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Rocmar Seafood S.A. a leading wholesale frozen at sea fish supplier and exporter from Panama. Our fish is only harvested by longliner boats with sea frozen capacity - yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, mahi mahi and wahoo.


Rocmar Seafood S.A.

PANAMA - A leading wholesale frozen at sea fish supplier and exporter from Panama. Our fish is only harvested by longliner boats with sea frozen capacity. We export to 12 countries (Asia and America) and our facilities are HACCP approved. Our products include yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, escolar oilfish.


Ocean Exports - High Quality Australian Fish, crabs, scallops


Ocean Exports Pty Ltd

AUSTRALIA - Producers, processors, exporters and wholesale suppliers of fresh chilled and frozen Eastern King Prawn, Ocean King Prawn (Penaeus plebejus), Western King Prawn (Melicertus latisulcatus), Red Spot King Prawn (Penaeus longistylus), Endeavour Prawn (Penaeus endeavouri), Banana Prawns (Penaeus indicus & Penaeus merguiensis), Raw Queensland Scallop Meat Without Roe (Amusium balloti), 1/2 shell Scallop (Amusium balloti), Vacuum Packed Scallop Meat (Amusium balloti), Coral Trout (Plectropomus maculates and Variola species), Gold Band Snapper (Pristipomoides multidens), Flame, Snapper (Etelis coruscans), Barramundi Cod (Cromileptes altivelis), Whiting (Sillago species), Blue Swimmer Crabs (Portunus pelagicus), Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata), Moreton Bay Lobster (Thenus orientalis), Spanner Crabs (Ranina ranina)


PT. Toba Surimi Industries - Pasteurized Crab Meat


PT. Toba Surimi Industries - Pasteurized Crab Meat

INDONESIA - Seafood packer and processor, canned, fresh and frozen Pasteurized Crabmeat, Our Products include: Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) - Chilled Pasteurized Crabmeat - Jumbo Lump Crabmeat, Super Lump Crabmeat, Lump Crabmeat, Special White Crabmeat, Claw and Leg crabmeat, Cocktail Claw Crabmeat. Frozen Seafood: Yellowfin Tuna, Giant Octopus, Baby Octopus, Cooked Cut Octopus, Cuttlefish, Baby Cuttlefish, Squid Tubes & Tentacles, Squid Rings, Mantis Shrimp, Crayfish, Parrotfish, Precooked Tuna (Skipjack) Loin, Soft Shell Crab (Raw & Pre-fried), Seafood Mix, Stuffed Crabmeat, Crab Cakes, Tuna Cabbage Roll, Shrimp Cabbage Pouch and Fish Sausage. Canned Seafood : Tuna, Shrimp, Baby Clam, Crabmeat, Squid, Cuttlefish, Baby Clam, Cut Octopus, Clam Juice & Clam Sauce, Kisu-kisu




Binh Dinh Fishery JSC

VIETNAM - Manufacturer specialize in Marine fish in Viet Nam. yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, swordfish, Xiphias gladius, marlin, Makaira indica, mahi, Coryphaena hippurus, wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, oilfish, Lepidocybium flavobrunneum,



Ocean More Foods Co., Limited

CHINA - Producer and Exporter of frozen fish from China. We have good quality Pelagic fish and Processed high value-added fish. Our pelagic fish include Pacific Mackerel, Bonito, Oriental Bonito, Horse Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Pacific Saury, all kinds of Tuna, Mullet, Scad, Mahi Mahi, John dory, Oilfish, Sardine, Blue Shark etc. We can also process Alaska pollock, Hake, Tilapia, Vannamei shrimp, Surimi crab sticks, Cod, Salmon, Yellow Fin Sole, Haddock, Saithe, Red fish, Greenland halibut, Arrowtooth flounder, Squid tube/ring, Baby octopus, Scallop, Mixed seafood, Canned fish, Pre-cooked fish, Dry Salted fish, Roasted fish etc. It can be packed as Fillets, Loin, Portion, Steak as per your detailed request. We also process frozen vegetable and frozen fruit.


