Ocean Exports Pty Ltd |
- Producers, processors, exporters and
wholesale suppliers of fresh chilled and
frozen Eastern King Prawn, Ocean King Prawn
(Penaeus plebejus), Western King Prawn (Melicertus
latisulcatus), Red Spot King Prawn (Penaeus
longistylus), Endeavour Prawn (Penaeus
endeavouri), Banana Prawns (Penaeus indicus
& Penaeus merguiensis), Raw Queensland
Scallop Meat Without Roe (Amusium balloti),
1/2 shell Scallop (Amusium balloti), Vacuum
Packed Scallop Meat (Amusium balloti), Coral
Trout (Plectropomus maculates and Variola
species), Gold Band Snapper (Pristipomoides
multidens), Flame, Snapper (Etelis coruscans),
Barramundi Cod (Cromileptes altivelis),
Whiting (Sillago species), Blue Swimmer
Crabs (Portunus pelagicus), Mud Crabs
(Scylla serrata), Moreton Bay Lobster (Thenus
orientalis), Spanner Crabs (Ranina ranina) |
Seafood S.A. |
- A leading wholesale frozen at sea fish supplier and
exporter from Panama. Our fish is only harvested by longliner boats with
sea frozen capacity. We export to 12 countries (Asia and
America) and our facilities are HACCP approved. Our products include
yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna,
escolar oilfish. |
JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd |
Shellfish buyers and exporters - Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and vans
direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK - Hotels, Restaurants, Catering
Establishments. Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of Scottish
Wild Salmon fishing station. LIVE SHELLFISH: Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus), Blue
Lobster (Homarus gammarus), Winkles (Littorina Littorea), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Scallops- dived (Pecten
maximus), Razor clams (Ensis Siliqua), Blue mussels (Mytilus
edulis). FRESH FISH: Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Smoked
Haddock, Cod (Gadus morhua), Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius),
Hake (Merluccius merluccius), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius
hippoglossoides), John Dory (Zeus faber), Turbot (Psetta
maxima), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Genuine Wild
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar), Lemon Sole (Microstomus kitt),
Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), Plaice (Pleuronectes
Bell Global Ltd |
NEW ZEALAND - Exporting Premium New
Zealand Seafood - Alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo
dory, black oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse
mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting, rays
bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory, mirror dory,
frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish, monkfish, stargazer, groper,
gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai, salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea
perch, snapper, ribaldo, ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally,
turbot, arrow squid, squid, cockle, pacific oysters, bluff oysters,
oysters, paua, abalone, scallop, paddle crab, lobster, scampi, sea
urchin (kina).
Group Inc |
USA - Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny
Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP
Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. Can custom pack. Our
registered brand in the Dominican Republic is "Blue Leaf" Looking to
expand into the Asian Markets. Shrimp: Head On, Headless, P/D, IQF,
Blocks, Pre Cooked.
DC Fishing (Pty) Ltd. |
Exporters, Importers & Wholesalers of fresh and
frozen fish and seafood products. DC Fishing, your trusted
and experienced fish trading company, dedicated to sourcing
and supplying sustainably caught seafood products to both
local and international markets. We supply Fresh & Frozen
Hake (Merluccius Capensis & Paradoxus), Jacopever (Sebastes
Capensis), Yellowtail (Seriola Lalandi), Yellowfin Tuna
(Thunnus Albacares), Longfin Tuna (Thunnus Alalunga),
Gurnards (Chelidonichthys Cuculus), Kingklip (Genypterus
Capensis), Monkfish (Lophius), Snoek (Thyrsites), Octopus
(Octopoda) and a variety of other species.
Quanzhou Hayes Seafood Frozen Co., Ltd. |
CHINA - We are a professional
company in the field of fishing, processing and freezing for export for
more than 30 years with our own vessels and frozen factory. The main
fish products we export globally are Fresh Frozen Sardines, Frozen
Mackerel, Frozen Jack Mackerel, Frozen Squid and Frozen whole Round Scad
etc. Pacific mackerel
(somber japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Japonicus), Round Scad (Decapterus maruadsi), Big eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger
kanagurta), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius), Sardine
(Sardinella longiceps), Bonito (Auxis thazard), Skipjack (Katsuwonus
pelamis), yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares), Illex squid (Illex
argentinus), Hard tail scad (Megalaspis cordyla), Black Squid (Sthenoteuthis
oualaniensis), Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), Moon fish (Mene maculate)
Caribbean Fish LLC
PUERTO RICO - Our 100%
Puerto Rican company is engaged in fishing and
distribution of fresh fish and seafood to the hotel
and restaurant sector throughout Puerto Rico. Our
staff with over 25 years of experience in commercial
fishing, chooses the best fish and seafood for our
customers supporting Puerto Rican tradition to
harvest the best from the Caribbean Sea. Our work
team specializes in diving fishing, netting, line
fishing and depth fishing. It is our commitment to
maintain the best quality and responsibility
controls to conserve the natural resources we enjoy.
Fresh Product: Queen snappers, yellow eye snappers,
mahi mahi, groupers, Caribbean red snappers, B-liner
snappers, yellow fin tuna, sword fish, conch meat
(Strombus gigas), etc.
Pacific Bio Products
USA - 80 year old family owned company.
Producers of Fish Meals, Bone Meal, Shrimp and Crab
Shell Meals, Fish Oil and Solubles. Fresh & Frozen
Fish "Rest" - the Rest of the fish after Human use.
Whiting Heads, Frames, Tails, Trim and Viscera
Rockfish Heads, Frames, Tails, Trim and Viscera
Flatfish Heads, Frames, Tails, Trim and Viscera
Salmon Heads, Frames, Tails, Trim and Viscera
RUSSIA - We are on of the leading seafood
producing companies in the region with more than 50
years of history and all the necessary
certifications for doing business internationally.
We are always in search for new opportunities around
the market and currently we are working on expanding
our exportation horizons. Pollock: Pollock WR/HG,
Fillets (PBO, PBI), Liver, Milts, ROE, Mince.
Herring: Herring WR, Fillet. Squid: Squid WR,
Tentacles, Wing, Tube. Threadfin: Body, Milts, ROE.
Grenadier: Grenadier HG, Liver, ROE. White Fishmeal
Abaad Fisheries
SULTANATE OF OMAN - Our core concentration is in
fish processing, storage, export and import. we can
supply all Omani fish species round the year. Fresh:
Sardines, ribbon fish, Indian mackerel, horse
mackerel, trevally, breams, croakers, groupers,
emperors, tunas (most of the type except Blue Fin),
cuttlefish, squid, octopus, crab, lobster, shrimps,
lizardfish, bluefish, barracuda, mahi mahi, kawakawa,
anchovy, queenfish. Frozen: Sardines, ribbon fish,
Indian mackerel, horse mackerel, emperor, tunas,
cuttlefish, squid, octopus, crab, lobster, shrimps,
lizard fish, blue fish, barracuda, mahi mahi,
anchovy, kawa kawa, queenfish, shark, sea cucumber,
pearl spot, snakehead, rohu, catla, tilapia.
UAB Jūros Vėjas
LITHUANIA - We are fresh and frozen fish and
it's products wholesalers in Lithuania. We mainly
offering: Common bream (Abramis brama), common roach
(rutilus rutilus), Vimba (vimba vimba), pike (Esox
lucius), zander (sander lucioperca), silver bream (blicca
bjoerkna), sprat (Clupea harengus membras). We also
interested in products like: herring, mackerel,
redfish, savorin, hake, etc.
Premium Seafood Group
MOROCCO - We represent the business holding, a
team of professionals with experience of trading
fish products on global market. Our holding in one
the leaders in processing and delivering of
high-quality oceanic fish products from the Atlantic
coast of Morocco. Sardines (Sardina pilchardus),
Sardinella (Sardinella aurita), mackerel (Mackerel
scombu colias and mackerel Japonicus), Octopus
(Octopus vulgaris), Cuttlefish Frozen (Sepia
officinalis), Fish products are available in a wide
range: WR (not split), HG (decapitated, gutted), HGT
(decapitated, without a tail, gutted).
Damaree Fishing
SOUTH AFRICA - The export company for the 5
family owned fishing vessels which catch squid,
namely Loligo Reynaudii. Our EU Approved Loligo
Reynaudii is wild, hand line caught by our own
fleet in the South East Atlantic Ocean (FAO Zone
47) off the coast of South Africa. We can
guarantee maximum freshness as we control the
entire process from onboard controls, off-loads,
processing and distribution.
Hafun Fish and Processing Plant
SOMALIA - A newly constructed factory that
resumed operations in January, 2020. It was built
adhering to strict HACCP guidelines and is the only
Fish factory in Puntland, Somalia which has a fully
vertical business operation from fishing to sales.
The company owns a fleet of Fishing & Transport
Vessels, High capacity Cold Storages including Blast
Freezers, Fillet Processing plant, Dry Fish plant
and Animal Feed plant. Our freshly caught fish are
preserved on board the vessels, then sorted, blast
frozen/Fillet/Dried and stored in cold storages in
the factory for Export or Local sales. Product: King
fish, Spiny Lobster (full) or Tail, Hamoor/Grouper,
Red grouper, Sherri fish, Black Pomfret, Emperor,
Red snapper, Cuttle fish, squid, Trevally, Lady
fish, Shark fish, Cat fish, Queen Fish, Croaker, Sea
bream fish, Mullet Fish, Parrot fish, Barracuda,
Moon fish, Sole fish
Fishery Co.,Ltd.
TAIWAN - Being in cooperation with a large amount of fishing
vessels, SS is able to provide uninterrupted supply of raw materials. SS
is the industry leader in super frozen long line fishery. We have local
and foreign subsidiaries, fishing bases and many contract fishing
vessels. Frozen Product: Yellow fin tuna, Big eye tuna, Albacore, Blue
fin tuna, Skip jack tuna, Angel fish, Opah, Oilfish, Escolar, Mahi Mahi,
Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Sugiyama, Wahoo, Swordfish, Blue
shark, Moro Shark, Mako Shark, Sardine, Pacific Mackerel, Pacific Saury,
Illex Squid, Yellow tail
Red Fish, Co., Ltd.
