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Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises is one of the vibrant seafood exporters in Pakistan with HACCP, ISO 9001, UKAS, FDA & Halal certification. We have been contributing in the seafood industry for almost 40 years with our own 2 processing plants in heart of Karachi Fish Harbor. Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises provides a wide range of seafood products including: sea white shrimps, PUD, PND, rock lobster, silver pomfret, black pomfret, lady fish, sting ray, cuttle fish, loligo squid, Indian mackerel, sole fish, croaker (silver, yellow & Tiger Tooth), eel fish, grey mullet, Indian oil sardine and many more on demand.

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Bait Suppliers - Companies who supply Fishing Bait products to commercial fishermen and wholesale suppliers of Bait product to tackle stores.


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Retail Seafood Suppliers - Companies who supply fish and seafood products to Retail Seafood Outlets.


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See Also:  Sea-Ex Seafood & Fish Industry Contacts Estonia

Seafood Estonia - below find fish & seafood companies in Estonia. This list shows the company name and summary of their products and activities. Estonian Seafood companies listed include seafood exporters & sellers, seafood buyers & importers, fish processors, fish producers, aquaculture fish farms, seafood wholesalers & distributors, seafood buyers agents and fish traders etc. Click on the seafood company name for their full contact details, fish & sea food products and information about the company.

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Seafood Companies in Estonia:

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Alfa Fish
- Importers, exporters and suppliers to fish processing companies of Baltic Sprat, Baltic Herring, Pacific & Atlantic Herring, Scomber scombrus & scomber colias Mackerel, pike perch and Salmon products.


Baltrecord OÜ
- Producers, processors, wholesalers and exporters of Baltic sprats (sprattus sprattus), salted sprats, Baltic herring (clupea harengus membras) and frozen smelt (osmerus eperlanus)


Cargotrade Ltd
- Producers, exporters and wholesalers of fresh frozen fish, such as a Spratt (Sprattus Sprattus Balticus), fresh frozen, WR for production purpose (II-nd grade) & I-st grade and also the Baltic Herring (Clupea Harengus Membras)


Itil Trading Ltd
- Our company offers caviar of sturgeon fishes to sale. Container: 1000grs:Tin can, 500grs :Tin can, 1 OZ : Glass jar, Self Life 150 day


Läätsa Kalatööstus Ltd
- Production and sale of of frozen sprat and Baltic herring, as well as spiced sprat and unpeeled prawns (Pandalus Borealis).


Mariso Seafood OÜ
- Import and distribute premium quality seafood products in Europe region as well as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Our product quality is sustainable and accepted by EU authority. Specialize in Tuna, Oilfish, Marlin, Mahi, Swordfish, Wahoo. We also do trading for other kind of fish Pangasius, tilapia, red snapper, barramundi, parrot fish which origin in Vietnam.


Omul-Fot OU
- Producers, exporters and wholesalers of frozen fish: Baltic Sprats (sprattus sprattus balticus), Baltic Herring (clupea harengus membras), Bream (Abramis brama), Roach (Rutilus Rutilus), Dab(Limanda limanda), Salmon Bellies Flaps, Salmon Backbones, Mackerel (scomber scombrus), Feed for Tuna.


OÜ Shark Seafoods
- We are frozen seafood trading company from Estonia. Products: Bream (Abramis Brama), Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Baltic herring, (Clupea harengus membras), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Salmon trout, (Onchorhynchus mykiss), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), Peruvian Hake (Merluza gayi peruanus), Oil fish (escolar) (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum), Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus), Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Sardinella (Sardinella aurita).


Saare Fishexport OÜ
- Our company is one of the biggest catchers and producers in Estonia. Our main products are: Baltic sprat (sprattus sprattus balticus), Baltic herring (clupea harengus membras) and coldwater shrimps (Pandalus borealis).


Subland OÜ
- We are looking for Black cod, Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), Chilean seabass, Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), squid tubes, squid rings, whole cuttlefish, oilfish, mussel meat, half shell mussel, New-Zealand green mussel, Vannamei shrimp, Black tiger shrimp, flower shaped baby octopus.


- UAFG OÜ is an intensively growing Estonian company. We mainly offer fresh fish from Peipus Lake and nearest rivers: Pike-perch (Sander lucioperca), Perch (Perca fluviatilis), Pike (Esox lucius), Bream (Abramis brama), Vendace (Coregonus albula), Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Eel (Anguilla anguilla). We can offer filleting service and frozen or fresh fillets. There is smoked and dried fish in our range of products. We also offer Salmon (Salmo salar) and salmon products to our clients.





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