United European Seafood Traders Pte Ltd
CHINA - Sea Frozen (FAS), single frozen on land and double frozen
products. We offer raw material and reprocessed such as
Alaska Pollock, Pacific Cod, Atlantic Cod, Yellow fin Sole,
Rock Sole, Hake, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon Sockeye Salmon,
Salmo Salar, Mackerel, Tuna, Ribbonfish, Tongue Sole, Squid
and Cuttlefish, Shrimp from all possible origins. Fillets,
nuggets, portions, steaks and bits and pieces in blocks,
interleaved and IQF and vacuum packed.
Ocean More Foods Co., Limited
CHINA - Producer and Exporter of frozen fish from China.
We have good quality Pelagic fish and Processed high value-added fish.
Our pelagic fish include Pacific Mackerel, Bonito, Oriental Bonito,
Horse Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Pacific Saury, all kinds of Tuna,
Mullet, Scad, Mahi Mahi, John dory, Oilfish, Sardine, Blue Shark etc. We
can also process Alaska pollock, Hake, Tilapia, Vannamei shrimp, Surimi
crab sticks, Cod, Salmon, Yellow Fin Sole, Haddock, Saithe, Red
fish, Greenland halibut, Arrowtooth flounder, Squid tube/ring, Baby
octopus, Scallop, Mixed seafood, Canned fish, Pre-cooked fish, Dry
Salted fish, Roasted fish etc. It can be packed as Fillets, Loin,
Portion, Steak as per your detailed request. We also process frozen
vegetable and frozen fruit.
JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
Shellfish buyers and exporters - Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans
direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering
Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish
Wild Salmon fishing station. LIVE SHELLFISH: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus), Blue
Lobster (Homarus gammarus), Winkles (Littorina Littorea), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Scallops- dived (Pecten
maximus), Razor clams (Ensis Siliqua), Blue mussels (Mytilus
edulis). FRESH FISH: Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Smoked
Haddock, Cod (Gadus morhua), Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius),
Hake (Merluccius merluccius), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius
hippoglossoides), John Dory (Zeus faber), Turbot (Psetta
maxima), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Genuine Wild
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Lemon Sole (Microstomus kitt),
Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), Plaice (Pleuronectes
Alinco AS
NORWAY - Alinco AS supply live, chilled,
fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such
as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic
Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius
virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus
villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus),
Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen
Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King
Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish,
Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme
brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot
(Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes),
Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red
Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops
norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus
aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius
hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, Black
Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King
fish, Stock fish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness
Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab,
Octopus, Squid and many others.
NORWAY - A leading exporter fresh and frozen seafood to the European
union, Asia, United States of America, North and South America, Africa
and other key markets from Norway. A leading exporter fresh and frozen
seafood to the European union, Asia, united states of America, north and
south America, Africa and other key markets from Norway. We are a
leading processing plant and major distributors of fresh, frozen and
processed seafood to many parts of the globe. Our main products include:
Atlantic salmon, cod (torsk), flounder (skrubbe), haddock (hyse/kolje),
mackerel (makrell), halibut (kveite), wolffish (steinbit), sea trout (sjøørret),
coalfish, saithe (sei), tusk (brosme), hake (lysing), plaice (rødspette),
lange, breiflabb, taskekrabbe, king crab, trout, fish maw, eel, pollock,
oilfish, snow crab, brown crab, lobsters, rainbow trout, redfish,
ribbonfish, rock lobster, scallop, snapper, sole, whiting, Stockfish,
Cod roe, Lobster tail, salmon belly, salmon head, salmon fins, caviar,
surimi, sushi, seafood mix
Holdam Trading Supplies BV
THE NETHERLANDS - We are suppliers of a wide
range of fresh and frozen seafood products such