RUSSIA - A shore-based pink and chum salmon
catching and processing company who provides
block frozen raw material to wholesale buyers
from around the world. The company’s headquarter
and sales department are located in Sakhalin.
Our products: pink salmon, chum salmon,
Cucumaria (sea cucumber), yellow fin sole, spiny
king crab (hanasaki), pacific squid, pollock,
herring, incubators for fish breeding.
Djibah Seafood SARL
DJIBOUTI - Well placed in East Africa with more
than 100 employees processing 20 tons per day of
fresh and frozen seafood including Grouper,
Kingfish, Red Snapper, Emperor, Trevally, Yellowfin
Tuna, Sole Fish, mackerel, Blubberlip, lobster,
shrimps, sea cucumber, blue swimming crabs and mud
crabs etc.
GEORGIA - Our company is operating in the market
since 2002. We are producing high quality fish meal
(protein 70%<) and fish oil made from anchovies. We
also supply frozen Anchovies and frozen Bonito.
BWD Holdings Pty Ltd
AUSTRALIA - We are direct sellers of 100% wild
caught Tiger prawns and Banana prawns all packed at
sea in export cartons by accredited operators. We
supply full chain of custody documents and all
export documentation. We also supply Barramundi
fillets which are also wild caught and fresh snap
frozen in IQF boxes.
Tunisian International Seafood
TUNISIA - A company specialized in conditioning
and exporting Mediterranean Seafood products. All
our products are caught from our local Tunisian
Mediterranean cost (Fishing zone: F.A.O. 37.2). Blue
swimming crab - whole frozen, half cut frozen,
cooked fresh or frozen ready, Penaeus kerathurus
shrimps, octopus, cuttlefish, sea bass (Sparus
aurata), sea bream (Dicentrarchus labrax).
Mackay Reef Fish Supplies / Mackay Reef Export
AUSTRALIA - We are fishermen, processors, wholesalers
and retailers of the finest North Australian seafood. Coral
trout, red throat emperor, reef cod, mackerel, mixed reef
fillets, cod, prawns, Moreton bay bugs, sand crab, mud crab,
spanner crab, gold band snapper, rosy job fish, barramundi,
Spanish mackerel, redclaw crayfish....
Komira Group
INDONESIA - Komira Group aim at being an
integrated fishery supplier, delivering value and
quality products to meet the fishery market demand
in Indonesia and Overseas. Komira Group also working
with groups Fishermen in areas there are about
400-500 fisherman who regularly work in production
chain connections, continuously acquire raw material
supply of fish. Our products of Frozen Fish such as
Muroaji, Tuna Loin, Milkfish, Ribbon Fish,
Octopus.... Importing for only Pacific Mackerel.
Dolmøy House of seafood AS
NORWAY - Supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen
Norwegian Seafood Products such as Atlantic Salmon (Salmo
salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish
Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys),
Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Trout
Frozen, Live King Crab Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae
spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Redfish (Sebastes
marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian
Prawn, Red Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops
norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus),
Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides),
Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, (Metacarcinus magister),
Brown Crab, and many others.
TÜRKIYE - Producers, processors, suppliers and
exporters of frozen Lake Perch (Perca fluviatilis),
Pike Perch Fillet (Stizostedion lucioperca), Zander
Fillet (Sander lucioperca), Trout Fillet (Oncorhynchus
mykiss), Salmon Fillet (Salmo salar), Sea bass
Fillet (Dicentrarchus labrax), Sea bream Fillet (Sparus
Seamax Global S.L.
SPAIN - Seamax Global specializes in the
harvesting, processing and distribution of the
highest-quality seafood in the world. With a fleet
of boats spanning the globe, we deliver the finest
wild-caught fish and organic farmed seafood to our
clients worldwide. Fresh & Frozen Product: Yellowfin
Tuna (Thunnus Albacares), Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus
Thynnus), Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus Obesus), Skipjack
Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Bonito Tuna (Sardini),
Frigate Tuna (Auxis thazard thazard), Atlantic
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus
maculatus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus),
Red Mullet (Mullus), Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus),
Snapper (Lutjanidae), Grouper (Epinephelus
Malabaricus), Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), Sea
Bream (Sparidae), Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus),
Barramundi (Lates calcarifer), Squid (Teuthida),
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Barracudas (Sphyraena),
Cuttlefish (Sepiida), Octopus (Octopoda), Vannamei
Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), Black Tiger Shrimp
(Penaeus monodon), Pink Shrimp (Pandalus borealis),
Brown Shrimp (Crangon crangon), Oyster (Crassostrea),
Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), Mussel (Mytilus
Global Seafood
TUNISIA - A company
founded in 2014 specialized in transforming,
conditioning and freezing all types of sea products.
Our company has rapidly gained a great part of sea
products exportation market to the European Union
thanks to the outstanding quality of its products.
Supplying all types of Mediterranean fish including:
Cuttlefish, Octopus Vulgaris, lobster, deep water
shrimps (Parapenaeus longirostris), Crevette Royale
(Penaeus Kerathurus), Crevette Rouge, blue Swimming
Crab, mantis shrimp, langoustine, Eledone, Calamari,
squid, Sting Ray, Yellowtail, red mullet, Pageot,
Merou Grouper, Pagre, Gilthead Sea Bream, Daurade,
Rascasse, Saint Pierre, John Dory, Loup,
Oceana Fisheries Co. Ltd
SEYCHELLES - The oldest internationally known
fishery in the Seychelles being in operation since
1980. Processors & exporters of Humphead Snapper,
Emperor Red Snapper, Moontail Seabass, Banded
Grouper, Black-Saddled Coral-Trout, Brown spotted
Grouper, Marbled Grouper, Ruby Snapper, Green
Jobfish, White blotched Grouper, Red banded Grouper,
Tomato Hind, Bluelined Large-Eyed Bream, Spangled
Emperor, Mahi-Mahi, Trevally, Parrot Fish,
Two-Spotted Snapper, Rainbow Runner, King Fish,
Yellowfin Tuna, Shark, Marlin, Sword Fish, Spanner
Crab, Octopus, Smoked Yellowfin Tuna, Smoked Marlin,
Smoked King Fish, Smoked Sword fish, Breaded
products, fish burgers, fish balls.
Holborn Fishing Co Ltd
SCOTLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - We have been in the
shellfish business now for over 25 years. We own our
own vivier boat and also buy and sell shellfish from
other boats. Dealing in Live and Fresh Brown Crab,
Lobster, Velvet Crab, Green Crab and Winkles. We can
deliver with our own vivier wagon which will take 11
ton of product.
Samrick Seafood (Pvt) Ltd
SRI LANKA - We believe it is our responsibility
to consistently deliver & produce the highest
quality seafood in the most efficient,
environmentally safe, method while providing
outstanding service to both our customers and
supplier partners to maintain beneficial
relationships. We supply fresh & frozen: Yellowfin
Tuna H&G, loins, Steaks and CO treated, Skip Jack
Tuna, Swordfish, Mahi Mahi, Black Pomfret, Milk
Fish, Grouper, Red Snapper, Emperor Fish.
MEXICO - We can deliver live Geoduck to most
location within 72 hours from leaving the sea. Our
company has it own fishing vessels to ensure fresh
and top quality product.
ABoushehr Seafood Corporation
IRAN - Exporter and Importer of fresh and frozen
seafood products, fishery development, we are
involved in direct catching, selling and buying.
Ribbon Fish, Wild caught Persian Gulf shrimp, farmed
Vannamei HOSO shrimp, ribbon fish, cuttlefish and
Eel fish. Importing seafood such as tilapia fillet.
Native American Salmon Roe Supplier
USA - We are Native American owned on the
confederated tribes of warm springs Indian
reservation. Fresh spring salmon and salmon roe.
Also we have fall king salmon and salmon roe, shad,
golden carp, white sturgeon, crayfish. Frozen Salmon
roe, salmon, sturgeon, shad, golden carp.
The Town Dock
USA - Suppliers of Blackback Flounder,
Yellowtail Flounder, Fluke (Summer Flounder), Tautog,
Monk tails, Black Sea Bass, Wild Striped Bass,
Bluefish, Scup/Porgy, Skate Wings, Tilefish,
Butterfish, Whiting, Ling, Mackerel, Cod, Weakfish,
Haddock, John Dory, Conger Eel, Sea Scallops, Dabs,
arrowtooth flounder, black cod, butterfish, capelin,
croaker, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, menhaden,
pollock, redfish, salmon, sardines, scup, shrimp,
snow crab, squid, whelk
Tiscop Trading
MOROCCO - The group operates 4 RSW vessels, 7
freezing plants, a canning and a fish meal plant in
the South region of Morocco. Mackerel, Horse
Mackerel, Sardine, Sardinella and African mix are
supplied frozen WR and HGT all the year. we are also
selling canned sardine and Mackerel.
Scrabster Seafoods Ltd
SCOTLAND, U.K. - Fishermen, processors,
exporters and wholesale suppliers of live brown
crab, blue lobster, king scallop, razor clams. Fresh
haddock, smoked haddock, cod, monkfish, hake,
Greenland halibut, john dory, turbot, Pacific
Oysters, lemon sole, megrim, plaice, black scabbard,
blue ling, red fish. Frozen Greenland halibut and
brown crab. Cooked Brown crab, monkfish tails &
fillets, whiting butterfly fillets, smoked haddock
and smoked cod.
Group Inc
USA - Exporters of Frozen Lobster Tails & Whole Spiny
Lobster (Panulirus Argus) directly from our FDA Certified & HACCP
Approved plant in the Dominican Republic. Can custom pack. Our
registered brand in the Dominican Republic is "Blue Leaf" Looking to
expand into the Asian Markets.
Proyecta Corp S.A.
