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Seafood Exporters & Sellers of Squid & Squid Products

Ika イカ   |   鱿鱼

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See Also:  Arrow Squid  |  Calamari Squid  |  California Squid  |  Flying Squid  |  Giant Squid  |  Humboldt Squid  |  Illex Squid  |  Loligo Squid  |  Narrow Squid  |  North Pacific Squid  |  Poulp Squid  |  Todarodes Squid


Siam Canadian Foods Co. Ltd
- Frozen Seafood (Shrimp, Cephalopods, Fish and Value Added products) Alaska Pollock, Bream, Catfish, Clam, Cockle, Cod, Conger Eel, Crab, Crab Claws, Crawfish, Cuttlefish, Eel, Flounder, Baby Clam, Grouper, Haddock, Hake Halibut, Hoki,  Horse Mackerel, Kingfish, Lobster, Lobster Tail, Mackerel, Mahi mahi, Marlin, Milkfish, Monkfish, Mullet, Mussel, Mussels - blue and green shell, Nile Perch, Ocean perch, Octopus, Oilfish, Oyster, Pangasius (Basa), Parrot Fish, Perch, Pollock, Saithe, Pomfret, Porgy, Prawn, Rainbow Trout, Redfish, Ribbonfish, Rock Lobster, Salmon, Salmon Roe, Salmon trout, Salmon Atlantic, Salmon Pacific, Salted dried fish, Sardine, Scallop, Scampi, Surimi, Surimi-base, Swordfish, Tilapia, Shark, Shell, Shrimp, Shrimp warm water, Slipper lobster tails, Snapper, Sole, Squid , Trevally, Trout, Tuna, Tuna albacore, Tuna bigeye, Tuna bluefin, Tuna bonito, Tuna yellow, Whiting, Sushi, Barramundi, Pangasius, Yellow Fin Sole, Cod, Redfish, Japanese Flying Squid, Bartrami Squid, Red Mullet, Red Snapper, Vannamei White Shrimp, Black Tiger Shrimp, Cephalopods, Cuttlefish, Giant Octopus, Baby Octopus, Seawater & Freshwater Shrimp, Shell Fish, Crab, Frog Legs, Pasteurized Crab Meat, Seafood Mix, Rohu, Hilsa, Mrigal, Boal, Ayer, Catla, Red Porgy, Indian Mackerel, Hake, Illex Squid, Croaker, Scomber Mackerel.


Tulip Group Indonesia
- We offer, from "State Of The Art" Processing Plants in Indonesia, EU Approved, FDA, HACCP Certified, BRC Registered. Pasteurized Crab Meat, Red Snapper & Malabar Snapper, Grouper, Octopus Ball Type, Loligo Squid: Tubes & Tentacles, Rings & Tentacles, Cuttlefish, Kingfish, Mahi Mahi Fillets Skinless, Portion Cut, CO2 Treated. We also export Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny Lobster (Panulirus   Argus) directly from our plant in the Dominican Republic. Shrimp: Head On, Headless, P/D, IQF, Blocks, Pre Cooked.


Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises
- Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises is one of the vibrant seafood exporters in Pakistan with HACCP, ISO 9001, UKAS, FDA & Halal certification. We have been contributing in the seafood industry for over 40 years with our own 4 processing plants. Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises provides a wide range of seafood products including: sea white shrimps, PUD, PND, rock lobster, silver pomfret, black pomfret, lady fish, sting ray, cuttle fish, loligo squid, Indian mackerel, sole fish, croaker (silver, yellow & Tiger Tooth), eel fish, grey mullet, Indian oil sardine and many more on demand.


PT. Toba Surimi Industries - Pasteurized Crab Meat        
- INDONESIA - Seafood packer and processor, canned, fresh and frozen Pasteurized Crabmeat, Our Products include: Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) - Chilled Pasteurized Crabmeat - Jumbo Lump Crabmeat, Super Lump Crabmeat, Lump Crabmeat, Special White Crabmeat, Claw and Leg crabmeat, Cocktail Claw Crabmeat. Frozen Seafood: Yellowfin Tuna, Giant Octopus, Baby Octopus, Cooked Cut Octopus, Cuttlefish, Baby Cuttlefish, Squid Tubes & Tentacles, Squid Rings, Mantis Shrimp, Crayfish, Parrotfish, Precooked Tuna (Skipjack) Loin, Soft Shell Crab (Raw & Pre-fried), Seafood Mix, Stuffed Crabmeat, Crab Cakes, Tuna Cabbage Roll, Shrimp Cabbage Pouch and Fish Sausage. Canned Seafood : Tuna, Shrimp, Baby Clam, Crabmeat, Squid, Cuttlefish, Baby Clam, Cut Octopus, Clam Juice & Clam Sauce, Kisu-kisu