as: Ground fish - Cod, Saithe, Haddock etc,
Norwegian Salmon fish and Norwegian Fjord Trout,
Prawns and shellfish, Salted Cod fish, Clip fish
and Stock fish, Pelagic products - Herring,
Mackerel and Capelin, Red King Crab, Greenland
Halibut, Halibut, Cold Water Prawn, Ling, Blue
Mussels, Arctic Char, Tusk, Silver Pomfret,
Chinese Pomfret, India Salmon, Oil Sardine,
Bombay duck, sole, Spanish mackerel, Sole, Sea
bass, Rohu, etc, Red Sea Bream, Red mullet, Red
snapper, Ribbon fish (Cutlass fish), Ribbon fish
(Silver variety), Croaker, Jew Fish (Ghol,
Grouper, Sea bass), Indian Shad (Hilsa), Sole
fish, Horse mackerel, Shark, Indian mackerel,
Eel, cat fish, black Pomfret, Silver Pomfret or
White Pomfret, Tuna, Pearl spot fish, Tilapia
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IG International
VIETNAM - We focus our business in the
processing and export of frozen seafood. White Fish:
Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, Haddock, Pollock, Hake,
Hoki, Saithe, Sole, Plaice, Red Fish, Blue Whiting
Fillets. Available in a wide range of fillet sizes,
skin on or skin off. Frozen Farmed Fish: Tilapia,
Pangasius, Atlantic Salmon. Extremely tasty,
succulent and always in demand. Cephalopods: Squid,
Cuttlefish, Octopus. Available as whole or cut and
in a wide variety of sizes. Shrimp: Vannamei, Red,
Pink, Black Tiger. Available in a huge choice of
size grades, fully shelled, head on or tail on,
cooked or raw. Shellfish: Crayfish, Crab, Clams,
Scallops, Oyster. Available both unshelled,
partially shelled and fully shelled. Pelagic:
Mackerel (Saba), Yellowtail, Red sea bream, Mahi
Mahi, Thread Shad, Leather jacket fish. Marine Fish:
Indian mackerel, horse mackerel, short body
mackerel, round scad, layang scad, yellowtail scad,
big eye scad, black pomfret, red snapper,
barramundi, seabass, grouper, emperor, ribbon fish,
leather jacket, golden threadfin bream, bullet tuna,
parrot. The raw materials are procured directly from
the farms and fishermen, processed and exported to
the rest of the world.
Grimsby Byproducts Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - We provide a wide range of
Atlantic salmon, Cod and haddock by-products. Salmon
- Trimmings, heads and high quality mince and scrape
meat supplied. Cod - bellies, flaps, frames (swim
bladder intact) and trimming Haddock - trimming and
frames. Salted cod all types. We Blast freeze, plate
freeze vacuum pack and standard pack everything on
site and this can also be performed as a service
job. Salsa approved, MSC, ASC and Global gap
Dolmøy House of seafood AS
NORWAY - Supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen
Norwegian Seafood Products such as Atlantic Salmon (Salmo
salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish
Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys),
Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Trout
Frozen, Live King Crab Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae
spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Redfish (Sebastes
marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian
Prawn, Red Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops
norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus),
Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides),
Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, (Metacarcinus magister),
Brown Crab, and many others.
Thaena Surgeles B.V.
THE NETHERLANDS - Exporters, Processors and
Wholesalers, Sourcing of fresh and frozen Premier
Seafood. Atlantic Salmon, Trout, Cod, Haddock,
Saithe, Haddock, Mackerel, Herring, Capelin, Farmed
Salmon, King Crab, Snow Crab, King Crab Clusters,
Snow Crab Clusters, Scallop Meat, dried sea
scallops, Bay scallops, Salmon Fillets, Cod Roe,
Fish Maw, Dry Sea Cucumber, Smoked salmon, Salmon
fillets, Salmon portions, Salmon steaks and Salmon
FRANCE - We are a French company specialised in
the Frozen Ready Meal and Frozen Seafood to the
attention of Supermarket and Catering. We import
frozen seafood from all around the world. Frozen
Mussel, Shrimp, Squid, Alaskan Pollock, Cod,
Yellowfin Sole, Scallops Meat, Salmon, Hake,
Cuttlefish, Prawn, Pangas, Hoki, Frog, Tuna, Saithe,
Catfish, Ling, Dab, Plaice, Halibut, Sea Bass, Sea
Bream, Whiting, Pike Perch, Haddock, Skate, Dogfish,
Octopus, Lobster, Crab, Whelk, Monktail, Trout,
Clams, Gurnard, Crawfish, Shark, John Dory and
NORWAY - Importers & exporters of fish and fish
products from European & Asian countries. Ground
fish, Norwegian salmon, Norwegian trout, prawns &
shellfish, salted cod, clip fish, stock fish,
herring, mackerel, capelin, red king crab, Greenland
halibut, blue mussels, Arctic char, tusk, pomfret,
sardine, Bombay duck, sole, mackerel, sea bream, red
snapper, ribbon fish, croaker, jew fish, shad, cat
fish, eel, tuna, pearl spot, tilapia...