CHILE - Seafood producer and supplier from Chile
and Peru. Frozen Salmon, Chilean seabass, King Crab,
Giant Squid, Loligo Squid, Scallops, Mussels,
Octopus, Pomfret, Autralis Hake, Smoked Salmon, King
Fish, Abalone, Silver Smelt, Snow Crab, Stone Crab
Mediterranean Crabs
GREECE - We produce and supply fresh and frozen
blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), whole and half cut
to 5 Star Hotels, gourmet restaurants, wholesalers
both in Greece but also in Europe counties, Asia and
Newquay Shellfish
UNITED KINGDOM - Exporters and wholesale
suppliers of fresh European (blue) Lobster - Homarus
gammarus, Brown Crab - Cancer pagurus, Craw Fish -
Panulirus vulgaris, Spider Crab - Lithodes Maja,
Pollack - Pollachius pollachius, Turbot -
Scophthalmus maximus, Monkfish (Anglerfish) -
Lophius piscatorius, Dover Sole - Solea solea, Hake
- Merluccius merluccius, Ray - Rajidae
Pacific Seafood
USA - Harvest, Process and Market nearly all
species in the North Pacific Ocean. Largest
vertically integrated seafood company in the United
States. Pacific Whiting (Hake) - Merluccius
productus, Coldwater Shrimp - Pandalus jordani.
Alaskan Pollock, Mackerel, Herring, Sardines,
Albacore Tuna, Black Cod (Sablefish), Arrowtooth
Flounder, Rockfish, Pacific Ocean Perch (POP),
Flatfish, Sole, Chum Salmon, Pink Salmon, Ikura,
Green Roe, Steelhead, Salmon Trout
Favis of Salcombe Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - We specialise in Brown Crab
(Cancer Pagurus) and European Lobster (Homarus
Gammarus). We sell it Live Whole, and Frozen Whole
and also 100 % Hand Picked.
Seafood China
CHINA - Deep Sea Fresh Seafood Processors - sea frozen and land
frozen. We have our own vessels, refrigerating plants and processing
factory. Our main products are sardine, scad and mackerel for human
consumption or feedstuff. Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus),
Oriental Bonito (Sarda orientalis), Bonito (Auxis thazard), Skipjack
Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), Grey
Mullet (Mugil cephalus), Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira), Spanish
Mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius), Moon Fish (Mene maculate), Tilapia (Oreochromis
mossambicus), Pacific Mackerel (Scomber japonicus), Sardine (Sardinella
longiceps), Sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), Round Scad (Decapterus
maruadsi), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), Muroaji (Decapterus
macrosoma), Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), Big Eye Scad (Selar
crumenophthalmus), Hard Tail Scad (Megalaspis cordyla)
Ian Fish SA
ARGENTINA - A fishing company in Patagonia
Argentina (FAO 41), dedicates its efforts to the
catching, processing and commercialization of sea
products, mainly Shrimps (Pleoticus Muelleri) and
Hake (Merluccius Hubbsi).
JX Seafood Limited
CHINA - Producers, processors and exporters of illex squid, todarodes pacificus squid, giant squid in whole round, ring, tube, tentacle and fillet forms. giant squid, illex squid, todarodes squid, sardine, round scad, pacific mackerel, giant squid neck tip tentacle wing fillet, squid flower ring tube tentacle neck tip
PT Ariya Jayasantang
INDONESIA - Fishermen, processors, exporters and
wholesale suppliers of Fresh Tuna - HG, GG and Loin.
Carlos Augusto Gudewort
ARGENTINA - River fishermen, producers and
exporters of corvina (furnieri Micropogonias),
kingclip, anchovy, red cod, red snapper, illex
squid, chub mackerel, tope shark, white croaker,
Patagonian smoothhound, grenadier, Argentine red
shrimp, big eye sole, flounder, southern hake, hoki,
grouper, pompano, sea trout, angel shark, elephant
fish, flathead, blue whiting, skate, blackbelly rose
fish, Brazilian sand perch, silver warehou, rainbow
trout, freshwater fish, catfish, boga, carp and
battered fish medallions
Sea Urchin Enterprise
USA - Fishermen, producers & exporters of live
and fresh sea urchins right off the boat, live and
fresh marine snails fresh off the boat.
Pwani Sealife Kenya Ltd
KENYA - Exporter of Live lobster, live mud
crabs, live shrimps, live Ornamental Aquarium Fish.
Fresh & frozen tuna, crabs, squid, cuttlefish, grey
mullet, hamour, red mullet, leather jacket fish, red
snapper, rainbow runner, mahi, swordfish, trevally,
barracuda, sardinella, Indian mackerel, ribbon fish,
emperor, Asian sea bass, barramundi, pony fish, half
beaks, anchovies, sardines, flying fish, silver
biddies, gar fish, Nile perch, octopus, black tiger
shrimps, white flower shrimp.
Dimoudis Bros. S.A.
GREECE - The biggest mussel aquaculture in
Greece, mainly exporting to Italy, Spain and France.
The company is also involved in fishing and trading
other seafood products. Blue crabs (Callinectes
sapidus) Maryland type, Mussels (Mytilus
galloprovincialis), Mussel meat, Clams (Venus
verrucosa), Sea shells Murex (Trunculus-trunculus),
Mussels (Modiolus barbatus)
Global Seafoods Distributors
GUYANA - Producers, processors & suppliers of
fresh snappers, frozen bangamary, butterfish, sea
trout, gray snapper, corvina, king fish, snook,
shark, red snapper, b-liners, salt fish, seasoned
fish, smoked catfish, smoked shrimps, fish
seasoning, shrimp seasoning, smoked barracuda.
Lobster Mobster (Pty) Ltd
SOUTH AFRICA - Fishermen, producers, processors,
exporters and wholesalers of Fresh & frozen Tuna,
Frozen Hake and Frozen and Live West Coast Rock
IceMar ehf
ICELAND - We process and export fresh & frozen
Icelandic products worldwide. Scampi, Prawns,
Atlantic cod, Haddock, Saithe, Mackerel, Capelin,
Herring, Plaice, Lemon sole, Grey sole, Redfish,
Catfish, Ling, Arctic Char, Wolf fish etc
Guangzhou Fu Mao Frozen Food Co. Ltd
CHINA - Our company has fish fleets that are
specialize in catching pacific saury and illex
squid. All of the newly caught fishes will be
directly transported to our freezer warehouse and
stored in a temperature-controlled storage which
maintain at the temperature between -25 to -60 to
ensure freshness, hygiene, and high quality.
Trident Seafoods Corporation
USA - Producers, processors and exporters of
Alaska Pollock in various forms: H&G Fish, IQF loins
& fillets, shatter-pack fillets, fillet blocks, mince
Prabhu Marine Exports
INDIA - Exporters & processors of ribbonfish,
silver, Chinese and black pomfret, silver croaker,
red snapper, lady fish, sole, grouper, Indian
mackerel, eel, shrimp, cuttlefish, squid.
Conso-Caraibe International 2 SARL
SENEGAL - Fresh and frozen seafood Exporter -
All kind of fish from West Africa.
Tehaoopo Corp
ARGENTINA - Our product availability stems from
10 vessels of all sizes and 2 processing plants.
Yellow Croaker (Micropogonias furnieri), White
Croaker (umbrina canosai), Sea Trout (Cynoscion
striatus), Hake Whiting (Merluccius Hubbsi), Skate (Dipturus
chilensis), Ray (raja spp), Argentine Anchovy (Engraulis
Anchoitas), Argentine Shortfin Squid (illex
argentinus), Flathead (percophis brasiliensis),
Flounder (Paralichthys spp), Grouper (Pananthistius
brasilianus), Hawkfish (Cheilodactylus bergi), Hoki
(Macruronus Magellanicus), Kingclip (Genypterus
blacodes), Mackerel (scomber japonicus), Red Porgy (pagrus
Labuan Food Industries Sdn Bhd
MALAYSIA - We are a
seafood importer, seafood processor and seafood
exporter for frozen seafood. Tuna products - Loin,
Saku, Steak, Ground Meat, Mince Meat. Fish - Spotted
sardine, muroaji, codfish, salmon, butterfish,
tilapia, mahi-mahi, marlin, swordfish, mackerel,
Eel. Cephalopods - Squid, Cuttlefish, baby octopus,
octopus. Crustaceans - Half shell oyster, half shell
scallop, scallop meats, oyster meats, green mussels,
baby clam, clam meats, lobster, crab. Value Added -
Shrimp spring roll, tuna burger meat, breaded fish,
breaded squid, breaded squid rings
Marineca Pvt Ltd
MALDIVES - Fishermen, processors, exporters,
wholesalers and buyers agents of Fresh Yellowfin
Tuna Loins / H&G / G&G
Puntland Fishing Company
SOMALIA - Fishermen, processors, exporters,
wholesalers and agents of fresh lobster, Tuna (all
species) Kingfish, Sardines, Mackerel, Crayfish,
Shark (fin and whole), Snapper, Grouper, Grunt,
Trevally, Emperor, Barracuda, Goatfish, Parrotfish,
Sea Bream, Mullet, Shrimp and Crab.
Young Sin Seafood Co.
TAIWAN - Fishing vessel owners and operators. Exporters of Sharks,
Oilfish, Marlin, Tuna, Swordfish, Groupers, Illex Squid and Pacific
Saury caught by our fleet. Importers of Sardine, Mackerel and Muroaji as
fishing bait for our fishing vessels.
Tirtha Jaya Oceanus
INDONESIA - Producers, processors, exporters and
wholesale suppliers of Tuna (Thunnus albacares), Oil
Fish Smooth Skin (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum),
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Black/White Marlin (Makaira
indica), Albacore (Thunnus alalunga), Sail Fish (Isthioporus
oriental), Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri), Mahi (Coryphaena
TAIWAN - Fishermen, producers and exporters of
Pacific Mackerel, Japanese Mackerel, Horse Mackerel,
Red Tail Horse Mackerel, Bonito, Skipjack Tuna,
Pacific Saury
Glass Eels Maine
USA - Glass eels Maine is a Anguilla rostratta
glass eel supplier from Maine the united states. We
have buying stations all over the state of Maine
harvesting the glass eel or elver and then we bring
them to our packing facility were we hold them till
they regain strength , and at that time we will pack
them in special boxes to ship all over the world. We
also supply Maine Lobster (Homarus americanus),
Maine Jonah Crab (Cancer borealis)
Taam Fishing Limited Mogadishu Somalia
SOMALIA - Taam Fishing Ltd is live lobsters
company based in Mogadishu Somalia. We send live
lobsters to Kenya and Hong Kong. Our lobsters is
good quality lobsters, anyone interesting to buy
a live lobster from Somalia please contact.
Barba Fish d.o.o.
MONTENEGRO - Industrial fishing company in Tivat,
Montenegro. Fresh Mediterranean and Adriatic Fish.
