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Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises is one of the vibrant seafood exporters in Pakistan with HACCP, ISO 9001, UKAS, FDA & Halal certification. We have been contributing in the seafood industry for almost 40 years with our own 2 processing plants in heart of Karachi Fish Harbor. Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises provides a wide range of seafood products including: sea white shrimps, PUD, PND, rock lobster, silver pomfret, black pomfret, lady fish, sting ray, cuttle fish, loligo squid, Indian mackerel, sole fish, croaker (silver, yellow & Tiger Tooth), eel fish, grey mullet, Indian oil sardine and many more on demand.

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Bait Suppliers - Companies who supply Fishing Bait products to commercial fishermen and wholesale suppliers of Bait product to tackle stores.


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Retail Seafood Suppliers - Companies who supply fish and seafood products to Retail Seafood Outlets.


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See Also:  Sea-Ex Seafood & Fish Industry Contacts Canada

Seafood Canada - below find fish & seafood companies in Canada. This list shows the company name and summary of their products and activities. Canadian Seafood companies listed include seafood exporters & sellers, seafood buyers & importers, fish processors, fish producers, aquaculture fish farms, seafood wholesalers & distributors, seafood buyers agents and fish traders etc. Click on the seafood company name for their full contact details, fish & sea food products and information about the company.


Quality Seafood Source
- Sourcing quality product at competitive prices. Our fish is sustainably caught in the Pacific waters, and is provided fresh-frozen to our customers. Salmon - Sockeye, Chinook, Chum, Coho, Pink and Steelhead. Groundfish - Black Cod, Pacific Cod, Alaska Pollock, Hake | Whiting, Haddock. Flatfish - Arrowtooth Flounder, Starry Flounder, Dover Sole, Flathead Sole, Rock Sole, English Sole, Yellowfin Sole, Alaska Plaice, Pacific Sanddab. Redfish & Rockfish - Pacific Ocean Perch, Rougheye Rockfish, Yellowmouth Rockfish, Redstripe Rockfish, Idiot Fish (Shortspine Thornyhead), Yellowtail Rockfish, Widow Rockfish, Silvergray Rockfish, Dark Blotched Rockfish. Crustaceans - Spot Prawn, Northern Shrimp, Sidestripe Shrimp, Humpback Shrimp, Brown Rock Crab, Dungeness Crab, King Crab, Snow Crab. Roe & Ikura - Sockeye Salmon, Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon.



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Seafood Companies in Canada:

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- Acosa is an online marketplace based in Canada that exports tuna - Bluefin, Bigeye, Tuna Loins, Yellowfin, lobster - cooked & green, scallops, crab - Rock Crab, Snow Crab, oysters, clams, roe and groundfish - Halibut, Haddock, Cod, Pollock.

AGE Lobster Inc.
- We are a live lobster wholesale company, located in Lobster Capital of Canada; Barrington, Nova Scotia. We are able to provide lobsters year round by keeping them in individual trays with refrigerated water. We ship live lobsters worldwide and guarantee low prices for high quality lobsters.

Aqualine Seafoods Ltd
- Producers, processors and exporters of fresh groundfish - fillets & w/r rockfish, POP, sole, ling cod, cod and frozen hake whiting, sablefish, black cod, sardines, salmon, roe, arrowtooth flounder, sole, rockfish.

Aquaterra Organic Select Fine Foods
- We offer the public the finest in seafood delivered right to your home or office. Most products are vacuum sealed, offering the consumer the freshest frozen products available.

Beothic Fish Processors Limited
- groundfish, such as cod, Greenland turbot, flounder, halibut, grenadier, redfish, catfish, and skate. Shellfish, including snow crab, rock crab, Atlantic crab, whelk and squid. Pelagics, including capelin, herring, mackerel, and smelt.

Bida Enterprise Inc.
- We are focused on providing Seafood mainly harvested in the Atlantic Ocean off East Coast Canada: Live lobster, Raw Lobster Tail, Scallop, Oyster, Snow Crab, Clams and more. In addition, we supply the high quality farmed fresh Atlantic Salmon from Vancouver.

Borissov Dmitri Consulting Inc.
- Our company Borissov Consulting Inc (incorporated in Vancouver, BC, Canada) helps Russian Companies export products. At present, Russian Sea Products companies are creating a plan for 2020 year to export next products: Wild Salmon (Chum Salmon, Pink Salmon, Trout), Halibut (Atlantic, Greenland), Mackerel, Sea Scallop, Crab, Herring

Breakers Fish Company Ltd
- We process both fresh and frozen "wild" and "sustainable" only products, we deal direct with fishermen. sole, cod, rock fish, snapper, ling cod, halibut, black cod (sable fish) salmon; coho, kings, sockeye, pinks, chums (Keta), hake

Breakers Fish Co. (N.S.) Ltd
- Producers & Exports Pacific Hake HGT, Pacific Sardines, Rockfish and Wild Salmon, As well is an exporter of Atlantic Mackerel, Herring, Silver Smelts, Capelin, Cod, Pollock, Shellfish and Squid.

