockle, pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters, paua, abalone, scallop, paddle crab, lobster, scampi, sea urchin (kina).



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Companies who are buyers agents of Monkfish:

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Dolmøy House of seafood AS
- Supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such as Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Trout Frozen, Live King Crab Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab, and many others.

SEABEV International
- Brazilian company specialised in production, international marketing and exportation of frozen Fish and Seafood. White Croaker (Umbrina canosai), Yellow Croaker (Micropogonias Furnieri), Ribbonfish (Trichiurus Lepturus), Silver Pomfret (Peprilus Spp), White Drum (Plagioscion Squamossissimus), Ilisha (Ilisha Brasiliensis), Monkfish (Lophius Gastrophysus), Red Porgy (Pagrus Pagrus), Red Snapper (Lutjanus Purpureus), Yellow Tail Snapper (Ocyurus Chrysurus), B Liner (Rhomboplites Aurorubens), Lane Snapper (Lutjanus Synagris), Skate (Raja Spp), Atlantic Bumper (Chloroscombrus Chysurus), Menhaden (Brevoortia Aurea), King Weakfish (Macrodon Ancylodon), Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus), Seatrout (Cynoscion Spp), Moonfish (Selene Setapinnis), Yellow Weakfish (Cynoscion Acoupa), Strawberry Grouper (Cephalopholis Spiloparaea), Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Trachurus), Grouper (Epinephelus Marginatus), Hake (Merluccius Hubbsi), Mullet Roe (Mugil Cephalus)

Sami Hamad Est
- Wholesale seafood suppliers and agents. Fresh Product: Shrimps, Hamour, Turbot, Trout, Sea Bass, Salmon, Royal Sea Bream, Red Mullets, Fresh Plaice, Monk Fish Tails, Mackerel, Lemon sole, Halibut, Dover sole, Cod, Black Cod, Anchovy, Sardine, etc. Frozen Product: Frozen Shrimps, Salmon Fillet, Yellow Fin Tuna Steak, Tuna Saku, Tuna Chunk, Sea Bass Fillet, Red Snapper Fillet, Octopus, Lobster, Langoustines, Crab, Cuttle Fish, Smoked Mackerel, Smoked Halibut Fillet, etc.

The Town Dock
- Suppliers of Blackback Flounder, Yellowtail Flounder, Fluke (Summer Flounder), Tautog, Monk tails, Black Sea Bass, Wild Striped Bass, Bluefish, Scup/Porgy, Skate Wings, Tilefish, Butterfish, Whiting, Ling, Mackerel, Cod, Weakfish, Haddock, John Dory, Conger Eel, Sea Scallops, Dabs, arrowtooth flounder, black cod, butterfish, capelin, croaker, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, menhaden, pollock, redfish, salmon, sardines, scup, shrimp, snow crab, squid, whelk

Kaysaint International Co. Ltd
- Provides a wide scope of seafood from China. Specially for mackerel, bonito, tuna, sardine, mullet, mahi, squid etc. For the global customers sourcing demand, we provide quality product, competitive price and on time delivery.

ABS Distributors Europe
- Importers, exporters, buyers agents and wholesale suppliers of fresh yellowfin tuna, hake capensis, frozen hake, monkfish, Argentinean prawns, barracouta, Patagonian squid, illex squid, South African rock lobster, ribbon fish, Senegalese sole, octopus, kingklip, ling.

Bestsource Foods Co. Ltd
- Seafood Processors, exporters & wholesale distributors. Our mainly export Cod (pacific and Atlantic), Haddock, Salmon, Monkfish, YSL, Squid

Seven Star Ocean Fisheries Limited
- Mackerel, Pacific Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Bonito, Mahi-Mahi, Tilapia, Monkfish , Grey Mullet, Tuna, Alaska Pollock, Pangasius, John Dory, Yellow Fin Sole, Rock Sole, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, Red Fish, Salmon, Cephalopods, Squid, White shrimps Vannamei, Red shrimps and Pink shrimps, Fish fillets, Mackerel, Salmon, Cod, Monkfish, Yellow Fin Sole, Red Fish, Canned products, Surimi products, Crayfish, Silverfish, Baby Squid, etc

