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Trading Chile
Contact Name |
Andres Miranda Cueto |
Company Position |
Director Gerente |
Address |
Dr. Roberto Del Rio 1625 Oficina 604 |
Address Cont. |
- |
City |
Santiago |
State |
Region Metropolitana |
Postal (Zip) Code |
- |
Country |
Tel |
+56 2 494 7894 |
Mobile (Cell) Phone |
+56 791 37 968 |
Fax |
+56 2 494 7894 |
Skype |
alacalufetrading1 |
Email |
Website |
- |
Alacalufe Trading . es una empresa mayorista de productos del mar
somos independientes contamos con planta y flota propia estamos ubicados
en la XIª region austral de la Patagonia Chilena donde se concentran
las aguas mas puras del planeta entre glaciares y fiordos e islas
realizamos productos para terceros tanto fresco como congelados
nuestrras prinpicipales capturas son Chielean Seabass , merluza austral
, congrio dorado , loco , centolla , raya , pulpo eso son nuestros
pricipales productos de extraccion somos exportadores contando con todos
los estandares de calidad tanto parusa FDA - CU - ESTAMOS INSERTO EN EL
HACCP - Y TRAZABILIDAD .We are a Company Exporter and commercial of
products of the sea, properly constituted with arrangement and
attachment to the active legislation of the Republic of Chile.
We are located at the beginning of the Chilean Patagonia, where the
continent begins to fragment generating a hundred of islands, fiords and
bays that preserve the reservation of purer waters of the world.
Fresh Product:
Chilean SeaBass , Merluza Austral , Congrio Dorado , mantarraya , Loco ,
Centolla , pulpo , albacora ,
CHILEAN SEA BASS (Dissostichus eleginoides)
SWORDFISH, ESPADON (Xiphias Gladius)
AUSTRAL HAKE (Merluccius australis)
GOLDEN KINGKLIP (Genypterus blacodes)
SALMO SALAR (Atlantic Salmon)
SKATE (Raja (diptures) chilensis)
KING CRAB (Lithodes Antarcticus)
RED SEA URCHIN (Loxechinus albus)
CHILEAN ABALONE (Concholepas concholepas)
OCTOPUS (Octopus vulgaris)
Frozen Product:
Chilean SeaBass , Merluza Austral , Congrio Dorado , Mantarraya , Loco ,
Centolla , Pulpo , Albacora
CHILEAN SEA BASS (Dissostichus eleginoides)
SWORDFISH, ESPADON (Xiphias Gladius)
AUSTRAL HAKE (Merluccius australis)
GOLDEN KINGKLIP (Genypterus blacodes)
SALMO SALAR (Atlantic Salmon)
SKATE (Raja (diptures) chilensis)
KING CRAB (Lithodes Antarcticus)
RED SEA URCHIN (Loxechinus albus)
CHILEAN ABALONE (Concholepas concholepas)
OCTOPUS (Octopus vulgaris)
Value Added Product:
Cocochas de Merluzas
carne de centolla
pasta de erizo
linea d enbutidos de nuestros productos tales como "salchichas apanados
, pastas de mariscos , crema de pescado en pote productos marinados de
nuestras producciones "
Brand Names:
navegante , alacalufe , Fmm .
certificacion FDA
certificacion CEE
certificacion ISO
vertificacion HACCEP
Trading Safety
- Unfortunately, there are people who are dishonest and
internet scams abound. While Sea-Ex & Trade-Seafood
endeavour to check the company details that are listed, we
recommend the following precautions are taken when dealing
with a company:
- Ask the business you
plan to trade with for business references and CHECK
- Use a payment method
that offers better protection for all such as Letters of
credit and VERIFIED professional escrow services.
Avoid payments in advance such as money transfers. Be
wary if the seller only accepts wire transfers or cash.
- Do a search of the
company on the internet using the company website
address, their business name, phone and fax numbers, and
the email addresses provided to see if you can find any
feedback about the company.
- Ensure you understand
all terms and conditions of any agreement, including
Learn more about scams to
avoid or to make a complaint about a scam or fraud see:
Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center
Trade-Seafood & Sea-Ex
are NEVER involved in any transaction, and we do not handle
payments for orders, products or shipping, we DO NOT
guarantee transactions, provide escrow services, offer buyer
protection or seller certification.