The Town Dock
USA - Suppliers of Blackback Flounder,
Yellowtail Flounder, Fluke (Summer Flounder), Tautog,
Monk tails, Black Sea Bass, Wild Striped Bass,
Bluefish, Scup/Porgy, Skate Wings, Tilefish,
Butterfish, Whiting, Ling, Mackerel, Cod, Weakfish,
Haddock, John Dory, Conger Eel, Sea Scallops, Dabs,
arrowtooth flounder, black cod, butterfish, capelin,
croaker, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, menhaden,
pollock, redfish, salmon, sardines, scup, shrimp,
snow crab, squid, whelk
NORWAY - A leading exporter fresh and frozen
seafood to the European union, Asia, united
states of America, north and south America,
Africa and other key markets from Norway. We are
a leading processing plant and major
distributors of fresh, frozen and processed
seafood to many parts of the globe. Our main
products include: Atlantic salmon, cod (torsk),
flounder (skrubbe), haddock (hyse/kolje),
mackerel (makrell), halibut (kveite), wolffish (steinbit),
sea trout (sjøørret), coalfish, saithe (sei),
tusk (brosme), hake (lysing), plaice (rødspette),
lange, breiflabb, taskekrabbe, king crab,
saithe, trout, fish maw, eel, pollock, oilfish
and many more...
Scrabster Seafoods Ltd
SCOTLAND, U.K. - Fishermen, processors,
exporters and wholesale suppliers of live brown
crab, blue lobster, king scallop, razor clams. Fresh
haddock, smoked haddock, cod, monkfish, hake,
Greenland halibut, john dory, turbot, Pacific
Oysters, lemon sole, megrim, plaice, black scabbard,
blue ling, red fish. Frozen Greenland halibut and
brown crab. Cooked Brown crab, monkfish tails &
fillets, whiting butterfly fillets, smoked haddock
and smoked cod.
Subzero Grimsby Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - We are Seafood Processors
providing Plate Freezing, Band Sawing, Belt Freezing
and Nienstedt Pressing. We have one of the most
skilled workforce’s in Grimsby of any independent
fish processor, and this allied to our range of
equipment, and our highly trained workforce, means
we are able to work to tight customer specifications
whilst still ensuring full traceability. We also
provide other services such as Vacuum Packing,
Skinning, Bagging, Shattering, Re-Packing, Smoking,
Flavouring and Poly-Bagging. We have adequate onsite
cold storage and chiller space to accept your raw
materials prior to processing. Various species and
product types are produced at Subzero to include:
fillets, pieces, mince & scrap meat from Salmon,
Cod, Haddock and various other whitefish.
Bestsource Foods Co. Ltd
CHINA - Seafood Processors, exporters &
wholesale distributors. Our mainly export
Cod (Pacific and Atlantic), Haddock, Salmon,
Monkfish, YSL, Squid
IceMar ehf
ICELAND - We process and export fresh & frozen
Icelandic products worldwide. Scampi, Prawns,
Atlantic cod, Haddock, Saithe, Mackerel, Capelin,
Herring, Plaice, Lemon sole, Grey sole, Redfish,
Catfish, Ling, Arctic Char, Wolf fish etc
Nordvågen AS
NORWAY - A major exporter of fresh and
frozen seafood from Norway to various key
markets including the European union, Asia,
united states of America, north and south
America, and Africa. Fresh & Frozen Products
include: salmon, cod, flounder, haddock,
mackerel, halibut, wolffish, sea trout,
coalfish, saithe, tusk, hake, plaice, lange,
breiflabb, taskekrabbe, king crab, trout, eel,
pollock, oilfish, snow crab, brown crab,
lobsters, Alaska pollock, rainbow trout,
redfish, ribbonfish, rock lobster, scallop,
snapper, sole, whiting,
Stockfish, Fish Maw, Cod roe, Lobster tail,
salmon belly, salmon head, salmon fins, surimi,
sushi, seafood mix
Ocean One Enterprise Ltd
CHINA - Importers, processors, producers &
exporters of Salmon products, arrowtooth flounder,
yellowfin sole, rock sole, Pacific squid, illex
squid, bartrami squid, cod, hake, red fish, haddock,
saithe, salmon burger and fish skewer.
Imperial Seafood and Shellfish Inc - A Sysco Company
USA - Seafood processor for Sysco food service.