Tuna, sea bass, sea bream, sardines, scomber
japonicus, chub mackerel, bonito, mackerel, blue
fish, scomber scombrus, mullet, red mullet, gilthead
Morski Ribolov Nesebar Ltd
BULGARIA - Specialized in catching, processing
and freezing Black Sea Sprat. We have distribution
throughout Bulgaria, and exports to Romania. Frozen
Sprat, Horse Mackerel, Bluefish, Gobiidae, Crucian
Silver Fox SeaFood
ICELAND - We produce Icelandic canned cod liver,
Icelandic dry sea cucumbers skins and frozen sea
cucumber meat
Viking Fishing and Charters LLC
USA - Boat owner and producer of Fresh Yellowfin
tuna, blackfin tuna, wahoo, mahi mahi, amberjack,
shark, snapper (not American red) etc
Midwest Caviar LLC
USA - We have 3 boats that go out daily and
bring the fish back to our USDA-HACCP certified
facility for processing to assure our guaranteed
fresh product. Caviar, paddlefish fillets,
paddlefish lugs, buffalo meat, catfish
Northern Pelagic Group, LLC
USA - One of the largest pelagic processing
companies in the USA. Atlantic Herring (Clupea
harengus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus),
Illex Squid (Illex illecebrosus), Pacific Mackerel (Scomber
japonicus), Pacific Hake (Merluccius gayi)
West Wing Trading - WWTRA Fisheries Private Limited
SRI LANKA - Producers, processors, importers,
exporters of mahi mahi, grouper, king fish, lobster,
squid, tuna, swordfish, shrimp, live seafood, sea
cucumber, sea plants, frozen seafood.
LATVIA - Fishermen and producer of block frozen
and IQF frozen sprats and Baltic herring WR, deli,
Jai Gayatri Export
INDIA - We are Exporters of all kinds of frozen
seafood. Our Frozen Product: Ribbon fish, Reef Cod,
Yellowfin Tuna & Skipjack Tuna, Yellow & Silver
Croakers, Kingfish, TT croaker, Barracuda, Indian
Mackerel, Kati fish, Horse mackerel and other
species available in Indian Ocean.
Atta Foodstuff Trading
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Fishermen, producers,
processors and exporters of fresh and frozen ribbon
Persian Gulf Lantern Fish Fishing Cooperative Co
Group 4585
IRAN - Producer of Ribbon Fish, Cuttlefish,
Shark, Sea Shrimp, Farm Shrimp, King Fish, Queen
Fish, Eel Fish in Iran.
Hadhrami Fisheries Company
YEMEN - Yemen’s ultimate leader in processing
and exporting of seafood - Yellow fin Tuna,
Cuttlefish, Cat fish, Grouper, Indian Mackerel,
Trevally, Croaker, Ribbonfish, Sailfish, Mahi mahi,
Barracuda, Black pomfret, Bulls eye, Chub mackerel,
Emperor, Frigate Tuna, Horse mackerel, Jobfish,
Kawakawa, Kingfish, Lobster, Octopus, Queen fish,
Red snapper, Sardine, Sea bream, Shark, Skipjack,
Stripped bonito, Yellow tail scad
Long Phat Aquaculture Co., Ltd
VIETNAM - Seafood producers, manufacturers and
exporters of bonito, tuna, mackerel, scad, Atlantic
herring, sardine, shrimp, octopus, squid, mahi mahi,
tilapia, cobia, pangasius, and red snapper.
Rompescador Ltd
ROMANIA - Romanian Fishing Company supplying
fresh & frozen sea snails - rapana thomAsiana,
turbot and shark from the Black Sea.
Asaro Matteo Cosimo Vincenzo
ITALY - 14 fishing boats operating in the
Atlantic ocean (FAO zone 34) and in the
Mediterranean sea (FAO zone 37). Pink, Red, Violet
shrimps, mullet, Nephrops, octopus, squid, cod,
Lisa T
USA - we are a family owned commercial fishing
vessel out of Gloucester ma. and have been fishing
for over 30 years we have extensive experience in
catching and storing the freshest and best quality
silver hake on the east coast
Tehaoopo Corp
URUGUAY - Fishing company dedicated to export
our products, currently have processing plants and
fishing boats to capture different species in
Uruguay and Argentine seas. Ray (raja sp.), Skate (Dipturus
Azimut S.L.
SPAIN - Specialized in white fish, sea frozen. We work with a fleet
of fishing vessels in Falkland Islands and NW-E Atlantic. Nototenia,
Hubbsi, Hoki, Brotola, Calamari, Grenadier, Talisman, Sable, Red fish,
Red Mullet, Octopus, Tuna loins, Swordfish loins.
Honesty Fishing Company
SOMALIA - Producers, processors, exporters and
suppliers of live lobster, lobster tail, fresh and
frozen Lobster, tropical spiny lobster, sea
cucumber, demersal fish, king fish, yellowfin tuna,
bluefin tuna, big eye tuna, long tail tuna, emperor
fish, snapper, grouper, barbuda, queenfish, goat
fish, cod, turbot, catfish, jack, shark, palamite,
bream, milkfish, swordfish, sole
Trawling Inc.
USA - Marder Trawling, Inc. Provides the freshest seafood taken
right off the boats. Our products are cut, processed and packed in house
to ensure the highest quality. Marder Trawling, inc. Offers custom
packing of both fresh and frozen seafood products. Sustainable fish and
seafood products - Wild Atlantic Sea Scallops, Wild Alaskan Codfish,
Wild Atlantic Winter Skate Wings, Wild Atlantic Monkfish, Wild Atlantic
Spiny Dogfish, Wild Atlantic Ocean Perch, Redfish, Mackerel, Haddock,
Pollock, Flathead, Yellowtail, Flounder, Yellowfin, Sea Dabs, Grey Sole,
Live Lobsters, Japanese Scallops, Chinese Bay Scallops, Peruvian
Scallops, Canadian Scallops
URUGUAY - Fishing boat owners and operators,
wholesalers, agents and exporters of Red snapper,
Grouper, Whelk fish, Tuna, Shark, Hake, Hoki, Illex
squid, Yellow Croaker , White Croaker, Abalone,
Flounder, Angel shark, Weakfish, Silver Croaker,
PT. Gabungan Era Mandiri
INDONESIA - A leading supplier, from fishing to
supplying, of Frozen Seafood in Jakarta, Indonesia
since 1999. Our products are all frozen on board and
origins Indonesia. W/r Skipjack, tuna, mahi mahi,
loligo squid, scad, frozen precooked tuna loins,
frozen precooked tuna flakes.
Centurion Fisheries Investment Pvt Ltd (MDV021)
MALDIVES - Our company is establish plant
and fishing fleet we are reliable supplier from
Maldives. Fresh Product: Fresh Yellow fin tuna,
big-eye tuna, mahi mahi, groupers, cuttlefish,
snapper, emperor, etc. Frozen Loins, saku,
steaks etc.
Neptune Trading Group, Ltd
USA - Neptune Trading Group prides itself on
offering customers the highest quality seafood at
the most affordable price. With over 20 years of
experience, NTG has developed a strong product line
that we continue to expand upon. Offering Pacific
Mackerel, Atlantic Mackerel, Hake (Merluccius gayi),
Bullet Tuna, Argentine Illex Squid
INDONESIA - Exporters, Producers, Wholesalers,
Fishermen of Live Mud Crab.
PT. Sari Cakalang
INDONESIA - A leading supplier and exporter of
dried fish (Katsuobushi) and frozen fish products. We also supply
frozen Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares), Skipjack
Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), Mackerel Scad (Decapterus
macarellus), Frigate Tuna Mackerel (Auxis thazard).
Fresh, Sashimi-grade Yellowfin Tuna.
Allan Barnett Fishing Co
AUSTRALIA - We catch fresh Tasmanian Scallops.
Having an export registered vessel, we are able to
freeze the scallops (Pectin Fumatus) whole, as soon
as they have been caught, to be exported overseas
Australian Ocean King Prawn Co.
AUSTRALIA - Trawler owner/operators and cold stores,
exclusively supplying Ocean King Prawns, packed in 5kg
cartons and snap frozen at sea. We also supply cooked prawns
in 10/15 and 16/20 grades, but can supply cooked prawns in a
larger grade upon request.
Braxton Shipping
SOUTH AFRICA - We are a South African company
based in Durban that owns vessel El Shaddai and
fishes Patagonian Tooth Fish ( Seabass). We export
wholesale HGT caught wild, frozen at sea to
Catch of the Day
LEBANON - A fresh fish supplier based in
Lebanon. All of our fishing is done in the
Mediterranean waters. Our main focus is to provide
the highest quality of fish through delicate
handling and speedy delivery to our customers. Fresh
Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna, Little Tunny, Albacore Tuna.
Artisanal Fishers
SOUTH AFRICA - Representatives of 43 Traditional
Fishers, operating for six years, supplying West
Coast Rock Lobster (Jasus Lalandi)
Jjoss Ventures
GHANA - We are into fishing, we own vessel for
tuna fishing, we have been in business for past 25
years. we have about 200 employees engaged on board
our vessels and at our cold store. We supply, Yellow
fin tuna, whole H&G tuna grade 1 and #2+, grouper
fish, octopus, sole fish, cuttle fish, tilapia etc
Seabird Marine Pakistan (Private) Limited
PAKISTAN - Operators Coastal and Deep Sea
Fishing Vessels in E.E. Zone of Pakistan, and
Exporter of Marine Sea Foods - Ribbon, Squid,
Cuttle, Octopus, Black Pomfret, White Pomfret, Eel,
Grouper, Silver and Yellow Croaker, Sardine, Indian
Mackerel, Mullet, Crab, Shrimps, PUD
Ballina Quality Bait
AUSTRALIA - Ballina Quality Bait are commercial fisherman based in NSW Richmond River. We retail and wholesale specialising in wild caught bait school prawns. We are a family run business and we catch and process our own product quality guaranteed. We have our own bags Ballina Quality Bait which we can pack 200g, 400g & 1 KG pks or we can pack in your bags. We freight Australia wide. We guarantee our product and you want be disappointed. Our product is white spot free and none of our product is sourced from QLD.
High Tide Fisheries
CANADA - We buy live Atlantic lobsters direct
from boats and ship by air. We also deal in Frozen
Atlantic Lobster, Frozen Crab, Oysters, Mussels,
Herring, Herring Roe.