Breakwater Fisheries Limited
- Breakwater operates fish processing facilities in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. The principal products produced for export are Snow Crab (Opilio), Capelin and Mackerel.

Broadway Fish Market
- Wholesaler and retailer of over 500 fresh and frozen seafood products Canadian and Japanese Species.

Canadian Fish Guys
- Manitoba Freshwater Fish available for export from the cool clean waters of Manitoba Canada, Fresh or Frozen. Walleye (Sander Vitreus), Lake Whitefish (Coregonus Clupeaformis), Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens), Sauger (Sander Canadensis), Cisco/Herring (Coregonus Artedi), Northern Pike (Esox Lucius), White Mullet (Catostomus Commersonii), White Bass ( Morone Chrysops).

Canadian Seafoodlink
- A seafood consultant and trader that exports premium quality seafoods both fish and shell fish.  We work closely with processors and fishers to bring the best seafood to our customers, Lobster, Snow Crab, mackerel, herring, herring flaps, capelin, salmon heads, cod, albacore

Carry Away Ent.
- We carry live Canadian lobster, frozen raw/cooked Canadian lobster (Homarus americanus), live geoduck, live Dungeness crab, live scallop (season), live sea urchin (season), frozen Pollock/cod (Canadian east coast fishes), frozen cooked snow crab legs, dry Canadian east coast sea cucumber (cucumaria frondosa) , live spot prawn (season). We also carry through our affiliates worldwide: live spiny lobster (Caribbean), frozen raw spiny lobster (Caribbean), dry sea cucumber- black teat/white teat/sandfish/mexicano (Caribbean), glass eel (Canada/USA/ Caribbean), spiny lobster tails vannamei /grass shrimp (Vietnam - 30 containers/month), basa fillets / baby squid (Vietnam), vannamei - Ecuador, pink shrimp - Argentina, live king crab (Norway/ Korea), frozen king crab legs (soviet), live conch (USA), live marble eel (Vietnam), live mantis shrimp (Vietnam), live soon hock-goby (Vietnam), live brown crab (France), live turbot (France)

Cascumpec Bay Oyster Co. Ltd.
- We are a family run and boutique style oyster company located on Prince Edward Island on Canada’s Atlantic Coast. We commit to growing and packing oysters of the finest quality in a safe and sustainable way, and work with other nearby growers with the same commitments to bring their product to market. Cascumpec Bay Oyster Company works with federal and provincial agencies to ensure we meet and exceed food safety standards. We operate under the Quality Management Program, follow the strict HACCP guidelines and are regularly audited by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, so you can rest assured our oysters are handled carefully and safely both in the packing plant and on our leases.

Chad Brown Seafoods Inc.
- Buying directly from the fishing boats, so all the seafood is fresh. Lobster, Scallop, Sea Urchin, Periwinkles, Sea Cucumber, Ground fish, and Soft shell Clams.

Coastal Bay Seafoods Ltd
- Canadian fish exporter. Licensed to import as well. License to export caviar. Fresh and frozen salmon, albacore tuna, halibut, black cod, sablefish, Arctic char, spot shrimp, smoked products, Salmon Roe/Caviar, Sturgeon and Paddlefish Caviar

Coldfish Seafoods Co Inc
- Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers of Spot Prawns, Albacore Tuna, Tuna Loins, Tuna Tataki, Halibut, Black Cod, Salmon - Springs/Kings, Sockeye, Pinks, Coho, Dungeness Crab, Geoduck

Confederation Cove Mussel Co. Ltd.
- Processors or live Prince Edward Island Rope Cultured Mussels.

CTLE Seafood, Inc.
We are a frozen seafood company established since 2005 in Canada, however, seafood business goes back in our family since 1970s. Today we have our own cooperation and partnerships in various parts of world. Some of the following species we supply are: Atlantic Cod, Atlantic Mackerel, Haddock, Red Fish, Saithe, Greenland Halibut, Capelin, Atlantic Salmon, Chum Salmon, Pink Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Salmon Trout, California Squid, Illex Squid, Loligo Squid, Giant Squid, Leather Jacket, Yellowtail Scad, Red Big Eye Scad, King Fish, Grouper, Silver Pomfret, Whelk, Brown Crab, King Crab, Cuttlefish, Black Cod, Chilean Seabass, Red Snapper, Ribbonfish, Vannamei Shrimps, Argentine Red Shrimp and various other products.