Pacific Wild Salmon, Pacific Oysters, Atlantic
Oysters, Black Cod, Pacific Cod, Dover Sole,
Halibut, Pacific Yellowtail, Red Rockfish, Bonito,
Sand Dab, Pacific Flounder, Sole, Ling Cod, Corvina,
Sea Bass, Pollock, Pacific Rockfish, Black Bass,
Bluefish, Cod, Fluke, Scallops, Mackerel, Parrot
Fish, Ocean Perch, Triggerfish, Albacore Tuna,
Yellowfin Tuna, Bigeye Tuna, bluefin Tuna,
Tripletail, Flounder, Hake, John Dory, Mahi Mahi,
Striped Bass, Skate wing, Wolf Fish, Haddock,
kingklip, Monkfish, Ocean Smelts, Lemon Sole, Anchovies,
Red Mullet, Sardines, Barramundi, Butterfish, Hoki,
Golden Snapper, Tarakihi, Blue Warehou, Orange
Roughy, Snapper, Grouper, Yellowtail Kingfish,
Swordfish, Blue Marlin, Chilean Sea Bass...
Seafood Express LLC
USA - Importers, processors & wholesalers of
Shrimp, Swordfish, Littleneck Clam, Grouper,
Freshwater Shrimp, Monkfish, Emperor, Catfish,
Sturgeon, Orange Roughy, Halibut, Abalone, Porgy,
Scad , Mahi mahi, Alligator, Croaker, Sole, Shark,
Pompano, Squid or Calamari, Tilapia , Red Tilapia ,
Blue Tilapia, Pollock or Alaska Pollock ,Smelt,
Pomfret, Bass, Snapper, Turbot, Mussel, Butterfish,
Bass, Sea, Crawfish or Crayfish, Cod, Crab, King,
Lobster, Shrimp or Pink Shrimp, Salmon, Coho, Chum
or Keta, Octopus, Mullet, Lobsterette or Baby
Lobster or Scampi or Deep Sea Lobster or Bay Prawn
,Whiting, Haddock, Barramundi, Yellowfin tuna,
Ocean More Foods Co., Limited
CHINA - We are producer and exporter of frozen
fish from China. Our Main products including Alaska
Pollock, Tilapia, Vannamei shrimp, Hake, Cod, YFS,
Salmon, Haddock, Saithe, Hoki, Red fish, Mackerel,
Catfish, Monkfish, Squid, Surimi stick, Arrow Tooth
Flounder, Pomfret, Mussel Meat, Scallop, Mixed
seafood, Dried Seafood, Salted Fish and so on.
Premier Seafood Europe B.V.
NETHERLANDS - Norwegian and Dutch joint enterprise
operating in Norway and Europe under the name Premier Seafood. Salmon,
trout, cod, haddock, saithe, halibut, mackerel, herring, capelin, blue
whiting, Greenland halibut.
Haiyang Gold Sun Food Processing Co.
CHINA - Processors and exporters of Frozen
Alaska pollock fillets, Yellowfin Sole, Ocean Perch,
Southern Blue Whiting, Atlantic Salmon, Atlantic
Cod, Haddock, Scallops, Salted cod, salted pollock,
Breaded fish steaks, Fish Fingers, Breaded Butterfly
Arctic Catch AS
NORWAY - Producers and suppliers of Live,
Cooked and Raw Red King Crab (Paralithodes
camtschaticus), Live, Cooked and Raw Snow Crab (Chionoeccetes
opilio), Cod, Haddock and Saithe whitefish of
highest quality, fresh, salted or frozen
Ocean Treasure World Foods Limited
CHINA - Seafood processors and exporters of Alaska pollock, tilapia,
mahi mahi, yellowfin tuna, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, grass carp, Panga,
yellowfin tuna, arrowtooth flounder, yellow fin rock sole, chum salmon,
pink salmon, mackerel, bonito, sardine, monkfish, swordfish, hake,
saithe, john dory, smooth dory, black dory, haddock, Pacific red fish,
Atlantic red fish, blue shark, golden pomfret, squid - Todarodes, Illex,
Bartrami, Dosidicus gigas, baby squid, baby octopus, cuttlefish,
Vannamei shrimps, red shrimp, pink shrimp, mussels, clams, bay scallops,
sea scallops, surimi sticks, crab claws, lobster prawn imitation,
seafood mix, silver fish and crayfish
Trawling Inc.