Coastal Diving & Marine Services Ltd
SCOTLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - We mainly Export live
seafood to Europe, Hong Kong and Main Land China and
we are always looking for new Country's and Markets.
We supply live Hand Dived Razor Clams, Hand Dived
King Scallops, Lobster and Brown Crab. As
well as boats regularly supplying us with fresh
product we also have a fleet of our own boats. This
allows us to keep are prices competitive.
JMJ Exports
INDIA - Fresh & Chilled Fish & Other Seafood
Processors & Exporters. Red Mullets, Groupers, Reef
Cods, Snappers, King Fish, Pomfrets Sea Breams,
Indian Mackerel, Ribbon Fish, Indian Oil Sardine,
Yellow Croaker, Tiger Tooth Croaker, Big mouth
Croaker, Leather skin, Queen fish, Sole fish, Yellow
Fin Tuna, Horse Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Scad, Lobster,
Mud Crab, Blue Swimming Crab, Squid, Cuttle Fish,
Baby Octopus, Cobia, Vannamei Shrimps, Flower
Shrimps, Black Tiger Shrimps
Mousehole Fish
UNITED KINGDOM - We catch and sell directly to
trade and public. Mackerel, Brown Crab, Skate,
Spider Crab, Hake, Herring, Lobster, Cod, Ling,
Pouting, Sea Bass, Red Mullet, Grey Mullet, Turbot,
Monkfish, Haddock, Brill, Whiting, Pollack, Plaice,
Dab, Ray, Gurnard, Lemon Sole, Dover Sole.
Laksamana Laut Biru Sdn Bhd
MALAYSIA - Deep sea boat operators, exporter of
live seabass, fresh Indian mackerel, sardine and sea
bass and frozen food - Fish burger, chicken nugget,
fish nugget, fish cake, fish ball, fish stick
Scot West Shellfish Ltd
SCOTLAND, U.K. - Scot West Shellfish has been
serving the export fishing industry, dealing in hand dived Razor
clams. In a short space of time, we have established
ourselves as the leading Razor clam supplier in
Scotland, supplying markets in Asia, Europe and the
United Kingdom. Other products we export include
Brown Crab, Blue Lobster, Hand Dived Scallops,
Cockles, Surf Clams and many other products on
demand. Scot West Shellfish are dedicated to
creating more sustainable harvesting, processing and
logistical operations.
Alinco AS
NORWAY - Alinco AS supply live, chilled,
fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such
as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic
Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius
virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus
villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus),
Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen
Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King
Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish,
Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme
brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot
(Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes),
Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red
Shrimp, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops
norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus
aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius
hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw, Hake Fish, Black
Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King
fish, Stock fish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness
Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab,
Octopus, Squid and many others.
PT. Segara Mulya Sejahtera
INDONESIA - We have a factory located at the
eastern part of Indonesia, we have a cold-storage
and processing facility. Fresh and Frozen Natural
Tuna Loin Sashimi grade, and Bottom fish fillet -
Grouper, Red Snapper, pinjalo, snapper family,
emperor, Barramundi etc
Lochleven Shellfish
SCOTLAND, U.K. - Producers, suppliers &
exporters of Razor Clams (Ensis Siliqua), Surf Clams
(Spisula Solida), Oysters (Crassostrea Gigas),
Scallops (Pecten Maximus), Winkles (Littorina
Littorea), Lobsters (Homarus Gammarus), Crabs
(Cancer Pagurus)
PT. Arta Mina Tama
INDONESIA - We are seafood manufacture in
Jakarta-Indonesia, have 20 boats. Product: tuna,
loligo squid, round scad bait, oilfish, mahi mahi,
swordfish, marlin, albacore, Spanish mackerel,
wahoo, skipjack, snapper, grouper, barramundi, gold
band snapper, emperor, sweetlip, sea bream, cobia,
barracuda, pompano, trevally
Afentoulis Liveris & Co.
GREECE - Seafood Processors, sellers and
exporters of Fresh and Frozen Octopus - Octopus
vulgaris, Mosco Octopus - Eledone moschata, Red
Shrimp - Parapenaeus longirostris, Black Shrimp -
Penaeus kerathurus, Anchovy - Engraulis
encrasicolus, Sardine - Clupea pilchardus, Smelt -
Atherina spp., European Sea Bass - Dicentrarchus
labrax, Sea Bream - Sparus aurata, Cuttlefish -
Sepia officinalis, Mantis Shrimp Zavogarida -
Squilla mantis.
Mayflower International Ltd
USA - Harvesting, processing and marketing fish
and shellfish. Aquaculture. Eel, sea cucumber, fish,
shell fish, Squid, mackerel, herring, scup, mullet.
MOROCCO - Offshore fishing company, producers
and exporters of octopus, calamari loligo vulgaris,
cuttlefish, sole, corvina, denton, conger eel,
dorade, herrera, sargo, sampietro John Dory, cazon,
pargo snapper, Merluccius Merluccius, burro,
roncador, jurel, mackerel, raya
Platina Bay Marine Trading Limited
CHINA - We Export Horse Mackerel, Mackerel.
Scad, Sardines, Bonito, Tilapia, Squid, and Canned
fish. and We also Import Hake, Ribbon fish, Snoek,
Brama, Shark, Dentex, all seafood products suitable
for China Market. We also provide own fishing
vessels for fishing join venture.
Prime Team Seafood LLC
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Specialized in trading of
fresh & frozen Seafood, Canned & Preserved food and
Soft & snack food in United Arab Emirates. Black
Tigers, sea white, Vannamei, Iranian shrimps,
Lobsters, King fish, Tilapia, Pangasius, Ribbon,
Cuttle fish, Squid, Crabs, milk Fish, groupers sea
bream, mackerel etc.
Alf-Mare E.E.
GREECE - Producers and traders of all types of
fish throughout the Greek Market and
Internationally. Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus),
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Sardines (Sardina
Zhuxian Seafood Processing Co. Ltd (Seafood Export &
CHINA - We are an ocean-going fishing,
manufacturing, low-temperature warehousing and
logistics and export - fresh and frozen seafood
shrimp, salmon fillet, yellow fin tuna, bonito and
yellow tail.
Jimland Fishery Co., Limited
CHINA - We have been engaged in seafood business for more than 20
years. We have our own vessels, refrigerating plants and processing
factory. Our main seafood is frozen fish including horse mackerel,
frozen squid, pacific mackerel, frozen shrimp, scad, sardine, ribbon
fish, skipjack tuna, mackerel, bonito etc.. We are here looking for
win-win partners, just contact us.
Lo Seafood
MALAYSIA - Fishing boat owners and premier
seafood distributor in Malaysia providing the
freshest seafood. All of our seafood is caught off
the waters and prepared with the utmost care to
quality. Fish, Lobster, Shrimp, Shellfish & Crab,
Squid and many more
Adam Impex Pvt Ltd
MALDIVES - Seafood Producers, Processors,
Importers, Exporters, Wholesalers and Agents. Our
main export products include dried fish, reef fish,
big tuna, sea cucumber, grouper etc
Sea Wolf
IRAN - 15 vessels in the Persian Gulf,
Processors and exporters of shark-fin, shark, tuna,
ribbon fish, shrimps, crab, Squid
Kiyak Kardesler - Black Sea Co.
TÜRKIYE - Our companies has more than 20
years experience on the Turkish market in
supplying frozen fish and seafood. We obtain
5,500 tons of cultured fish per year from
hunting at sea and inland water. We also have
fish flour, fish oil factories, shocking units,
processing facilities. At the same time we are
doing wholesale and retail sales. There are
restaurants in different locations in Samsun.
Our main products are whole, frozen and fillets
of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and
Saudi Fisheries Company
SAUDI ARABIA - Producers, processors, exporters,
importers and wholesalers of Milk Fish, Tilapia,
Trevally, Emperors, groupers, bream, snapper,
tilapia, Spanish Mackerel, Cat Fish, Grey Mullets,
Salmon Atlantic, White Pomfrets, Black Pomfrets,
Pangasius, Nile Perch, Alaskan Pollock, Sea-Shrimps,
Farmed Shrimps, Shrimps, Warm Water Rock Lobster,
Cold Water Rock Lobster, Lobster Tails, Sand
Lobster, Rohu, Squids.
Neptune Pelagic
MOROCCO - Vessel owner, EU approved and HACCP
processors, wholesalers and exporters of sardines,
sardinella, bonito, skipjack, sea bass, denton, grey
Nichole Seafood LLC
USA - Processors and Wholesale suppliers of
frozen and fresh snow crabs, Dungeness crabs, soft
shell crabs, hard blue crabs, crawfish, drum,
catfish, crab meat, shrimp.
Ocean Reference
PORTUGAL - Suppliers of line caught exotic fish and seafood captured
in the Atlantic Ocean. Products include blast frozen whole pole and line
caught bigeye tuna.
The American Scallop Company
USA - a vertically integrated scallop producer
located on the East Coast of the United States.
USA - Tatoosh Seafoods is a direct source for Wild Alaskan Seafood -
brand "Beauty Bay". Specializing in raw material for sale domestically
and exporting internationally. Supplying frozen Pacific Cod, Pollock,
Black Cod, Halibut, King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Coho Salmon, Chum
Salmon, Pink Salmon, Pink Shrimp Pandalus Borealis, King Crab, Snow Crab
Astarlite Company Nigeria Limited
NIGERIA - Producers and suppliers of Shrimps,
Snails, Large Prawns, smoked fish and Crabs.
Grupo Recho - Congelados Illa de Salvora S.L.
SPAIN - Own fleet and distribution of fresh and
frozen fish. We export frozen pelagic fish Atlantic
mackerel (scomber scombrus), horse mackerel (trachurus
trachurus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and chub
mackerel (scomber japonicus)
Jin Team International Trading Co., Ltd
TAIWAN - Bait suppliers, exporters, importers,
wholesalers and fishermen of Pacific Saury (Cololabis
Saira), Illex Squid (illex argentinus), round scad,
muroaji, mackerel, sardine, milkfish, cuttlefish,
loligo squid, oil fish, swordfish, tuna, mahi-mahi,
monkfish and others.
