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Jelly Fish
Scientific Name: Rhizostomeae,
Scyphozoa spp - undifferentiated
Australian Standard Fish Name: Jellyfish
Australian Species Code: 11 120000
Catch Method: Wild caught
Other Names:
Exporters of Jelly Fish
of Jelly Fish
Processors of Jelly Fish
Wholesale Suppliers of Jelly Fish
Agents for Jelly Fish
About Jelly Fish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. They have
several different basic morphologies that represent several different cnidarian
classes including the Scyphozoa (about 200 species), Staurozoa (about 50
species), Cubozoa (about 20 species), and Hydrozoa (about 1000-1500 species that
make jellyfish and many more that do not)[1][2]. The jellyfish in these groups
are also called, respectively, scyphomedusae, stauromedusae, cubomedusae, and
hydromedusae; "medusa" (plural "medusae") is another word for jellyfish.
Jellyfish are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. Some
hydrozoan jellyfish, or hydromedusae, are also found in fresh water. Most of the
information about jellyfish that follows in this article is about scyphozoan
jellyfish, or scyphomedusae. These are the big, often colorful, jellyfish that
are common in coastal zones worldwide.
In its broadest sense, the term jellyfish is sometimes used also to refer to
members of the phylum Ctenophora. Although not closely related to cnidarian
jellyfish, ctenophores are also free-swimming planktonic carnivores, are also
generally transparent or translucent, and occur in shallow to deep portions of
all the world's oceans. Ctenophores move using eight rows of fused cilia that
beat in metachronal waves that diffract light, so that they sparkle with all of
the colors of the rainbow. The rest of this article deals only with jellyfish in
the phylum Cnidaria.
Jellyfish are simple animals. Most, but not all
of them, swim through the water (a few spend their lives attached to the
bottom). Although there are many variations on this form, the body is composed
of a bowl-like bell, also called the umbrella, which rhythmically opens and
closes, by contracting muscles and then releasing the contraction, in order to
swim. They may swim in any direction, but the closed end of the bell always
leads if they are actively swimming. In different species, the bell can be
hemispherical, even more fully closed, or quite open and flat. The outside of
this bowl-shaped body is technically known as the exumbrella and the inside or
underside is called the subumbrella.
This body usually, but not always, has tentacles attached to the bell margin -
there can be many hundreds of tentacles, or as few as one (or zero). In most
species, arrangement of tentacles around the bell is in some sort of four- or
eight-part symmetry, or multiple of four or eight. In a few species, the
tentacles are attached either on the outside of the bell above the margin, or on
the inside, above the margin, but attachment at the margin is most common. In
the center of the underside of the bell (the subumbrella) is some sort of
feeding structure that includes a central mouth opening and often some other
highly ornamented structures, called oral arms, that are used to help grasp (and
sometimes digest) prey. The oral arms may be many cm long, spiraled and frilly,
or they may be short and highly divided, sometimes with perforations, and
sometimes with accessory clublike structures hanging down around the central
The tentacles, edges of the mouth (usually called lips), and the oral arms are
covered with thousands of microscopic stinging structures called cnidocysts or
nematocysts (produced by cells called cnidocytes), that are used to catch prey
or for defense. (These structures, also known as cnidae are common to all
animals in the phylum Cnidaria.) Cnidocysts are tiny capsules filled with a
combination of toxins and enzymes that either are triggered, largely by
mechanical pressure, to evert a long, spined tube that either penetrates or
entangles the prey, making it easier to capture and move to the mouth. In some
species of jellyfish, the outer surface of the bell is also sprinkled with
cnidocysts, which may have either protective or prey-capturing roles.
The digestive system of most jellyfish includes a short stomach or gut (called
the manubrium) above the mouth, which then opens into a system of thin canals
that carry nutrients around the bell. These radial canals are located on the
underside of the bell. They sometimes terminate in a ring canal that runs around
the bell margin, but that isn't present in some species. In many species, the
tentacles are hollow and open to the canal system for further circulation of
nutrients. Waste materials are voided back out through the mouth, usually in a
loosely compacted bolus.