USA - Marder Trawling, Inc. Provides the freshest seafood taken
right off the boats. Our products are cut, processed and packed in house
to ensure the highest quality. Marder Trawling, inc. Offers custom
packing of both fresh and frozen seafood products. Sustainable fish and
seafood products - Wild Atlantic Sea Scallops, Wild Alaskan Codfish,
Wild Atlantic Winter Skate Wings, Wild Atlantic Monkfish, Wild Atlantic
Spiny Dogfish, Wild Atlantic Ocean Perch, Redfish, Mackerel, Haddock,
Pollock, Flathead, Yellowtail, Flounder, Yellowfin, Sea Dabs, Grey Sole,
Live Lobsters, Japanese Scallops, Chinese Bay Scallops, Peruvian
Scallops, Canadian Scallops
Hongbest Foods Co. Ltd
CHINA - Processors and exporters of Tilapia,
Pollock, Saithe, AP Cod, Chum & Pink Salmon,
Redfish, Haddock, Hake, Yellowfin Sole, Monkfish,
Vannamei & Red Shrimp, Squid, Scampi, Sea Bass,
Akvatoria Ltd
RUSSIA - Seafood processors and exporters. Our
main export product is IQF frozen cod (loins,
tails, portions) and haddock fillet.
Ocean Special Seafood Corp Ltd
CHINA - Seafood processor and exporters of
Alaska Pollock, Hake, Cod, Salmon, Yellow fin Sole,
Haddock, Saithe, Red fish, ATF, Tilapia, Vannamei
shrimp, Squid, Mix seafood, Mussel, Octopus, Surimi
crab sticks, Mackerel, Eel, Catfish, Silver carp,
Red pomfret
Ocean Wave Group Ltd
CHINA - We are a seafood processor and exporter
of Todarodes squid, Pacific Squid, Peru Squid, Illex
Squid, Arrow Squid, Pacific Cod, Atlantic Cod,
Haddock, Alaska pollock, Atlantic Saithe, Yellow fin
Sole, Spanish Mackerel, Pacific Mackerel,
Barramundi, Sea Bass, Tilapia, Black & White
Pomfrets, Chum Salmon, Pink Salmon, Red Fish and
Holdam Trading Supplies BV
THE NETHERLANDS - We are suppliers of a wide
range of fresh and frozen seafood products such
as: Ground fish - Cod, Saithe, Haddock etc,
Norwegian Salmon fish and Norwegian Fjord Trout,
Prawns and shellfish, Salted Cod fish, Clip fish
and Stock fish, Pelagic products - Herring,
Mackerel and Capelin, Red King Crab, Greenland
Halibut, Halibut, Cold Water Prawn, Ling, Blue
Mussels, Arctic Char, Tusk, Silver Pomfret,
Chinese Pomfret, India Salmon, Oil Sardine,
Bombay duck, sole, Spanish mackerel, Sole, Sea
bass, Rohu, etc, Red Sea Bream, Red mullet, Red
snapper, Ribbon fish (Cutlass fish), Ribbon fish
(Silver variety), Croaker, Jew Fish (Ghol,
Grouper, Sea bass), Indian Shad (Hilsa), Sole
fish, Horse mackerel, Shark, Indian mackerel,
Eel, cat fish, black Pomfret, Silver Pomfret or
White Pomfret, Tuna, Pearl spot fish, Tilapia
Westcoast AS
NORWAY - Location on the West Coast of Norway -
close to the fishing grounds. Packing style 20 kilo
net. Blast frozen seafood - land-based production.
Fish from Purse Seiner, trawl and coastal catch.
Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Capelin, Blue whiting,
Herring. Whitefish as Saithe HG, Haddock, Cod
Right Source Food International Inc.
CANADA - Export & import seafood all over the
world, we have our own plant in China for process.
Frozen Greenland halibut, whelk, haddock fillet, cod
Mousehole Fish
UNITED KINGDOM - We catch and sell directly to
trade and public. Mackerel, Brown Crab, Skate,
Spider Crab, Hake, Herring, Lobster, Cod, Ling,
Pouting, Sea Bass, Red Mullet, Grey Mullet, Turbot,
Monkfish, Haddock, Brill, Whiting, Pollock, Plaice,
Dab, Ray, Gurnard, Lemon Sole, Dover Sole.
Jagalchi Korea Corp SOUTH KOREA
- Export, import and international trade, seafood
inspection agency for all kinds of seafood. Frozen
Seafood, Kingfish, Lobster, Lobster Tail, Mackerel,
Mahi mahi, Marlin, Milkfish, Monkfish,
Mullet, Mussel, Mussels - blue and green shell, Nile Perch,
Ocean perch, Octopus, Oilfish, Oyster, Pangasius (Basa),
Parrot Fish, Perch, Pollock, Saithe, Pomfret, Porgy, Prawn,
Rainbow Trout, Redfish, Ribbonfish, Rock Lobster, Salmon...