Dunnet Bay Salmon
SCOTLAND, U.K. - Wild Scottish Salmon (Salmo
salar)- a far superior and much sought after product
compared to the mass-produced "farmed" version! We
catch our "genuine wild" salmon from the clear
waters surrounding the Pentland Firth using a
bag-netting technique which produces unmarked and
non-bruised fish of unrivalled quality.
Kent County Lobster Trap Inc
CANADA - Suppliers and exporters of live lobster
(Homarus americanus)
Nores Marin Comercial, S.L.
SPAIN - We are one of the biggest ship owners in
Spain. We have vessels fishing in Argentine,
Mauritania, Canada and Hatton Bank waters. We offer
fishes like Hake, King clip, Nototenia, Dentex, Red
mullet, Skate wings, Greenland halibut, American
Plaice, Cod, Octopus, Grenadier, Hoki, Squid,
Gilson Fisheries
USA - Private owned Commercial gill net,
trolling vessel. Licensed for Spanish Mackerel,
Dolphin/wahoo, Tuna
M/S A.B. Siddique Enterprise
BANGLADESH - Fishermen, Producers, Exporters and
Wholesalers of Dry Ribbon fish, Dry shrimp, Dry
Chinese pomfret, Bombay duck, Dry lobster, etc
PT Lestari Suisan
INDONESIA - Our products include: Live mud crab,
snapper, black tiger shrimp, catfish, croaker, tuna,
king fish, Spanish mackerel, red mullet, grey
mullet, tilapia, trevally, emperor, parrot fish,
najil, grouper (hamour), red fish, crab, slam,
oyster, ribbon fish, sole, silver carp, silver eel,
cat fish, bream, red sea bream, sea bream, reef cod,
octopus, squid.
Qadri Noori Enterprises
PAKISTAN - We are manufacturer of frozen sea
food here in Karachi. We have our own catching,
processing and packing facilities for Mud crab, top
shell, live lobster, jelly fish, Japanese threadfin
bream, cuttlefish, ribbon fish, croaker, conger eel,
tongue sole.
Richey Fishing Co Pty Ltd AUSTRALIA - wild catch fisheries in SE Australia. Product for export or
domestic markets. Australian salmon (Arripis trutta), Tasmanian scallops (Pecten
fumatus), Arrow squid (Nototodarus gouldi), Gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus)
Anzuelo Dorado
CHILE - Fishermen, processors and exporters of giant
squid, black pomfret, merluza gayi, southern hake,
Atlantic salmon, salmon trout, coho salmon, bonito,
swordfish, mussels
Mideast Gulf
IRAN - We are local producers of live crayfish
(crawfish). This crayfish produced from spring water in
natural way.
UD Damena
INDONESIA - We are fishermen, Processor, wholesaler
and supplier of finest Tropical fish including fresh
tuna, marlin and swordfish.
Zenith Marine Nigeria Ltd
NIGERIA - We operate fishing trawlers and our
products are croaker, tuna, barracuda, sole and prawns.
Poulos Bros Seafoods Pty, Limited
AUSTRALIA - One of the largest processors, distributors,
importers, exporters and retailers of Fresh and Frozen
Seafoods and related food products in Australia.
Atlantic Salmon, Barramundi, Blue Eye, John Dory,
Leather Jacket, Dory, Mullet, Ocean Trout, Snapper,
Nutrifood International Limited
CAMEROON - Exporters seafood like frozen bonito
tuna, frozen Spanish mackerel, frozen mackerel, frozen
horse mackerel, frozen Indian mackerel, frozen pacific
mackerel, Dried anchovy
Sea Pride LLC
OMAN - Fishing, Procurement, Processing,
Marketing and Trading of Yellow Line Snapper (Lutjanus
madras), Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares),
Amberjack (Seriola dumerili), Barracuda (Sphyraena
jello), Emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus), Blue Line
Snapper (Lutjanus bengalensis), Cuttlefish (Sepia
spp), Horse Mackerel, Red Sea Bream (Pagrus pagrus),
Croaker (Atractoscion aequidens), jobfish, lobsters,
Caiman Enterprises Limited
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO - Fishermen, Wholesalers and
Exporters We supply fresh chilled yellow fin tuna pieces
Marlin Ltd
NEW ZEALAND - Professional fishermen.
Hongyuan Aquatic Frozen Processing Factory
CHINA - Fish producers, processors, packers and
exporters of sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, squid,
bomb fish etc.
Mar Seafoods
USA - A vertically integrated fishing, processor,
exporter which owns and operates fishing vessels and
processing facilities in California and Oregon. Our
products include California Squid, Pacific Sardine, and
Pacific Hake.
Mercosur Foodstuff Trading Company
ARGENTINA - Producers and exporters of seafood
products such as hake, hoki, illex squid, yellow
croaker, white croaker, red snapper, brotola, nototenia,
kingklip, mackerel, silver warehou, butterfish, carp...
Hangton Pacific Company Limited
FIJI - Hangton been in operation for over 10 years,
we operate a fleet of long line vessels, plus purchase
from other vessels calling into Fiji, our target specie
is Tuna, Big Eye and Yellowfin. We specialize in fresh
and frozen products such as Big eye tuna, yellowfin
tuna, mahi mahi, wahoo, escolar, sail fish, spear fish,
swordfish, marlin, Albacore.
Peixes Armada
SPAIN - We are mainly fresh fish sellers in the port of Vigo. We
deal mostly with fish from north Atlantic like monkfish, megrims, hake, squid,
Ding BULGARIA - fishing and processing company. black sea sprats (sprattus
sprattus). breaded products: sprats (whitebait), trout, mussels, hake, surimi
crab sticks.
Lak-Pro SRI LANKA - a Seafood Exporting company actively engaged in procuring,
sourcing mainly Fresh chilled seafood and frozen products
Balobi Trading SOUTH AFRICA
- Balobi is a group of companies that own their own fleet of
fishing vessels is the Squid, Sardine and Hake fishing Sectors. We catch,
process, market, sell and export our own product as well as other fishing
vessels product.
Mensah Alimentari &
Farms GHANA - Grouper, kingklip, mahi mahi, dentex, YFT, swordfish, smoked dried
fresh water shrimp.
Ideal Marine Products
LLC OMAN - red seabream, red grouper, amber jack, yellowfin tuna loins, greasy
grouper, baby shark, barracuda, parrotfish, catfish, croaker, Indian mackerel,
cuttlefish, sweetlips, CO treated yellowfin tuna loins, steaks, saku,
Khatulistiwa Fishing Industry, PT. BALI, INDONESIA - a vertically integrated company mainly engaged in fish
captures, processor, cold storage, sea and land transportation, export and
import markets and distribution of seafood products to cater domestic needs. Our
main products are tuna fishes, skipjack, bonito, sardines, mahi-mahi, muroaji,
Indian mackerel and trawler fishes.
Fishing Vessel
Seafoods LLC USA - We supply several local top ranked restaurants with our own sashimi
grade albacore fillets and institutional cans.
O Ruiz and Associates
International Trade USA - salmon, shrimp, sea bass, cod, sardines, mackerels, tuna fish,
all kinds of fillets, skin on and skin off, portions, ready to oven and
ready to eat, fish oils, seafood processed delicacies for the catering
and food services and restaurant industries
South Indian Federation of
Fishermen Societies INDIA - an apex organization of fishermen societies of South India
representing companies that supply fresh fish, frozen fish, Dried products,
Smoked products, Pickles.
Gie Nianguene SENEGAL - groupers, red mullet, red seabream, white seabream, tuna, red
scorpion, tilapia, sole fish, red snapper, cuttle fish, octopus, john dory
EDG de Peche et
Commerce MAURITANIA - Exportation of fresh and frozen fish and seafood from
EUROPACIFICO Alimentos del Mar S.L.
SPAIN - Supplying Frozen Salmon Steaks, frozen
Shark Steaks skin-on and skin-less, Shark H&G,
Sea-frozen Hoki H&G, Frozen Hoki Fillets, Dosidicus
Gigas Squids ( Tentacles & Fillets ), Frozen Austral
hake "Merluccius Australis" ( H&G, Steaks, centers,
loins, portions, fillets, Roe ), Frozen Cod Ling "Salitota
Australis", Frozen Whole scampi and tails, Frozen
Ling "Genypterus Blacodes", Frozen Cod "Gadus Morhua"
( Fillets, centers, portions ), Frozen Scallops meat
& Half shell, Frozen Cleaned Cuttlefish, Frozen
Octopus packed in trays, Frozen Cooked Tentacles
vacuum packed, Frozen Cuttlefish Skewers, Frozen
Monkfish Tails skinless, Frozen Australis pomfret "Brama
Australis", Frozen Sardine, Frozen Mackerel,
Sea-frozen Octopus, Hake Minced, Hake Fish Block,
Gayi Hake
Southern Trading
Pty. Ltd AUSTRALIA - a vertically integrated seafood processing and trading entity
with more than 15 year extensive experience in the processing and exporting of
quality Australian Seafood
Xiamen Lison Trade Co Ltd
CHINA - The Company deal mainly with processing and
trading frozen seafood, which are collecting from our
Dongshan, Zhanzhou fishery, for customers from Southeast
Asia market and globally. The main our products are Hard
Scad (Decapterus Maruadsi), Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger
Kanagurta), Pacific Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus), Round Scad
(Muroaji), Horse Mackerel, Big eye scad (trachurus Japonicus),
Sardine (Sardinella Zunasi), Moon Fish and we also offer
Bonito, Tuna Fish, Pomfret, and so on.
Ocean-MC NZ Ltd NEW ZEALAND - Fishing trawler owners supplying jack mackerel, herrings and
NOVA Fisheries,
Inc. / SunWave Processors USA - Operating since 1985, NOVA is involved with vessels which catch,
process and produce 'frozen at sea' shellfish and fish.
Maria Aquacon Pvt
Ltd INDIA - We are seafood processors and exporters since 1993. We have our own
EU approved factory and our own fishing boats.
