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Companies who sell Spider Crab:
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Grupo Pescados y Maricsoc Pepa SL
SPAIN - We are a fish and seafood company and
work with the best quality products directly from
boats to wholesaler, supermarkets and best
restaurants. Fresh Product: Fish, Hake, Turbot,
Seabass, John Dory, Sardine, Mackerel, Horse
Mackerel, Lobster, Spider Crab, Brown Crab, Velvet
Crab, Prawns, Cockles, Shrimps, clams. Frozen
Sardine, Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Cooked Shrimp,
Prawns, Brown Crab.
Newquay Shellfish
UNITED KINGDOM - Exporters and wholesale
suppliers of fresh European (blue) Lobster - Homarus
gammarus, Brown Crab - Cancer pagurus, Craw Fish -
Panulirus vulgaris, Spider Crab - Lithodes Maja,
Pollack - Pollachius pollachius, Turbot -
Scophthalmus maximus, Monkfish (Anglerfish) -
Lophius piscatorius, Dover Sole - Solea solea, Hake
- Merluccius merluccius, Ray - Rajidae
UK Shellfish Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - Brown Crab (Cancer Pagurus), Spider Crab
(Maja Squinado), blue lobster, Spiny Caribbean Lobster, Scottish
Langoustine exporters based in the UK.
La Crustas
FRANCE - We export from France: Spider Crabs
(Maja Squinado), Brown Crabs (Cancer Pagurus),
European Whelk (Buccinum undatum), European Lobsters
(Homarus Gammarus)
CTLE Seafood, Inc.
CANADA - We are a frozen seafood company established since 2005 in
Canada, however, seafood business goes back in our family
since 1970s. Today we have our own cooperation and
partnerships in various parts of world. Some of the
following species we supply are: Atlantic Cod, Atlantic
Mackerel, Haddock, Red Fish, Saithe, Greenland Halibut,
Capelin, Atlantic Salmon, Chum Salmon, Pink Salmon, Sockeye
Salmon, Salmon Trout, California Squid, Illex Squid, Loligo
Squid, Giant Squid, Leather Jacket, Yellowtail Scad, Red Big
Eye Scad, King Fish, Grouper, Silver Pomfret, Whelk, Brown
Crab, King Crab, Cuttlefish, Black Cod, Chilean Seabass, Red
Snapper, Ribbonfish, Vannamei Shrimps, Argentine Red Shrimp
and various other products.
The Lobster
UNITED KINGDOM - Exporters and wholesalers of Homarus gammarus
lobsters, live cancer pagrus crabs, velvet crab, swimmer crab, spider
crabs and shrimps.
Tradalai Eis Ui Hannagain Teoranta
IRELAND - We are established for 7 years and are leading exporters
of Live Shellfish from Ireland to France, Spain and Portugal. Live Brown
Crab (Cancer Pagurus) Live Lobster (Homarus Gammarus) Live Shrimp (Crangon
Crangon) Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) Spider Crab (Maja Squinado) and Velvet
FRANCE - Export, Import, Processors, Producers, Wholesalers of
Capelin, Herring, Mackerel, trout, salmon, blue whiting, Sardine, Sprat,
Snow Crab, King Crab, crab, Crab Spider, Northern Shrimp, Lobster,
Coquille St. Jacques, Squid, Octopus, Whelks, Mussels, Alaska pollock,
Colin place, Hake, Rockfish, Cod, Skate, Dogfish, Haddock, Halibut,
Monkfish, Sole, Ling, Wolf, Tusk, Pangasius, Eggs lumpfish of Cabillau,
Eggs of saithe, Salmon, Capelin roe, Saithe salted, Dried salted cod,
Dried Squid, Dried fish heads