Different species of jellyfish have different innate buoyancies, so when they
are not swimming, some hang neutrally in the water, while others slowly sink
when passive; a few float. Although a few of the largest jellyfish are strong
swimmers, jellyfish are subject to the oceans currents, tides and waves for
their large-scale movements. Animals in the sea whose movements are determined
by these oceans currents are called plankton. In contrast, fish, marine mammals,
squid, and a few other strong swimmers who can move beyond where natural ocean
forces carry them are called nekton.
Jellyfish are carnivores, feeding on a wide variety of small ocean organisms,
including zooplankton, small fish, and often, other jellyfish. Most jellyfish
are passive drifters and/or slow swimmers. They move so as to create a local
current forcing nearby prey within reach of their tentacles or oral arms, which
then ensnare and paralyze the prey with their venomous cnidocysts, and bring the
prey to the mouth. Some species digest prey within folds of the long trailing
oral arms.
Jellyfish lack basic sensory organs and a brain, but their nervous systems and
rhopalia allow them to perceive stimuli, such as light and odour, and respond
quickly. The body of an adult is made up of 94–98% water. The bell consists of a
layer of epidermis, gastrodermis, and a thick, intervening layer called mesoglea
that produces most of the jelly. Some jellyfish, including the edible group
known as the Rhizostomeae, have very thick, stiff, almost cartilaginous jelly,
whereas other species are very soft and floppy. Most species are approximately
the consistency of cold Jell-O (clear dessert gelatin).
Jellyfish are an important source of food to the Chinese community and in many
Asian countries. Only scyphozoan jellyfish belonging to the order Rhizostomeae
are harvested for food; about 12 of the approximately 85 known species of
Rhizostomeae are being harvested and sold on international markets.
Flavour |
Mild |
Oiliness |
Low |
Moisture |
Dry |
Texture |
Firm |
Flesh Colour
White to Creamy |
Price |
These are low-priced. |
Edibility |
Dried and salted |
Nutrition Facts for Jelly Fish
(Based on 100g of Raw Product) |
Kilojoules |
151.2 (36 calories) |
Cholesterol |
5mg |
Sodium |
9690mg |
Total Fat (Oil) |
1.0g |
Saturated Fat |
0g |
Monounsaturated Fat |
- |
Polyunsaturated Fat |
- |
Protein |
6 g |
Iron |
12% |
Commercial Jellyfish Fisheries in
South East Asia - Commercial Jellyfish Fisheries in South East Asia.
A few large jellyfish species in the order Rhizostomeae
constitute an important food in Chinese cooking. For more than 1700 years, they
have been exploited along the coasts of China. Such jellyfish became an
important fishery commodity of Southeast Asian countries in the 1970's with
increasing demand from the Japanese market. Recently, Japan has imported
5400-10,000 tons of jellyfish products per year, valued at about 25.5 million US
dollars, annually from the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,
Singapore and Myanmar. Judging from the type names at market and the external
appearance of the semi-dried products, the edible jellyfish harvest in Southeast
Asia is composed of more than 8 species. They are caught by various kinds of
fishing gear including set nets, drift nets, hand nets, scoop nets, beach seines
and hooks. The fishery is characterized by large fluctuations of the annual
catch and a short fishing season that is restricted from two to four months. The
average annual catch of jellyfish between 1988 and 1999 in Southeast Asia is
estimated to be about 169,000 metric tons in wet weight and the worldwide catch
is approximately 321,000 metric tons. Needs for future study on the biology of
rhizostome jellyfish are discussed as they relate to understanding population
Jelly Fish Links
South Carolina Dept. Natural Resources Jelly Fish Information - Diagrams
and text show the anatomy of the
jellyfish and its
lifecycle, as well as several common species. From the South Carolina Department
of Natural
Research on JELLYFISH - From FRDC
Jelly Fish Recipes
Jelly Fish Recipes from Food Downunder
US Food & Drug Administration:
In the past the EU has accepted and used the FDA list of approved seafood
establishments for acceptance of U.S. seafood shipments. However, due to a
change in EU legislation, the EU began maintaining their own Official List of
approved establishments. This has resulted in two separate (and different)
See Also
Exporters of Jelly Fish |
Importers of Jelly Fish |
Processors of Jelly Fish |
Wholesale Suppliers of Jelly Fish
Seafood Agents for Jelly Fish