Seafreeze Ltd USA - owns and operates freezer trawlers along the U.S. East Coast. Atlantic
mackerel (scomber scombrus), Loligo pealei squid , Illex illecebrosus squid,
Atlantic butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus), Atlantic herring (clupea harengus),
Wenchmen (Pristipomoides aquilonams), Scad (Selar crumentophtal)
Market International Inc. CANADA - Worldwide exporters of live Lobster and seafood from the Canadian
North Atlantic Ocean. Cod, Haddock, Sole, Pollack, Hake, Cusk, Salmon, Halibut,
Shark, Swordfish, Tuna, Live Lobster (Homarus americanus), Oysters, Clams,
Barga Fishing Co. LIBYA - We are a company specializing in the export of fresh fish
Marine Industries, Inc. USA - We are producers & suppliers of various Raw Materials for further
processing around the world. We are also buyers / importers of the finished good
from these same raw materials. We also specialize in a full line of top quality
Bait products.
Jaradah Fish BAHRAIN - We are the largest catcher and processor of salted jellyfish and
blue swimming crab . We export most our products to China and other Asian
Bessey Investments Pvt Ltd MALDIVES - Tuna exporter. Our product is processed in EU Approved
facilities. Sashimi grade tuna.
Credobiz TOGO - We specialized in seafood business for many years world wide. Seafood
Exporters, Seafood Exporters, Seafood Agents, Seafood Retailers, Commercial
Fishermen & Boat Owners
Hi-Tech Trading
Co. Pte Ltd MALAYSIA - Mud crab, silver pomfret, squid, black pomfret, lobsters,
cuttlefish, most fresh water fish.
Australia Bay
Seafoods AUSTRALIA - Largest Australian producers of Tropical Snappers (Lutjanus
Australian Ocean King Prawn Co.
AUSTRALIA - Trawler owner/operators and cold stores,
exclusively supplying Ocean King Prawns, packed in 5kg
cartons and snap frozen at sea. We also supply cooked prawns
in 10/15 and 16/20 grades, but can supply cooked prawns in a
larger grade upon request.
SHM Trading Company PAKISTAN - We are exporters of all kind of seafood to many countries. We
deal in Fresh, frozen and dried seafood.
- we are boat owners and we catch blue crabs from maracaibo lake
which is one of the best crabs in the world. we are looking for a investor to set
up a processing plant of blue crab and shrimp
Seafoods INDIA - Established in 1992 with products ranging black tiger
shrimps, sea caught shrimps in all forms including cooked products.
Fish Sales
Argentina ARGENTINA - Producer and commercial frozen fish. Hake, Savorin,
Croaker, Squid.
Long Fisheries,
Inc. USA - The Harvester is a 34 foot combination vessel, fishing for
crab, salmon, albacore tuna and rock fish. We provide premium canned
Albacore Tuna and Dungeness Crab
Two Brothers
Fishermen NORTHERN IRELAND - We own and operate fishing boats and fish for
shrimp, crab and mussels.
PhilBest Canning Corporation PHILIPPINES - canned tuna, pouched tuna and cooked frozen loins,
Tuna Canners PNG PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Processors,
Producers and Fishermen of canned tuna, pouched tuna and cooked frozen
loins, fishmeal. Cold Storage and Marine Processing Facilities PNG
(fresh frozen tuna loins and steaks)
RDEX Philippines - Processors, producers and fishermen of Tuna loins,
tuna steaks, mahi mahi, grouper, catfish, milkfish, cooked tuna
loins, canned tuna, pouched tuna.
Nations Harvest Indonesia
INDONESIA - We are fishing, producer and
exporter of fisheries products company of Indonesia.
Supply red mullet, slipper lobster, milkfish for
bait, milkfish for human consumption, muroaji for
bait, mahi mahi, barracuda, stingray, tuna, skip
jack tuna.
Atlantic Fisheries URUGUAY & KOREA
- Import and export of Mackerel scomber
japonicus, mackerel fillet, all mackerel, pacific saury, sardine HGT,
tuna bait, hake HGT, Hoki HCT, illex squid, loligo squid, roe,
savorin HGT, Carp HGT, whiting, salmon, blue swimming crab, ray,
skate, notothenia, mussel meat, cherina, tooth fish, ribbon fish,
cuttlefish, eel, all croaker, red snapper, cod fish, reef cod, sea
cucumber, leather jacket, parto, white croaker, halibut, blue shark,
Ocean Corp VIETNAM - We are a seafood plant supplying crabs, tuna, canning
fish, breaded shrimp, skewer, fancy crabs, squid
Austar Port Lincoln
AUSTRALIA - Southern King Prawns, Octopus, Squid,
Bugs, Leather Jackets, Sea Urchin.
Soneri Marine Foods
INDIA - Exporters, processors and fishermen of
ribbonfish, cuttlefish, tuna fish, squid whole, reef
cod, BMC gutted and fillet, sole fish, croaker, TT
croaker, baby ghol, baby BMC, eel fish etc horse
mackerel, Indian mackerel.
Seven Ocean Services
YEMEN - We own and operate factory trawlers which
are EU approved with full HACCP requirements. Our main
products are deep sea lobster, deep sea red shrimps and
cuttle fish which are all processed on board and are of
the finest quality
Marine Foods BV
NETHERLANDS - Involved in Fishing, production,
Import & Export is a worldwide supplier of frozen
seafood. Mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, sardinella,
herring, blue whiting, cod, haddock, saithe, whiting,
farmed salmon, wild salmon, farmed salmon trout.
Ocean Cove Seafood
USA - aqua farms Littleneck and Middleneck Hard
B & C
Seafood, Inc.
USA - We offer boat fresh or frozen 100% natural
chemical free sea scallops, frozen IQF 100% natural
shrimp of a few different sizes, Canadian snow crab
clusters, lobster tails, and have flounder fillets as
Breakers Fish Company Ltd
CANADA - We process both fresh and frozen "wild" and
"sustainable" only products, we deal direct with
fishermen. sole, cod, rock fish, snapper, ling cod,
halibut, black cod (sable fish) salmon; coho, kings,
sockeye, pinks, chums (Keta), hake
ImpexSur Argentina
ARGENTINA - Red Snapper, Yellow croaker, Carp,
Hake, Squid, Sea trout, Grouper, Hoki, Anchovy, Sea
Salmon, Kingclip, Flounder, Mackerel, Flathead, Ray,
Carp roe, Hake roe.
Asian Prosperity Manufacturing Company Limited
MYANMAR - We export both fresh water and marine
fishes and also including Crustaceous and
Cephalopods species. Mainly export to China, Japan,
Hong kong, Korea, Bangladesh and Middle east
Daraktsis Mussels
(North Greece)
GREECE - Mussel farm supplying Live Blue Mussels. Octopus
Irish Marine Food Ltd
IRELAND - Supplying frozen, salted and smoked
fish to world markets. Herring, mackerel, scad,
sprat, smoked herring fillets, salted herrings,
smoked mackerel fillets.
Frigorificos Fandiño S.A.
SPAIN - Seafood fishermen, exporters, processors
and wholesalers.
Porto Br Com Import Export Ltda
BRAZIL - Lane snapper, Bigeye tuna, Yellowfin
tuna, Black grouper, Parrotfish, White shrimp, Pink
shrimp, Horse mackerel, Red snapper, White croaker,
Mutton snapper, Mahi-mahi, Swordfish, Red grouper,
Yellowtail snapper, Jack mackerel, Spiny lobster,
Brazilian flounder, Thick lucine, Hake, Silk
snapper, Oyster, Red porgy, Yellow croaker, Common
Snook, Salmon, Red mullet, Atlantic Sardine, Dana
swimming crab, Mussel, Black pacú, Monkfish,
Tilapia, Shark, Peacock Bass, Crevalle Jack, etc.
We have self production sites in Mauritania, Morocco. We are
representing boat owners from Argentina. We represent plants
from Peru and Ecuador. We sell fresh sea-food from Mauritania
Natalino Pesca SNC
ITALY - owners in artisanal fish boat, located
in extreme North Sardina, we buy and sell fresh
local fishes and also national and foreign items.
Sardinian lobster, crabs and similar; tuna,
swordfish, dentex-dentex, seabass, Sparus aurata,
Umbrina Cirrosa, octopus, sargo, S. Peter, scorpion
fish, Cantaras Cantaras, Seriola dumerili, Rock
Grouper, octopus, loligo, cuttle, swordfish, surimi,
langostino, lobster, shrimps
Seasource Maldives Pvt Ltd
MALDIVES - We are long line fishing company and
a exporter of various seafood products available in
the Maldives, our main products are Yellowfin and
Big Eye and we have been supplying sashimi quality
tuna to Japan and Spain.
AndyLynn Boats
USA - We own and operate twelve vessels ranging
in size from 40-110 foot. We run a Clamming vessel
to supply us our bait plus the sale of sea clams for
bait only no food clams. We have fresh and frozen
packaged Clams for sale.
Butterworth Seafood
YEMEN - Processors, exporters, agents and
fishermen for aquaculture shrimps in the Red Sea and
Gulf of Aden, seafood such as cuttle fish, seabass,
jtb, yellow tail scad, Indian mackerel sardine,
queenfish, catfish, lobster, crab, tuna, clam,
abalone, mahi, sailfish....
Black Sea Fisheries Bourgas PLC
BULGARIA - activities include trawling,
freezing, processing, cold storage, transportation
and trade of frozen seafood. Products include Black
Sea sprat or whitebait (Sprattus sprattus) Black Sea
topshell, Salted, marinated and smoked seafood, fish
RSL Mariculture
MALAYSIA - Aquaculture of wild fish & Rock
Lobster stock and rearing them to market size in
open sea pens. Additionally, RSL Mariculture have
onshore concrete ponds to stock market size sea fish
& lobsters to cater to the Live Seafood Restaurants.
United States FED Group
USA - U.S. Consortium of supplier/manufacturers
exporters. Export Financing available. We export any
US fresh and Frozen products.
R.K. Ice & Cold Storage / King Fish Industry /
Maruti Frozen Foods
INDIA - We have the latest processing
machineries as well as better quality. Our product
can compete in international Market. Producing IQF
products, processing tuna, processors of surimi
products, export and import of total sea food items.
Salcombe Crab and Lobster Company
UNITED KINGDOM - We supply fish markets,
restaurants and pubs in the UK. Our quality is
outstanding as the crab and lobster come straight
off our boat to be delivered to the door, brown
crab, lobster and whelks, we oversee each one
Seafood Inc.