Fisherman's Market International Inc.
- Worldwide exporters of live Lobster and seafood from the Canadian North Atlantic Ocean. Cod, Haddock, Sole, Pollock, Hake, Cusk, Salmon, Halibut, Shark, Swordfish, Tuna, Live Lobster (Homarus americanus), Oysters, Clams, Mussels

G-Star Exports
- We are one of the best seafood exporter in Canada. We specialized in Geoducks, Clams, Sea urchin, Sea Cucumber and Oysters. We have special relationships with Farms and Fishermen in BC. When you buy from us, you buy direct.

Global Ocean Products Inc.
- we are in business since 1971 importing and exporting a variety of products. Frozen Product: lobster tails, scampi tails (nephrops species or metanephrops) cut blue swimming crab, slipper tails and Asian frozen fish

Gold River Seafood Ltd
- We are Processors, wholesalers, Importer, & Exporters of Live, Fresh & Frozen Fish, from the clean waters of Canada including Atlantic salmon, sockeye, Albacore Tuna, pollock, Dover sole, arrowtooth flounder

Harbour View Fisheries
- Bait suppliers from this location since the 1930's - Mackerel, herring, flounder, redfish

High Tide Fisheries
- We buy live Atlantic lobsters direct from boats and ship by air. We also deal in Frozen Atlantic Lobster, Frozen Crab, Oysters, Mussels, Herring, Herring Roe.

- A global food procurement company based in Montreal, Canada. We supply a wide range of high-quality products sourced from worldwide suppliers at the best prices. Horse Mackerel, Chub Mackerel, Yellow Croakers, Yellow Tails Scad, Barracuda, Mullet, Cat Fish, Pageot, Tilapia, Pacu, Pangasius

Kent County Lobster Trap Inc
- Suppliers and exporters of live lobster (Homarus americanus)

Krill Canada Sales Corp.
- Supplying fresh frozen & dried krill - Euphausia Superba, Euphausia Pacifica and Mysis Relicta, also krill oil, and freeze dried krill.

Inter-Canada Fisheries
- Specialized in the import and distribution of squid, octopus, cuttlefish, sea bass, fresh Caribbean snappers, lobster tails, scampi, black cod, and more. 

Laraib Trading International
- We are actively involved in Frozen vegetable, frozen fruits and Seafood. Currently we are looking for reliable suppliers of Sea Cucumbers, Shark fins, and Sea maws.

Libra International Inc.
- Exporters of Atlantic Salmon, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Pacific Hake, Sea Cucumber, Frigate Tuna Mackerel, Silver Hake Hubbsi, Octopus Vulgaris, Butterfish, Moonfish, etc

Lions Gate Fisheries Ltd
- Pacific Halibut, Halibut Fillets, Wild Salmon " Chinooks, Chums, Pink, Sockeye & Coho" Farmed Chinook Salmon, Rock Fish Fillets, Sole Fillets, Turbot, Hake Pollock, Black Cod, Pacific Sardines, Black Cod, Dungeness Crabs, Shrimp meat, Oysters, 

MAAK Enterprises Ltd
- Buyer of large quantity of Seafood from around the Globe - hake, whiting, salmon, tilapia, pollock, snapper, halibut, cod arrowtooth, croaker, breaded hake fillets.

Mac's Oysters Ltd
- Established in 1947 Mac's Oysters farms over 250 of intertidal and deep water leases producing several brands of Pacific Oysters (crassostrea gigas) and manila clam (tapes philipinarum, tapes japonica) which we pack and ship to domestic and export markets. 

- Exporters and retailers of Frozen Canadian Atlantic mackerel 2-4;3-5

Marine Harvest Canada
- produces and processes 45,000 tonnes of fresh farmed Atlantic salmon in the waters off British Columbia Canada.

Mariner Seafoods International
- Mariner Seafoods International is the exclusive sales representative for the Canadian FV Osprey No.1. We're able to offer approximately 7000 mt MSC Certified sea frozen HGT Pacific Hake (Merluccius productus) and 3000 mt sea frozen HGT Arrowtooth Flounder (Reinhardtius stomias) annually.

Mersey Point Fish Products Ltd.
- Producers of smoked products, marinated seafood products and salted herring.

Native Harvest (Atlantic) Seafood
- We manage and advise on fisheries matters as well as represent several companies in their seafood distribution. Soft shell clams, haddock, halibut, lobster, mackerel, periwinkles, salmon, swordfish, tuna, urchin, Atlantic Canada clam chowder, bar clams, fish cakes, snow crab portions, scallops, sea cucumber.