East China
Seas Holdings Ltd
CHINA - Exporters, Importers and Processors of white shrimp vannamei, red
shrimps, pink shrimps, squid, tilapia, basa, pangasius, cod, Alaskan pollock,
yellow fin sole, salmon, saithe, haddock, wild sea caught black tiger shrimps,
tiger shrimp, lobsters, chum salmon and surimi.
Bay Seafoods
UNITED KINGDOM - SCOTLAND - Highland Bay Seafoods are worldwide specialty
seafood suppliers to Wholesalers, Retail shops, Hotels & Restaurants & UK Online
delivery to Home shoppers. Lobster, Langoustine, king scallops, shrimp, prawns,
brown crab, razor clam, mussels, monkfish, hake, haddock, cod, smoked fish,
Scottish salmon, Smoked Salmon, Atlantic Halibut, squid, cuttlefish and Octopus.
Snorrefood Pte Ltd
SINGAPORE - Importers and exporters of Salmon whole fillet portions of all
kind and other species from cold waters e.g. Atlantic cod, black cod, Greenland
halibut, King Crab.
Scandinavia House Pte Ltd
SINGAPORE - Scandinavia House is wholly owned by a Norwegian and has
the combined experience of over 20 years in the Norwegian fishing
industry. We are a registered company which specializes in seafood
exports with offices in Singapore, Norway and Timor Leste. All our
products are exported from Norway and we are a registered exporter with
Norway seafood council. Atlantic Salmon, Haddock, Wolf fish, Catfish,
Monkfish, Smoked Salmon, Hot Smoked Salmon, Cured Salmon, Norwegian Fish
Cakes, Fish Loaf, Fish Patty/Burger, Arctic Ocean Fish Burger, Fish
Balls, Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe (Pollachius virens),
Norwegian Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Shrimp (Pandalus
borealis), Norwegian Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), Norwegian Brown Crab
(Cancer Pagurus) - Whole Crab, Crab Claws, Buffet Crab Shells, Crab
Setraco NV
BELGIUM - We are both producer and importer of
frozen seafood. Import of shrimps, fish fillets,
molluscs and crustaceans. Prepared Foods: all value
added food - ready and semi-ready meals. Industrial
Applications: semi-finished products - cooked,
marinated salmon, fish rolls, cooked fish in bags.
Our own brands are Ocean Pride, Laguna, Amphora,
Orient Pride and of course we also offer private
Dalian Xu &
Lianyang Foods Co., Ltd
CHINA - Importers, processors and exporters of Atlantic cod, haddock,
pollock, Pacific cod, sole, ocean perch, salmon
Alinco AS
NORWAY - Alinco AS supply live, chilled,
fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such
as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic
Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius
virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus
villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus),
Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen
Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King
Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish,
Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme
brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot
(Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes),
Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red
Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops
norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus
aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius
hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, Black
Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King
fish, Stock fish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness
Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab,
Octopus, Squid and many others.
Fresh Catch Asia
CHINA - One of Europe's leading pelagic fish processors, and we are the
Asian subsidiary company is mainly deal the products includes: fish & fillet -
tilapia, blue whiting, mackerel (scomber scombrus & scomber japonicus), herring,
capelin, squid tube/ring/breaded, other fillet, such as APO, hake, haddock, Red
fish, Cod etc,
DSD Food Group
UNITED KINGDOM - A group of companies each specializing in specific sectors
of the food market. smoked fish, shrimps, frozen fish, poultry, beef, chicken
Kiev, roe-less king scallops, Scottish salmon,
Atlantic salmon, Atlantic cod
loins and fillet, plaice fillet, haddock fillets and many more.
Qingdao Beiyang Jiamei Seafood Co. Ltd.
CHINA - Importers, Processors and Exporters of Seafood mix, squid, red
shrimp, white shrimp, clam, mussels, salmon, APO, cod, haddock, yellow fin sole,
red fish, catfish, crawfish etc
Arctic Dawn Ltd
FAROE ISLANDS - Seafood exporters, processors
and wholesalers. The company offers different
seafood and food products. The company was founded
in 1997 and management has extensive experience in
the seafood industry on an international level.
Frozen whole herring, cod, pollock, horse mackerel,
silver smelt, capelin, blue whiting, salted cod,
salted saithe, salted cusk, dried stockfish, canned
sardines in vegetable oil and in tomato sauce,
canned mackerel in tomato sauce.
