Bell Global Ltd
NEW ZEALAND - Exporting Premium New Zealand
Seafood - Alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish,
smooth oreo dory, black oreo dory, blue cod,
blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse mackerel, silver
warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting, rays
bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john
dory, mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels,
gemfish, monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake,
hoki, kahawai, salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy,
sea perch, snapper, ribaldo, ruby fish, tarakihi
(ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow squid, squid,
cockle, pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters,
paua, abalone, scallop, paddle crab, lobster,
scampi, sea urchin (kina).
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Companies who wholesale Smooth Oreo
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Ocean Treasure World Foods Limited
CHINA - Seafood processors and exporters of Alaska pollock, tilapia,
mahi mahi, yellowfin tuna, Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod, grass carp, Panga,
yellowfin tuna, arrowtooth flounder, yellow fin rock sole, chum salmon,
pink salmon, mackerel, bonito, sardine, monkfish, swordfish, hake,
saithe, john dory, smooth dory, black dory, haddock, Pacific red fish,
Atlantic red fish, blue shark, golden pomfret, squid - Todarodes, Illex,
Bartrami, Dosidicus gigas, baby squid, baby octopus, cuttlefish,
Vannamei shrimps, red shrimp, pink shrimp, mussels, clams, bay scallops,
sea scallops, surimi sticks, crab claws, lobster prawn imitation,
seafood mix, silver fish and crayfish
Evimare Fish
THE NETHERLANDS - Since 1991 we serve as a link
between fishery and processors, whole sale and
distribution. Among other, we specialize in Pelagic
fish from the North and South Atlantic Ocean. Frozen
Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Sardines, Herring, Hake
and Flat fish from the North Sea - Mackerel,
Herring, Sardines, Sardinella, Blue Whiting, Horse
Mackerel, Sprats, Capelin, Redfish, Cod, Hake,
Brotola, Savorin, Hoki, Kingklip, Jack Mackerel,
Blue Mackerel, Warehou, Southern Blue Whiting, Oreo
Dory, Ghost Shark, Ling, Frostfish, Red Cod, Alaska
Pollock, Hake.
Mackay Reef Fish Supplies / Mackay Reef Export
AUSTRALIA - We are fishermen, processors, wholesalers
and retailers of the finest North Australian seafood. Coral
trout, red throat emperor, reef cod, mackerel, mixed reef
fillets, cod, prawns, Moreton bay bugs, sand crab, mud crab,
spanner crab, gold band snapper, rosy job fish, barramundi,
Spanish mackerel, redclaw crayfish....
L&B Taspac
NEW ZEALAND - Suppliers of Fresh Greenshell
Mussel (Perna Canaliculus), New Zealand Rock Lobster
(Jasus Edwardsii), Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea
Gigas), Eel (Anguilla Dieffenbachia/Australis), Frozen Arrow
Squid (Nototodarus Sloanii), Barracouta (Thyrsites
Atun), Blue Mackerel (Scomber Australasicus), Hake (Merluccius Australis),
Hoki (Macruronus Novaezelandiae), Jack Mackerel (Trachurus Declivis/Murphyi),
Ling (Genypterus
Blacodes), Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus Atlanticus),
Red Cod (Pseudophycis Bachus), Silver Warehou (Seriolella
Punctata), Southern Blue Whiting (Micromesistius
Australis), Brill (Colistium Guntheri), King Salmon
(Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha), Monkfish (Kathetostoma
Giganteum), Pilchard (Sardinops Neopilcharadus),
Smooth Oreo Dory (Pseudocyttus Maculatus), Snapper (Pagrus
Auratus), Trevally (Pseudocaranyx Dentex), Turbot (Colistium
AUSTRALIA - Richmond Oysters is one of Melbourne’s major wholesalers
and distributors of fresh and frozen seafood together with a large
variety of general fresh and frozen foods. Barramundi, snapper, blue eel,
grenadier, bream, butterfish, coral trout, flathead, gemfish, gummy
shark, harpuka, dory, whiting, snapper, kingfish, marron, marlin, trout,
mullet, mackerel, swordfish....
Seafood Store Pty Ltd
AUSTRALIA - Products include frozen fish, barramundi,
basa, flathead, hake, hoki, red emperor, rockling, sardine,
silver fish, silver whiting, smooth dory, sweetlip snapper,
white bait, whiting, King George whiting, salmon, fish roe,
smoked seafood, prawns & shrimps, crayfish, scampi, yabbies,
oysters, mussels, scallops, squid & calamari, octopus, value
added products.