Seafood Express LLC
- Importers, processors & wholesalers of Shrimp, Swordfish, Littleneck Clam, Grouper, Freshwater Shrimp, Monkfish, Emperor, Catfish, Sturgeon, Orange Roughy, Halibut, Abalone, Porgy, Scad , Mahi mahi, Alligator, Croaker, Sole, Shark, Pompano, Squid or Calamari, Tilapia , Red Tilapia , Blue Tilapia, Pollock or Alaska Pollock ,Smelt, Pomfret, Bass, Snapper, Turbot, Mussel, Butterfish, Bass, Sea, Crawfish or Crayfish, Cod, Crab, King, Lobster, Shrimp or Pink Shrimp, Salmon, Coho, Chum or Keta, Octopus, Mullet, Lobsterette or Baby Lobster or Scampi or Deep Sea Lobster or Bay Prawn ,Whiting, Haddock, Barramundi, Yellowfin tuna, Perch.

OCP Sales Agents, S.L.
- Suppliers of fresh razors, cockles, clams, oysters, Monk, meg, witches, angler, turbot cod, bonito, tuna, winkles

Highland Bay Seafoods
- Highland Bay Seafoods are worldwide speciality seafood suppliers to Wholesalers, Retail shops, Hotels & Restaurants & UK Online delivery to Home shoppers. Lobster, Langoustine, king scallops, shrimp, prawns, brown crab, razor clam, mussels, monkfish, hake, haddock, cod, smoked fish, Scottish salmon, Smoked Salmon, Atlantic Halibut, squid, cuttlefish and Octopus.

Zhoushan Huiye Tiancheng Aquatic Products Co. Ltd.
- Importers, processors, exporters, wholesalers and agents of Squid Tubes, Squid Rings, Squid slice, Pomfret, Mackerel, Monkfish, Anglerfish, John Dory, Mahi Mahi, Ribbon Fish, Yellow Croaker, red and pink shrimp, swimming crab and cutting crab etc

Sampgroup S.L.L.
- Our company imports, exports, distributes live shellfish, fresh and frozen fish. Live prawns, live lobster, fresh hake, cheek hake, cheek cod, swordfish, monk tails, frozen octopus and langoustine.

Scandinavia House Pte Ltd
- Scandinavia House is wholly owned by a Norwegian and has the combined experience of over 20 years in the Norwegian fishing industry. We are a registered company which specializes in seafood exports with offices in Singapore, Norway and Timor Leste. All our products are exported from Norway and we are a registered exporter with Norway seafood council. Atlantic Salmon, Haddock, Wolf fish, Catfish, Monkfish, Smoked Salmon, Hot Smoked Salmon, Cured Salmon, Norwegian Fish Cakes, Fish Loaf, Fish Patty/Burger, Arctic Ocean Fish Burger, Fish Balls, Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe (Pollachius virens), Norwegian Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Shrimp (Pandalus borealis), Norwegian Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), Norwegian Brown Crab (Cancer Pagurus) - Whole Crab, Crab Claws, Buffet Crab Shells, Crab Meat.

Ocean Treasure World Foods Limited
- Seafood processors and exporters of Alaska pollock, tilapia, mahi mahi, yellowfin tuna, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, grass carp, Panga, yellowfin tuna, arrowtooth flounder, yellow fin rock sole, chum salmon, pink salmon, mackerel, bonito, sardine, monkfish, swordfish, hake, saithe, john dory, smooth dory, black dory, haddock, Pacific red fish, Atlantic red fish, blue shark, golden pomfret, squid - Todarodes, Illex, Bartrami, Dosidicus gigas, baby squid, baby octopus, cuttlefish, Vannamei shrimps, red shrimp, pink shrimp, mussels, clams, bay scallops, sea scallops, surimi sticks, crab claws, lobster prawn imitation, seafood mix, silver fish and crayfish

Atlantic Seafood
- Suppliers of Atlantic Cod, Anchovies, Angelfish, Brill, Barracuda, Black Tiger Shrimps, Cuttlefish, Calamari, Capelin, Caviar, Krill, Crayfish, Dover Sole, Dey fish, Eel, Flounder, Grey mullet, Jack Mackerel, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Herring, Greenland Halibut, Horse Mackerel, Kingklip, Langoustines, Nephrops, Lemon Sole, Canadian and European Lobsters, Rock Lobster, Atlantic Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Marlin, Monkfish, Blue mussels, milkfish, octopus, Pangasius, Basa, Pike Perch, Plaice, Red Mullet, Striped Mullet, Redfish, Saithe, sardine, seaweed, squid, salmon trout, salmon, pilchards, sardinella, Scottish & Norwegian salmon, seabass, shrimps, seabream, skate, swordfish, tilapia, gurnard, tongue sole, yellowfin tuna, turbot, yellowtail, wolf fish