Transvic Seafoods Ltd
KENYA - A leading exporter in seafood products
and deal with many International companies. HACCP &
EU Accredited. Products include: Soft shell crab,
blue crab, live mud crab, live Alaskan crabs, Live
Dungeness crab, crab meat, Nile perch - H&G,
Portions, Loins, Fillets, Nile perch fish maws,
Salmon products, Rock lobster, slipper lobster,
Vietnam lobster, lobster tail, Boston lobster, west
coast lobsters, Black Tiger shrimp, vannamei shrimp,
scampi, octopus, squid, cuttlefish, big eye tuna,
yellowfin tuna, white fish, haddock, hake, jacopever,
john dory, kingklip, monkfish, sailfish, marlin,
swordfish, dorado, mahi mahi, Spanish mackerel,
yellowtail, Maasbanker, horse mackerel, pilchards,
sardines, barracouta, snoek, tilapia, Cape gurnard,
red mullet, ribbon fish, mussels, cod roe, cod fish
products, cod liver, European oysters, Pacific
oysters, red snapper
Mercuin S.A. de C.V.
MEXICO - A seafood importer and distributor company of Chilean Sea Bass,
eel, Haddock, Austral Hake, Halibut, Mahi mahi, monkfish, sable fish,
sole, albacore tuna, bluefin tuna, turbot, king crab, cuttlefish and calamari.
Tropic Star
Seafood, Inc.
USA - We carry over 500 seafood products in inventory, both fresh and frozen
including Farmed Atlantic salmon, Alligator meat, Barramundi, Basa, Catfish,
Clams, Cod, Cobia, Conch, Dungeness crab, King crab, Snow Crab, Crabmeat,
Crawfish, Dorade, Escolar Flounder, Frog Legs, Grouper, Haddock, Hoki, Kingklip,
lobster meat, Lobster tails, Mahi, Mussels, Octopus, Oysters, Perch, Pollock,
Pompano, Salmon, Scallops, Seabass, Seaweed salad, shrimp, Smelt, Snapper,
Squid, Sword fish, Tilapia, Trigger, Tuna, Turbot, Wahoo
Macfont S.A.
(Iberland Group)
SPAIN - Producers, Processors, Importers, Exporters of Salmon, Hake, Hoki,
Cod, Tuna, Redfish, Alaska Pollock, Saithe, Blue Whiting, Anchovy, Notothenia,
Catfish, Haddock, Yellowfin Sole, Monkfish, Shrimps, Brown Crab, Swimming Crab,
Red Crab, Crayfish, Mussels, Scallops, Squid, Giant Squid, Surimi, etc.
Kimpex A/S
Kimpex A/S has specialized in business with pelagic fish, various fish roe and
fresh fish of Danish waters. We have more than 25 years experience in the
marked, and we are as well MSC approved.
Boxin Seafood Co. Ltd.
CHINA - Processors, Exporters, Wholesalers Our main products are Yellowfin
Sole, Rock Sole, Pacific Cod, red fish, haddock, hake, salmon, and Alaska
Pollock, fillets, portion, in IQF, block, interleaved etc.
Orimax Seafood
CHINA - a reliable seafoods packer & supplier from China, we serve worldwide
Winlinks International Ltd
CHINA - We are professional frozen fish and seafood processor in China.
Focusing on the exportation of various frozen fish fillets and portions
Fisherman's Market
International Inc.
CANADA - Worldwide exporters of live Lobster and seafood from the Canadian
North Atlantic Ocean. Cod, Haddock, Sole, Pollock, Hake, Cusk, Salmon, Halibut,
Shark, Swordfish, Tuna, Live Lobster (Homarus americanus), Oysters, Clams,
Shandong Rongsense Aquatic
CHINA - We are one of the biggest processors in Northern China specialized
in processing Haddock, Pacific cod, Atlantic cod fillets, Monkfish tails, Red
Fish products, octopus products and Sushi products.
Fengning Limited Dalian
CHINA - Squid tube and rings; Tilapia fillets; Pompano; Redfish fillets;
Sole fillets; A Pollock fillets; Haddock fillets; Shark
steak; Oilfish saku; Kingfish/Wahoo
UNITED KINGDOM - We process whiting, haddock, cod and flat fillets. Fresh
and frozen North Atlantic, North Sea.