Ocean More Foods Co., Limited
- Producer and Exporter of frozen fish from China. We have good quality Pelagic fish and Processed high value-added fish. Our pelagic fish include Pacific Mackerel, Bonito, Oriental Bonito, Horse Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Pacific Saury, all kinds of Tuna, Mullet, Scad, Mahi Mahi, John dory, Oilfish, Sardine, Blue Shark etc. We can also process Alaska pollock, Hake, Tilapia, Vannamei shrimp, Surimi crab sticks, Cod, Salmon, Yellow Fin Sole, Haddock, Saithe, Red fish, Greenland halibut, Arrowtooth flounder, Squid tube/ring, Baby octopus, Scallop, Mixed seafood, Canned fish, Pre-cooked fish, Dry Salted fish, Roasted fish etc. It can be packed as Fillets, Loin, Portion, Steak as per your detailed request. We also process frozen vegetable and frozen fruit.


Quanzhou Hayes Seafood Frozen Co., Ltd.
We are a professional company in the field of fishing, processing and freezing for export for more than 30 years with our own vessels and frozen factory. The main fish products we export globally are Fresh Frozen Sardines, Frozen Mackerel, Frozen Jack Mackerel, Frozen Squid and Frozen whole Round Scad etc. Pacific mackerel (somber japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Japonicus), Round Scad (Decapterus maruadsi), Big eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius), Sardine (Sardinella longiceps), Bonito (Auxis thazard), Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares), Illex squid (Illex argentinus), Hard tail scad (Megalaspis cordyla), Black Squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis), Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), Moon fish (Mene maculate) etc...


Gamvik Seafood AS
- Gamvik Seafood AS supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus), Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot (Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp, Ling Fish, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, Black Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King fish, Stockfish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab, Snow Crab, Octopus, Squid and many others


Bell Global Ltd
- Exporting Premium New Zealand Seafood - Alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo dory, black oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting, rays bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory, mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish, monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai, salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea perch, snapper, ribaldo, ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow squid, squid, cockle, Pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters, paua, abalone, scallop, paddle crab, lobster, scampi, sea urchin (kina).


Vinaquality Corporation
- Vinaquality corporation is a producer and exporter of various frozen seafood from Philippines and Vietnam. For 15 years we have provided top quality products such as octopus, baby octopus, bay scallops, yellowfin tuna, big eye tuna, black tiger and vannamei shrimps, prawns, round scad, muroaji, bonito, groupers, reef fish, soft squids, cuttlefish, giant squid tube, pangasius fillet, swimming crabs, Atlantic Salmon, Norwegian Trout, Bay scallop meat, scallops roe on & roe off, bigfin reef squid, kingfish, Spanish mackerel, yellowtail fish, hamachi, nobashi ebi, slipper lobster, rock lobster, white clams, breaded & battered seafood and dried yellow stripe trevally, value added seafood, dim sum and sushi products.


Zhejiang SiYu International Trade Limited / L Seafoodia Company Limited
L SEAFOODIA Seafood have been in the seafood business since 2011. We have good reputation with our partners, our core products are Pelagic Fish and Frozen Squid own produced and imported from worldwide. Frozen pomfret, Capelin, Croaker, Mackerel, Tuna/Bonito, Salmon and specific Crabs are also included. With long term cooperation with Indonesia, Espana and China mainland factories. Frozen mackerel, frozen pomfret, capelin ,frozen horse mackerel, frozen sailfish, frozen squid tube ring cube, frozen bonito, frozen tuna, frozen sarda sarda, frozen mahi mahi, frozen mullet, frozen Spanish mackerel, mackerel HGT, frozen scad etc.


Amaze Seafood Trade
- We are a seafood industry that is dedicated to supply Vannamei shrimp, Black Tiger Shrimp, Lobster, Deep Sea Shrimp, Poovalan & Karikkadi Shrimp, Sea White Shrimp, Sea Tiger Shrimp, Pink & Brown Shrimp (HOSO, HLSO, PUD, PD, PDTO, and EZP). Also supply different varieties like Cuttlefish, Squid, Octopus (Whole, Cleaned, Tentacles etc), Skipjack Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Bonito, Snappers, Reef Cod, Loins, Sole Fish, Ribbonfish, Croakers, Blue swimming crab, Baigai, Clam Meat, Rohu, pangasius, Tilapia etc. Amaze Seafood supplies high quality products according to buyer’s specification and requirement.



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Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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