Olig Seafood Sarl


Olig Seafood Sarl

MOROCCO - Producers, Processors and exporters. Factory 7000 sqm freezing with liquid nitrogen. Atlantic Mackerel - Scomber scombrus, Sardine, Pilchard, Sardinella, Bonito - Sarda sarda, Common Sea Bream, Red Snapper, Pargo - Pagrus pagrus, Dentex - Dentex dentex, Horse Mackerel, Jurel - Trachurus trachurus, cuttlefish, sole, pandora, Gilt head sea bream, conger eel, white bream, john dory, red mullet, turbot, bonito, red scorpion fish, skate, blue spotted sea bream, drum, black spotted sea bream, red banded sea bream, mackerel - scomber japonicus, African mix, octopus, ribbonfish, belt fish, grey mullet, grouper, bass, grunt, black seabream, stargazer, gurnard, octopus, cuttlefish, live lobsters, live crab, sardine, mackerel, red bream.



Gösta Fish & Seafood AB

SWEDEN - Exporters and Wholesalers of Dried Sea Cucumber, Fish Maw, Stock Fish, Frozen Scallop Meat, Fresh and Frozen Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus), King Crab Legs, Live Red King Crab, Fresh Salmon Fillets, Cod Fillets, Cod Roe, Dry Sea Cucumber, Frozen Salmon Heads, Salmon Bellies, Salmon Backbones.


Viemkco AS - Norway


Viemkco AS

NORWAY - Seafood producers and exporters of fresh chilled and frozen Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Atlantic mackerel (scomber scombrus), Atlantic trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), live king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Canadian lobsters (homarus americanus), scallops meat (Placopecten magellanicus), cod fillet, cod loins, cod maw, cod roe, salmon fillet, salmon heads, salmon belly flaps, salmon bits and pieces, salmon backbones, dried fish maw, cod fish maw, dried sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicas), snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), king crab clusters, snow crab clusters, cooked king crab legs, cod swim bladder, frozen lobster tails, cod heads.



JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd

SCOTLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - Shellfish buyers and exporters - Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station. LIVE SHELLFISH: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus), Blue Lobster (Homarus gammarus), Winkles (Littorina Littorea), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Scallops- dived (Pecten maximus), Razor clams (Ensis Siliqua), Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). FRESH FISH: Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Smoked Haddock, Cod (Gadus morhua), Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius), Hake (Merluccius merluccius), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), John Dory (Zeus faber), Turbot (Psetta maxima), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Genuine Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Lemon Sole (Microstomus kitt), Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)


DC Fishing (Pty) Ltd.


DC Fishing (Pty) Ltd.

SOUTH AFRICA - Exporters, Importers & Wholesalers of fresh and frozen fish and seafood products. DC Fishing, your trusted and experienced fish trading company, dedicated to sourcing and supplying sustainably caught seafood products to both local and international markets. We supply Fresh & Frozen Hake (Merluccius Capensis & Paradoxus), Jacopever (Sebastes Capensis), Yellowtail (Seriola Lalandi), Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares), Longfin Tuna (Thunnus Alalunga), Gurnards (Chelidonichthys Cuculus), Kingklip (Genypterus Capensis), Monkfish (Lophius), Snoek (Thyrsites), Octopus (Octopoda) and a variety of other species.