Breakers Fish Co. (N.S.) Ltd
CANADA - Producers & Exports Pacific Hake HGT, Pacific
Sardines, Rockfish and Wild Salmon, As well is an exporter
of Atlantic Mackerel, Herring, Silver Smelts, Capelin, Cod,
Pollock, Shellfish and Squid.
E-Fish International
CHINA - Exporter of Shrimp, surimi, bivalves, Tilapia H&S and
fillets, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, Alaska Pollock, Chum Salmon, Rock
sole, Yellow Fin Sole, Arrow tooth Flounder, Alaska Plaice, Hake,
Haddock, Saithe, Monkfish tails & fillets, John Dory, Tilapia, etc;
Marine Foods BV
NETHERLANDS - Involved in Fishing, production, Import & Export is a
worldwide supplier of frozen seafood. Mackerel, horse mackerel,
sardines, sardinella, herring, blue whiting, cod, haddock, saithe,
whiting, farmed salmon, wild salmon, farmed salmon trout.
Channel Fish Processing Company Inc.
USA - Fresh North East groundfish and Scallops. Whole, H+G, Fillets
and portions. We freeze Haddock, Atlantic Pollock, Redfish and
Scallops. We value add, raw breaded and glazed/marinades also in Boston
facility. We import products from Canada, Asia and South America.
Dalian Hongxing Foods Co Ltd
CHINA - Professional seafood factory. Main products includes of
pollock, ocean perch, yellow fin sole, Pacific cod, flat head sole,
haddock, etc.
CTLE Seafood
CHINA - We are a frozen seafood company supplying various processed
products out of China to EU, US, Middle East, Eastern EU and other
markets. All products are processed under HACCP compliance and EU
approved plants with competitive price, good service and excellent
Smart Fishery
Co. Ltd
CHINA - Smart Fishery is a professional company dedicated to
importing and exporting frozen seafood worldwide, specializing mainly in
frozen whole fish and fillets, surimi, shrimp, squid, and scallop.
Seafood Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - Seafood importer, processor and produce, wholesaler
and retail, own fleet of vessels and fish trawlers. Products include
cod, haddock, hake, pike perch, saithe, capelin, pollock, tuna, mullet,
mackerel, tailor...
MGW Seafoods Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - supplying Restaurants, Fish and
Chip Shops, Hotels as well as supplying to the
industry, Scottish Salmon, haddock, lemon sole, monk
fish, cod, lobsters, crab, prawns, mussels, kippers,
halibut, crayfish,
Ocean Trawlers Ltd
CANADA - We process fresh haddock, cod, redfish,
halibut, dogfish and slack salted pollock and
haddock. We also have live periwinkles and buy St.
Mary's bay lobsters directly from the fishing boats.
SIA "Roze GV"
LATVIA - fish processing factory from Latvia.
Our fishes we imported from Norway. We can offer -
mackerel, herring, salmon and others. SIA "Roze GV"
produced these types of products: a) Cooked fishes
in many types of packages. b) Salted fishes and
fishes in marinade. c) Smoked fishes. d) Many
package sizes and types.
Baichuan Industrial Ltd
CHINA - A professional processor and exporter
specialized in processing frozen fish fillets,
salted cod, pollock, blue whiting migas, fillets,
frozen Cod, Haddock, Halibut, John Dory, Monkfish,
Pollock, Saithe, Salmon, Tilapia, Yellow Fin Sole,
Todarodes Pacificus Squid, Illex Squid, etc.
Norvik Foods Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - Fish cake and added value
seafoods/vegetable processors. Contract processing
with new product development and small bespoke line
FRANCE - Export, Import, Processors, Producers,
Wholesalers of Capelin, Herring, Mackerel, trout,
salmon, blue whiting, Sardine, Sprat, Snow Crab,
King Crab, crab, Crab Spider, Northern Shrimp,
Lobster, Coquille St. Jacques, Squid, Octopus,
Whelks, Mussels, Alaska pollock, Colin place, Hake,
Rockfish, Cod, Skate, Dogfish, Haddock, Halibut,
Monkfish, Sole, Ling, Wolf, Tusk, Pangasius, Eggs
lumpfish of Cabillau, Eggs of saithe, Salmon,
Capelin roe, Saithe salted, Dried salted cod, Dried
Squid, Dried fish heads
JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
SCOTLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - Shellfish export-
Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and
vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK -
Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments.
Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of
Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station.
Uniyoung Holding Limited
CHINA - We offer some kinds of seafood from
China like pollock, cod, saithe, haddock, yellow fin
sole, salmon, tilapia fillets and some mackerel,
tilapia for raw fish.