Oceanus Seafood Trading Co.
- Traders and exporters of Spanish mackerel, angler fish, monkfish, small pomfret, bonito, oceanic skipjack, oceanic bonito, striped tuna, hairtail, Japanese chub mackerel, pacific mackerel, spotted mackerel, southern mackerel, brown-striped mackerel scad, blue scad, surimi. Importers of skipjack tuna, ribbon fish, mackerel, cuttle fish, octopus, croaker, Spanish mackerel.

Jagalchi Korea Corp
- Export, import and international trade, seafood inspection agency for all kinds of seafood. Frozen Seafood, Kingfish, Lobster, Lobster Tail, Mackerel, Mahi mahi, Marlin, Milkfish, Monkfish, Mullet, Mussel, Mussels - blue and green shell, Nile Perch, Ocean perch, Octopus, Oilfish, Oyster, Pangasius (Basa), Parrot Fish, Perch, Pollock, Saithe, Pomfret, Porgy, Prawn, Rainbow Trout, Redfish, Ribbonfish, Rock Lobster, Salmon...

China Tongyu Seafood
- Producers, processors, exporters, agents. Our main products are mussel, pacific mackerel, oyster, octopus, monkfish, scallop, squid etc

Devika Seafoods
- Suppliers of frozen seafood shrimps, cephalopods, fish and value added products, pollock, clam, cod, eel, horse mackerel, mussels, Nile perch, oyster, redfish, salmon, swordfish, tilapia, shark, shrimp...

AlphaSouth Sarl
- A dynamic and well positioned Fish exporting company based in Morocco. We export both Fresh & Frozen fish to major EU markets and USA.

E-Fish International
- Exporter of Shrimp, surimi, bivalves, Tilapia H&S and fillets, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, Alaska Pollock, Chum Salmon, Rock sole, Yellow Fin Sole, Arrow tooth Flounder, Alaska Plaice, Hake, Haddock, Saithe, Monkfish tails & fillets, John Dory, Tilapia, etc;

Smart Fishery Co. Ltd
- Smart Fishery is a professional company dedicated to importing and exporting frozen seafood worldwide, specializing mainly in frozen whole fish and fillets, surimi, shrimp, squid, and scallop.

Fish Bait Sea Products
- We are importers and exporters of frozen fish products including lobster (Jasus lalandii), Hake, Merluccius, gurnard, john dory, kingklip, mackerel, horse mackerel, monk, pilchard, ribbonfish, sole and bait products

San-Can Fisheries Ltd
- Celebrating 25 years of exporting and importing frozen seafood in the international market place. The majority of the products that we offer are of Canadian ,Norwegian and US origin. Atlantic Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Capelin, Capelin Roe, Snow Crab, Lobsters, Pre-cooked vac pac "organic" blue mussels in shell, Shrimp, Whelk in shell, Cod - Atlantic & Pacific, Greenland halibut, Haddock, Saithe, Pollock, Hake, Redfish, Dover sole, Salmon bellies, heads, backs, HOG, Sea Cucumber, Sardines, Dogfish, Squid, Salmon: Atlantic, Pink, Coho, Chum, Troll, Sockeye, Arrowtooth, Bait

Baichuan Industrial Ltd
- A professional processor and exporter specialized in processing frozen fish fillets, salted cod, pollock, blue whiting migas, fillets, frozen Cod, Haddock, Halibut, John Dory, Monkfish, Pollock, Saithe, Salmon, Tilapia, Yellow Fin Sole, Todarodes Pacificus Squid, Illex Squid, etc.

JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
- Shellfish export- Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station.

Highford Marketing Group Limited
- Exporters, Agents of fresh and frozen seafood, mussels, oysters, alfonsino, bluenose, brill, cod, dory, fish maw, hake, hoki, kahawai, orange roughy, mullet, mackerel, abalone, pilchard, lobster, roe, salmon, scallops, shark, whiting, sole, tuna, warehou...

Ocean Land Food Co., Ltd
- Aquaculture, Producers, Processors, Exporters, Agents of cod, monkfish, APO, Light salted Cod, Surimi, Redfish, Chum Salmon.


Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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