USA - In seafood business for past 6 years we
own our boats and specialize in Live Hag Fish and
Dungeness Crab
Ohio Valley Caviar
USA - We are a commercial fishing company
harvesting and processing Paddlefish Caviar. In
addition, we process Paddlefish and Buffalo Fish
Kalpataru Exports
INDIA - Trawler owners, processors and exporters
of Scampi, Black Tiger Prawns, Black and Silver
Pomfret, Ribbon Fish, Cuttlefish, Tuna fish, Squid
whole, Reef cod, BMC gutted and fillet, Sole Fish,
Croaker, TT croaker, Baby Ghol, Baby BMC, Eel fish,
horse mackerel, Indian Mackerel etc
Whitepole Fishing Enterprise
SIERRA LEONE - We have been operating now for
over 5 years and we own a fleet of fishing vessels.
We catch, process, market, and export Head-on Brown
shrimps. We can supply between 10 to 60 tons of
frozen Brown shrimps every month.
Exportadora Miramar S.A. de CV
MEXICO - Direct producers and exporters of wild
and farm geoduck clam (Panopea abrupta), California
red spiny lobster, abalone (Haliotis sp), sea
cucumber and live fish.
Russian Coast Ltd
RUSSIA - We are dealing with fish catching from
the freshwater Azov and Kaspiy seas, processing and
marketing of the Ready-Made Fish Products. We
produce and sell for export Zander fillet (Zander fillet,
Pike-perch (zander) fillet)
M Nes Enterprises Inc.
USA - Live commercial fishing with traps for
Sablefish (to 800 fms) Also Albacore tuna trolling
during in season Jul/Aug/Sept outside Wash. Oregon
coast .
Grupo Euromar Gohisa
SPAIN - We are a group of companies based in the
Spanish city of Malaga in southern Spain. We are
dedicated to the import & export of pelagic fish
(mackerel japonicus - COLLIAS, horse mackerel
Trachurus trachurus - murphy, Sardine pilchardus)
and cephalopods (octopus, squid,), shrimp
Penney Winkle Fisheries
CANADA - Atlantic Canadian company specializing
in Live Atlantic Periwinkles. We harvest off our
shores and export.
SPAIN - One of the biggest fish companies in
Europe with 42 freezer vessels, 7 processing
factories, 11 retail stores and 16 overseas
branches. Products include Live geoduck, swordfish,
tuna, octopus, dried shark fin, hake, kingklip,
Chilean seabass, cod icefish, seafood mix, value
added products.
Bionic Bait
USA - Largest wholesale bait company in the
south east. Ballyhoo producer and rigger, bait and
food for zoos and aquariums.
Iceberg Seafood Ltd
UNITED KINGDOM - Seafood importer, processor and
produce, wholesaler and retail, own fleet of vessels
and fish trawlers. Products include cod, haddock,
hake, pike perch, saithe, capelin, pollock, tuna,
mullet, mackerel, tailor...
Urangan Fisheries
Eastern king prawn, brown tiger prawn, endeavour prawn, red spot king
prawn, banana prawn, Queensland scallops (Amusium ballotti) Moreton bay
bugs (Thenus orientalis), blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus), mud
crab (Scylla serrata), spanner crab (Ranina ranina), reef fish, Coral
Trout, Red Throat Emperor, various Cod species, Snapper, Red Emperor,
Spanish Mackerel, Sand Whiting, School mackerel, Spotted mackerel, Grey
Mackerel, Silver Bream, Reef Shark, Trevally, Tuna, Mullet.
Inka Foods
PERU - Producers, Processors, Bait Suppliers and
exporters of Giant Squid, Loligo Gahi, Mahi Mahi, Hake, Fan
Shells, Octopus, oysters, sole, sailfish, lobster, scallop,
yellowfin tuna, swordfish, sea prawns....
Punkior S.A
URUGUAY - We have 5 fishing boats and a
processing plant in Uruguay. Croaker (Micropogonias
undulatus), Sea trout (Cynoscion guatucupa Cuvier),
Red Snapper (Sparus pagrus Linnaeus), white Porgy,
SAUDI ARABIA - Importing, processing,
wholesalers, fisherman of all fisheries with over 20
years in business.
Penta Ocean Fishindo
INDONESIA - Operating more than 60 longline
vessels producing sea frozen, wild caught Albacore,
mahi mahi, wahoo, marlin, swordfish, tuna, baby
tuna, skipjack, moonfish, tripletail, escolar,
oilfish, sailfish and shark.
Pyda S.A.
ARGENTINA - We are a young company with long
experience in the production of an excellent quality
frozen fish and sea products. Hake, hoki, croaker,
red snapper, squid, ray, kingclip, sea trout,
savorin, grouper, anchovy, carp..
Rana Fish Farms
PAKISTAN - We are sea food suppliers/exporters
and have Fish Farms - Shrimps, tuna, Raho, Pala,
Bam. We also run seafood restaurant.
Tuna Paradise Co. Ltd
THAILAND - We have Fresh & Frozen Tuna, Natural or Tasteless Smoked,
Swordfish, Marlin, Wahoo, Sailfish, Oilfish, Barracuda, Mahi Mahi. We also trade
in other items like scallops, codfish, prawns, table fish, cuttlefish, ebiko
Yantai Chengsen International Trade Co. Ltd.
CHINA - Export, Import, Producers, Fishermen and
Wholesalers and are specialized in Super frozen tuna
and IQF squid products. Bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna,
bluefin tuna, Todarodes squid, Illex squid, Giant
squid, tubes rings pineapple, steak, carved etc.
Impex Tunisie
TUNISIA - Established in 1990, a company that
packages and exports seafood products such as
cuttlefish, shrimps and octopus.
Tuna Permata Rezeki
INDONESIA - We are a fishing and processing
company based in Jakarta. We have our own boats to
supply us with raw materials which we processed them
in our strict HACCP compliance factory. Tuna,
Marlin, Wahoo, Swordfish, Skipjack, Albacore, Blue
Shark, Moonfish, Mahi - Mahi, Baby tuna, oilfish and
J.S. Rodriguez
SPAIN - Spanish longline ship owner of several
vessels. We can supply mainly frozen swordfish,
shark fins, shark meat, tuna and mako.
Aden Maritime Investment Co. Ltd.
YEMEN - Fishermen, Producers, Processors,
Exporters, Wholesalers Fishing and catching wild
sea-frozen shrimps. Our shrimps are caught and
processed to EU and HACCP standards.
Maldive Seafood Pte Ltd
MALDIVES - Fishermen, Producers, Processors,
Wholesalers, Exporters, Agents and Retailers of
fresh and frozen yellowfin tuna.
Armadale Wild Scottish Salmon
UNITED KINGDOM - We catch Wild Scottish Salmon -
Salmo salar, our fish has no bruising or scaling and
are in pristine condition, dispatched daily in
refrigerated lorries to main UK markets.
Mooloolah River Fisheries
AUSTRALIA - We are fishermen, processors, exporters,
wholesalers and retailers of Eastern King Prawns, Tiger
Prawns, Red Spot King Prawns, Banana Prawns, reef fish,
Goldband Snapper, Pearl Perch, Whiting,
Kingfish, Spangled Emperor, Red Emperor, Spanish Mackerel,
Crabs, Squid, Calamari, Octopus
ABC Fisheries (Private) Limited
PAKISTAN - Fishermen, seafood processors and
R J King Fisheries Ltd
CANADA - Producers and fishermen since 1974 of
Cooked and frozen at sea pandalus borealis.
Wanchese Fish Company
USA - We are family owned, and have been in
business since 1936 supplying fresh and frozen
scallops, croaker, stripped bass, tuna, swordfish,
shark, flounder, blue crab, oyster, shrimp
Kimberley Wildcatch
AUSTRALIA - Fishing vessel operators and
wholesalers of tropical reef fish including red
emperor, goldband snapper, rankin cod, spangled
emperor, mixed reef fish, coral trout and scarlet
Dana Bahar Al Arab Fisheries LLC
OMAN - Fishermen, Producers, Processors,
Exporters and Wholesalers of fresh and frozen Red
Sea Bream, Red Grouper, Greasy Grouper Amberjack,
Emperor Fillets and Tuna Loins, sweetlip, croakers,
small sharks, catfish, trevally, barracuda, parrot
fish, job fish, cuttlefish...
Maldives Quality Seafood Pvt Ltd
MALDIVES - EU Approved Fishermen, Producers,
Processors and Exporters of grouper, coral trout,
red snapper, green job fish, trevally, rainbow
runner, barracuda, yellow fin tuna, wahoo, sailfish.
JPL Shellfish (Scotland) Ltd
SCOTLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - Shellfish export-
Winkles, Crab etc. Retail Fish UK - Retail shops and
vans direct to the public. Wholesale Fish UK -
Hotels, Restaurants, Catering Establishments.
Wholesale fish buying agents. Owners & operators of
Scottish Wild Salmon fishing station.
Hanu Inc.
USA - Best quality of seafoods, specialised in
Dry Fish Maw, best clarity and quality from South
King Pélagique Group
MOROCCO - Vessel owners, Fishermen, Producers,
Exporters of Our main products are Sardine (Pilchard
Walbaum), Mackerel (Scombrus Colias) and Horse
Mackerel (Trachurus Trachurus), and we work with
local canneries.
Asakua Aquaculture Co Ltd
TÜRKIYE - We are an aquaculture company based in
Izmir Turkey, supplying Sea Bream and European Sea
Madison Italafrica Group Ltd
CAMEROON - We are one of the leading processors
of Fresh and Frozen Nile Perch Fillets, pike perch
fillets, H&G Fillets, Skin On Fillets, pike perch
Meridian Intl. Exporters
PHILIPPINES - Vessel owners, processors,
exporters, wholesalers and aquaculture of mussels,
tilapia, fresh chilled yellowfin tuna, big eye tuna
sashimi grade, swordfish, marlin, milk fish, canned
tuna and milkfish.
Island Ocean Life Pvt Ltd
MALDIVES - We export fresh yellowfin tuna both in loins and
bullets worldwide. The company also
exports and deals in reef fish, grouper and sea cucumber.
Ets Amady Fall
SENEGAL - Fishermen, producers and exporters of
sole fish, cuttlefish, octopus, redfish, octopus,
shrimp, prawn, barracuda, king dory, tuna, big fish,
shark, shark fin etc. all marine sea product