North Delta Seafoods Ltd.
- Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii pallasii, Spot Prawns (pandalus playvceros), Pacific Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific Sardine (sardinops sagax), ALbacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga), Pacific Hake (Merluccius productus) Pacific Salmon (oncorhynchus keta, nerka & gorbuscha), Pacific Salmon Caviar (Oncorhynchus keta), Sablefish/blackcod (anaplopoma fimbria)

Ocean Island
- We are supplying and manufacturing dried sea cucumber from Haiti (holothuria Mexicana) since 2012.

Ocean Trawlers Ltd
- We process fresh haddock, cod, redfish, halibut, dogfish and slack salted pollock and haddock. We also have live periwinkles and buy St. Mary's bay lobsters directly from the fishing boats.

Okeover Organic Oysters
- Shellfish grown by a couple of guys who care. Committed to farming sustainable high-quality Pacific oysters and Manila clams. Our Eco-friendly, low impact approach to growing & locality within 100 miles of Vancouver and Whistler make us a great local choice.

110 Impex
- Wholesaler of Lobster and shrimp from the Caribbean and shrimp from Cuba to anywhere in the World.

Partner Seafood, Inc.
- Leading Canadian frozen fish and seafood supplier. Snow Crab, Turbot, Mackerel, Herring, Capelin, Hake

Pearlmark Foods
- Exporters and importers. We sell a variety of products from Eastern Canada.  Some of the products we sell are Grey sole (Witch Flounder), Greenland Halibut, Skate Wings, Monkfish and Lobster products. 

Penney Winkle Fisheries
- Atlantic Canadian company specializing in Live Atlantic Periwinkles. We harvest off our shores and export.

PMU Corp
- We export to EU, Asia, USA and South America - cod, halibut, shrimp, skate, mackerel, arrowtooth flounder, hake, sole, sardine, minced fish feed.

Prosperity Seafoods Corp
- Aquaculture producers, processors, exporters and wholesale suppliers of Oysters, Geoduck, Salmon, Kwakwala oysters, Manila Clam, Clam, Savory Clam, Littleneck Clam, live scallops, scallops, spot prawns, rock fish, black cod, surf clam.

Providence Seafoods Inc.
- Established supplier/ wholesaler of various crab products with 15 + years on North American market. Strong business relations with producers of bulk King/ Snow crab clusters/ legs. Chionoecetes angulatus, Chionoecetes bairdi,  Chionoecetes opilio,  Chionoecetes japonicus, Paralithodes camtschaticus, Paralithodes platypus, Lithodes aequispinus.

R J King Fisheries Ltd
- Producers and fishermen since 1974 of Cooked and frozen at sea Pandalus borealis.

Richwin Holdings
- Specialising in exporting to Asia, squid loligo, illex, Humboldt, Greenland halibut, capelin, arrowtooth flounder, whelk, mackerel, cold water shrimp

Right Source Food International Inc.
- Export & import seafood all over the world, we have our own plant in China for process. Frozen Greenland halibut, whelk, haddock fillet, cod fillet.

Rio Import & Export Ltd
- We are Importers and Exporters of Fresh and Frozen Seafood products on an international basis. Rio is a leading supplier of bait and bait products to the Lobster, Crab and groundfish plants and fishermen throughout Atlantic Canada.

RobinUniversal Corp.
- We are a Canadian, trading and processing company dealing with frozen fish caught either in the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. Halibut, flounder, plaice, whiting, sardines, capelin, hake, redfish, cod, smelt, shrimps, herring, mackerel, carp, lobster, snow crab.

Rocky Bait Line
- We are a Family Owned and Operated Wholesale Company that supplies and with delivery or shipping our products to Retail sporting good locations, Recreational businesses bait shops and campgrounds. We specialize in and carry year-round supplies of bait - Fresh Live Worms, Night crawlers, Nitro-Glow, Trout Worms, Mealworms, Maggots, Leeches, Live Leeches, Frozen Minnow, Salted Frozen Minnow, Anchovies, Sardines Smelts, Herring, Shrimp, Preserved Baits, Cured Baits, Tackle, Custom Lures, as well as Outdoor Seasonal products and Novelty goods.

Ru-Can Enterprises Ltd.
- Exporters of Arctic Char, butterfish, capelin, cockles, cod, snow crab, eels, flounder, grey sole, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, lumpfish roe, mackerel, monkfish, ocean perch, pollock, salmon, salmon trout, scallops, sea bass, shad, shrimp, silversides, skate, smelt, sole, sprats, squid, sturgeon, surf clam, turbot.