Norcoast AS

NORWAY - A leading exporter fresh and frozen seafood to the European union, Asia, United States of America, North and South America, Africa and other key markets from Norway. A leading exporter fresh and frozen seafood to the European union, Asia, united states of America, north and south America, Africa and other key markets from Norway. We are a leading processing plant and major distributors of fresh, frozen and processed seafood to many parts of the globe. Our main products include: Atlantic salmon, cod (torsk), flounder (skrubbe), haddock (hyse/kolje), mackerel (makrell), halibut (kveite), wolffish (steinbit), sea trout (sjøørret), coalfish, saithe (sei), tusk (brosme), hake (lysing), plaice (rødspette), lange, breiflabb, taskekrabbe, king crab, trout, fish maw, eel, pollock, oilfish, snow crab, brown crab, lobsters, rainbow trout, redfish, ribbonfish, rock lobster, scallop, snapper, sole, whiting, Stockfish, Cod roe, Lobster tail, salmon belly, salmon head, salmon fins, caviar, surimi, sushi, seafood mix




Vinaquality Corporation

PHILIPPINES - Vinaquality corporation is a producer and exporter of various frozen seafood from Philippines and Vietnam. For 15 years we have provided top quality products such as octopus, baby octopus, bay scallops, yellowfin tuna, big eye tuna, black tiger and vannamei shrimps, prawns, round scad, muroaji, bonito, groupers, reef fish, soft squids, cuttlefish, giant squid tube, pangasius fillet, swimming crabs, Atlantic Salmon, Norwegian Trout, Bay scallop meat, scallops roe on & roe off, bigfin reef squid, kingfish, Spanish mackerel, yellowtail fish, hamachi, nobashi ebi, slipper lobster, rock lobster, white clams, breaded & battered seafood and dried yellow stripe trevally, value added seafood, dim sum and sushi products.




Quanzhou Hayes Seafood Frozen Co., Ltd.

CHINA - We are a professional company in the field of fishing, processing and freezing for export for more than 30 years with our own vessels and frozen factory. The main fish products we export globally are Fresh Frozen Sardines, Frozen Mackerel, Frozen Jack Mackerel, Frozen Squid and Frozen whole Round Scad etc. Pacific mackerel (somber japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Japonicus), Round Scad (Decapterus maruadsi), Big eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius), Sardine (Sardinella longiceps), Bonito (Auxis thazard), Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares), Illex squid (Illex argentinus), Hard tail scad (Megalaspis cordyla), Black Squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis), Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), Moon fish (Mene maculate) etc...




Tulip Group Inc

USA - Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. Can custom pack. Our registered brand in the Dominican Republic is "Blue Leaf" Looking to expand into the Asian Markets. Shrimp: Head On, Headless, P/D, IQF, Blocks, Pre Cooked.




Gallant Ocean Group

TAIWAN - Frozen Product: Tilapia, Red Tilapia, Milkfish, Barramundi, Sea Bass, Mackerel Pike, Illex Squid, Red Drum, Grouper, Mullet, King Fish, Pompano, Rohu, Cat fish, Pangasius (Basa). Value added product: Vannamei & Black Tiger Shrimp (HOSO/HLSO/PD). Breaded Shrimp Products (Butterfly, Torpedo, Filo, Ball, Patty). Sushi Ebi/Nobashi Shrimp. Cooked Shrimp, Marine Shrimp. Breaded Squid Ring, Fish Finger & Crumbed Cutlet. Soft Shell Crab, Cuttlefish, Octopus. Certifications: HACCP, ISO, HALAL, IFS, ASC, BAP, BRC




Fjoksak AS

NORWAY - Producers, suppliers and exporters of high quality salmon fillet (Salmo salar), salmon fillets, salmon bits & pieces, salmon heads & belly. Atlantic trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), cod roe, cod maw, cod fillets, cod loins & portions, farmed salmon, live red king crab, king crab legs & claws, live snow crab. We specialise in Norwegian salmon and trout.




PT. Benua Agri Sejahtera

INDONESIA - Our company, PT Benua Agri Sejahtera is one of the leading seafood processors in Indonesia. Our company specialises in frozen yellowfin tuna, frozen bigeye tuna, frozen albacore, fresh yellowfin tuna, fresh bigeye tuna. Tuna Saku AAA Grade, Tuna Steak AAA Grade, Tuna Cube AAA Grade, Tuna Ground Meat. HACCP & BRC Certification. 20 years experience of processing frozen and fresh tuna.


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Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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