San-Can Fisheries Ltd
- Celebrating 25 years of exporting and importing frozen seafood in the international market place. The majority of the products that we offer are of Canadian ,Norwegian and US origin. Atlantic Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Capelin, Capelin Roe, Snow Crab, Lobsters, Pre-cooked vac pac "organic" blue mussels in shell, Shrimp, Whelk in shell, Cod - Atlantic & Pacific, Greenland halibut, Haddock, Saithe, Pollock, Hake, Redfish, Dover sole, Salmon bellies, heads, backs, HOG, Sea Cucumber, Sardines, Dogfish, Squid, Salmon: Atlantic, Pink, Coho, Chum, Troll, Sockeye, Arrowtooth, Bait

Saul Trading Ltd
- Exporters, Importers and wholesalers of White sturgeon caviar

Sea Agra Seafood Ltd.
- We’re a seafood firm that connects people with high quality product straight from the source. Premium quality wild-caught BC Sockeye, Chinook | King, Coho, Chum and Pink Salmon. Natural, fresh and from one of the world’s most famous fishing grounds: the mighty Fraser River. Cultured Sablefish. Certified organic white sturgeon meat. Farmed Canadian Atlantic Salmon. Farmed Steelhead Salmon, Wild King Shrimp, Wild Pacific Shrimp, Wild Albacore Tuna, Wild Spot Prawns.

Seafood Connections
- Frozen large quantity seafood suppliers from Halifax. Atlantic mackerel, capelin, Greenland halibut ( h&g, HGT), redfish (Sebastes mentella), lobster ( tails, whole cooked, whole raw), snow crab, rock crab , cold water shrimp, scallops (Canadian, Japanese & Peruvian), whelk, grey sole (small flounder) & some extra products as well such as live lobster and mussels.

Shediac Fresh Seafood Inc.
- We supply live, frozen, processed meat lobster. For Canada we supply Snow Crab, Scallops, Shrimp and Oysters in addition to all the lobster products on the market. Our products are from the Atlantic Provinces of Canada and reputed for excellent quality.

Smokey Bay Seafood Company Ltd. 
- Smokey Bay Seafood is a trading company based in Washington State, USA and British Columbia, Canada. We sell and export a range of seafood items, such as - LIVE PRODUCT: Live Wild Dungeness Crab, Live Wild Geoduck Clam, Live Farmed Manila Clams, Live Wild Red Sea Urchin, Live Wild American Mussels. FRESH PRODUCT: Fresh Farmed Sablefish, Fresh Farmed Atlantic Salmon, Organic Premium White Sturgeon, Fresh Wild Sockeye Salmon, Fresh Wild Sea Urchin | Uni, Fresh Wild Pacific Halibut, Fresh Wild Patagonian Chinook | King Salmon. FROZEN PRODUCT: Frozen Cooked Whelk Meat, Frozen Wild Argentine Shrimp | Langostino, Frozen Wild Black Cod Steak, Frozen Wild Snow Crab, Frozen Wild Ikura | Salmon Caviar, Frozen Canadian Lobster, Frozen Wild Spot Prawn, Frozen Wild Sea Scallops, Frozen Wild Black Cod, Wild Pacific Salmon. AQUAFEED: Superba Krill, Pacifica Krill, Frozen Artemia Biomass, Frozen California Market Squid, Black Soldier Fly Larvae Whole, powder and Oil

Target Marine Hatcheries
- Producers and suppliers of Northern Divine Caviar from White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus. Certified Organic and Sustainable. Also Sturgeon meat. Loins, Bullets, Heads, Fins, Tails, vesiga, liver, swim bladder

TFC Inc. (Seafood Brokerage)
- Import, Export Fisheries Consulting and Procurement

The Seafood Club
- Wholesale seafood club fresh sockeye salmon, red spring salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, black cod, smoked cod, cod, sole, salmon lox and halibut.

Toronto Starlit Business Import-Export Ltd
We are a Canadian trading company, established in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, since 1997. Our major expertise is in the Seafood Industry. In recent years, we have expanded our lines of business in the Agriculture Industry to include natural organic food products. We are importing from overseas and distributing on the local market. At the same time, our company provides consulting services, brokerage and representation to foreign companies, interested in launching new products in Canada. Smoked Seafood Products: Sardines, Anchovies, Salmon and Trout. Value Added Products: Canned, salted, smoked, marinated anchovies and mackerel

Vatco Corporation
- International food broker, importer and agent serving Canadian food distributors - canned tuna, canned sardines, canned mackerel, canned seafood...



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